Complex numbers use to solve the definite integral | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Математика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №41 (175) октябрь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 11.10.2017

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Арзиева, С. И. Complex numbers use to solve the definite integral / С. И. Арзиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 41 (175). — С. 1-4. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

These article composite integrals to account we can use at complex numbers. It helps to solve voluntary composite kind of integrals. Complex numbers advantage for technics branches: electric energetic, geology, engineering geology and others.

Keywords: integral, complex number, binomial differential, function

In many industries, such as heavy, mining and concentrating production equipment, gear wheels are widely used in the manufacture of drive units. Given the specific scale of production in these industries, the cogwheels are produced in single specimens or in small series. In connection with this, their manufacture takes place with the use of metalworking equipment with manual control, which causes a large number of transitions during turning and on operations of gear milling. The greatest laboriousness in the production of such wheels is occupied by operations of gear milling.

At this article, we say about to solve nonspecific integral at the method of complex number.

According to binomial differential:

, . [1, p 93]



In this place,

Just at present, we need to find beneath integral:


So, advantage above:

We have found of -1 complex roots: [2, p 186]

These roots of equation equal below:

, , , .

It means that at ,

, .

Below we have found from this formula:

is odd function. So

We use from this formula as a result of:

So, we do to exchange, that is:

If we put in border:


Through complex numbers to work a few difficult, but mean this method helps to solve other integrals.


  1. G. N. Berman. “Problems of mathematical analysis”. Moscow 1985.
  2. Yo.U.Soatov. “Higher mathematics” part-2. Tashkent. “Teacher” 1994.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): общественная жизнь, общественное развитие, Управление, Альберта, Бухгалтерский словарь, государственная власть, коренное преобразование, общий смысл, школьная реформа, школьная система.

Ключевые слова

integral, complex number, binomial differential, function

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