Различные методы развития коммуникативной культуры будущих учителей английского языка | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Различные методы развития коммуникативной культуры будущих учителей английского языка / Д. Ю. Мутанова, К. М. Беркимбаев, Р. Е. Пралиева [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 42 (176). — С. 169-172. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/176/46041/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

В статье рассматриваются методы формирования коммуникативной культуры будущих учителей английского языка, существенные модели обучения, также анализирует уровни задач, отличает активные и пассивные диалоги пользователя с интерактивной окружающей средой программы и сравнивает традиционное обучение с интерактивным обучением.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная культура, модели обучения, интерактивная обучения, деятельности воспроизводства, деятельности интерпретации; творческая деятельность, методические принципы

This article deals with the methods of formation the communicative culture of future English language teachers’, the essential models of training, analyses the levels of tasks, distinguishes active and passive dialogues of the user with interactive program environment and compares traditional training with interactive training.

Key words: communicative culture, models of training, interactive training, activity of reproduction, activity of interpretation; creative activity, methodical principles

The modern ideas of mechanisms of development of a post-industrial civilization reflected in the plan of the nation for realization of five institutional reforms of "100 concrete steps» sounded by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, put forward problems of the advancing development of quality of communicatively conceiving experts possessing high professionalism and creative potential. [1]. In this regard the most important purpose of pedagogical education- improvement of abilities and needs of future teachers for development of communicative culture, formation of an orientation of the identity of future teacher on achievement of heights of professionalism — «communicative culture.

Integration of Kazakhstan into world educational space intensifies development of professional contacts with representatives of the foreign states and puts forward new requirements for graduaters.

Today creation of successful career without knowledge of English language is not possible, and this fact gives field for the communicative culture of future teacher of English language.

Obviously, in this situation foreign language becomes one of significant means of formation of communicative culture of future teachers of English language providing success of its pedagogical activity. Entry into modern living conditions demands dynamic development of languages of the world for their subsequent use in practical activity. The social importance of mastering future teachers English or several foreign languages is defined: language value as means of cross-cultural communication and as conditions for implementation of personal plans; the professional importance of application of foreign languages for self-improvement and increase of qualification.

Now the high level of proficiency in a foreign language is one of criteria by which the expert is estimated. Under existing conditions economic and world politics, Kazakhstan actively takes part in the world community and expands a circle of the international relations. These factors define increase of demand for training in foreign languages.

At the time of existence of the USSR the most popular method of training in a foreign language was the grammar-translation method or traditional method within which pupils were mainly trained in reading and transfer with the dictionary of foreign texts. In the course of use of this method formation of communicative skills was not the purpose of training [2,3]. Thus, communication of most of inhabitants of the Soviet Union in a foreign language was the extremely problematic, as in the course of learning of foreign language pupils did not master a foreign language, and received only theoretical information on its structure. Possession of attic rules and ability to translate foreign-language texts are insufficient conditions for successful communication in a foreign language. It resulted in need of revision of the purposes, tasks and contents of training in a foreign language, and also to change of methods of teaching and forms of control.

Recently the pedagogics began to interact with interdisciplinary sciences, expanding the interdisciplinary communications, and these changes caused emergence of the term «interactive training». The concept of an interaction was actually borrowed from sociology according to which categorical device, special devices or means which provide continuous interaction of the user with the computer in the form of dialogue are called interactive. There were interactive polls, programs on radio and television in which there are «alive» conversations with listeners or the audience.

The learner becomes a full participant of educational process, its experience is the main source of educational knowledge. The teacher, in its turn, plays the role of facilitator. He does not provide knowledge completely, but induces learner to independent search. In comparison with traditional training interaction of the teacher and listener serially changes in interactive training.

In a modern technique distinguish some models of training:

‒ passive when the pupil acts as «object» of training (listens and looks);

‒ active when the pupil acts as «subject» of training (independent work, creative tasks);

‒ interactive in which the pupil interacts not only with the teacher, but also with other students (inter (mutual), act (to work)).

Criterion of such classification is the level of interaction of participants of educational process. Passive model of training is the form of interaction of the teacher and student at which trained acts as object of educational activity while the teacher is the main character of occupation. Listeners do not interact with each other.

At these forms of occupations the teacher interacts with students by carrying out polls, control tasks and testings. From the point of view of modern pedagogical technologies and efficiency of digestion of material by students the passive model of training is ineffective. However it can possess positive characteristics, such as preparation, easy for the teacher, for occupation and opportunity to capture bigger quantity of a training material in the conditions of limited time frames.

Active model of training is the form of interaction of the teacher and student at which trained more becomes the subject of educational activity, actively interacts with the teacher during occupation. The student and the teacher have the equal rights. Active methods of training assume the use of such system as methodical methods of educational activity which is directed mainly, not on a statement by the teacher of ready knowledge and their reproduction, and on independent mastering students of knowledge in the course of vigorous cognitive activity [6].

There are various levels of activity, such as:

‒ activity of reproduction which is characterized aspiration of the trainee to remember, reproduce knowledge, to seize methods of application;

‒ activity of interpretation which is connected with aspiration the trainee to comprehend meaning studied, to establish connection, to seize methods of application of knowledge the changed conditions;

‒ creative activity assumes tendency the trainee to theoretical judgment of knowledge, independent search of the solution of problems, intensive manifestation of the informative interests [45, c.15].

The features of active training:

‒ compulsory activation of thinking, when trainee it is compelled to be active irrespective of the desire;

‒ rather long time of an involvement of trainees in educational process as their activity has to be steady and long;

‒ performance of the training as the subject;

‒ independent decision-making by the trained;

‒ increase of degree of motivation of trainees;

‒ continuous interaction of trainees and teachers [45, c.16].

It is possible to refer seminar occupation to this form of training, seminar debate and consultation. In these forms of education pupils show independence in the educational and informative activity of that deeper are result and the systematized knowledge.

Interactive model of training. “Interactive” means to interact, be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. Unlike active methods, interactive are focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on domination of activity of students in the course of training. The teacher's place on interactive occupations is reduced to activity of students on achievement of the objectives of occupation. The teacher also develops the plan of occupation.

Among the basic methodical principles of interactive approach to allocate to training in foreign languages the following:

‒ interactive communication in a foreign language for the purpose of acceptance and a producing authentic information, equally interesting for all participants, in the situation important for all;

‒ collaborate activity which h is characterized by interrelation of three objects: producer of information, recipient of information and situational context;

‒ change of a traditional role of the teacher in the educational process, transition to democratic style of communication;

‒ reflexive education, conscious and critical judgment of action, its motives, quality and results as from the teacher, and pupils. [8]

Some authors distinguish three interactive forms of interaction: interpersonal interactivity (interpersonal interactivity); information interactivity (informational interactivity) and human-computer interaction (human-computer interaction) in the information and communication environment.

It is meant the term «interpersonal interactivity» two directional interaction between people, during which recipient and the sender of messages can trade places and, staying in the active position and interest, can make the successful act communications. «Information interactivity» is aimed at receiving information and placement of any data, includes use the Internet of resources, a search of the data on keywords and other forms of interaction. «Interactivity of people computer» or interaction of the person with the computer is the area relating to interaction between the user and hardware-software providing the computer, for example, via such devices and means of interactions as mouse, keyboard, graphic interface, recognition of voice commands and other.

It is possible to refer technology of type to interpersonal interactivity «Person to person» which includes the following forms and methods of training:

‒ discovery conversation;

‒ discussion;

‒ «brainstorming»;

‒ roleplays;

‒ trainings;

‒ presentations;

‒ case-method;

‒ master classes and other.

Examples of interactive training with use of the computer are technologies by the principle of «human-machine» person. Use of informational and communication technologies (ICT), such as interactive boards, authentic and educational Internet resources, podcasts, viki-and blog-technologies, and also microblogs.

Now in connection with development of computer technologies and Internet opportunities, term «interactive training» even more often is used in relation to information technologies in order to remote education, use the Internet of resources and work in online mode. Thus, practically all students have opportunity to enter with each other interactive dialogue, written or oral, with the real partner in real time.

Distinguish active and passive dialogues of the user with interactive program environment. In active dialogue, user’s active mode of interaction from the interactive training established by the participants. Passive dialogue represents other mode of user’s interactions of the interactive training program. The initiative of conducting dialogue in this case belongs to the program user, demanding him acceptance of decisions, providing the additional information necessary for adoptions of adequate decisions. In passive dialogue the interactive training program environment provides the user with information messages, helps with comments, facilitating interaction with it. Inquiries to the user are under construction usually either in the form of the menu, or in the form of templates.

Thus, modern devices are useful in developing communicative culture of future English language teachers, providing with effective possibilities to use language communicatively. So, Interactive model of training can solve the problem in interacting with learners’6 facilitating them with an appropriate drills and make a natural language environment.


  1. Послание Президента Республики Казахстан Н. А. Назарбаева народу Казахстана «Новое десятилетие — новый экономический подъем — новые возможности Казахстана» 29 января 2010 г.
  2. Селиверстов В. В. Гуманистические доминанты личности в культуре. Автореф. дисс….канд. философ. наук, Самара., — 1995. — 18с.
  3. Сидоренко, Е. В. Тренинг коммуникативной компетентности в деловом взаимодействии [Текст] / Е. В. Сидоренко. — СПб.: Речь, 2003. — 208 с.
  4. Ильяева И. А. Общение как феномен культуры / автореф. дис…доктора филос. наук Воронеж. Издательствово Воронеж. ун-та. 1989. http://dlib.rsl.ru/viewer/01000291802#?page=1
  5. Смирнова Н. М. Педагогические условия повышения уровня культуры общения в студенческой среде. Автореф. дисс… канд. пед. наук. Н.Новгород. 2007. — 24с.
  6. Братченко С. Л. Диагностика личностно-развивающего потенциала: метод. пособие для школьных психологов / С. Л. Братченко. — Псков: Изд-во Псковского ИПК работников образования, 1997. — 68с.
  7. Трофимова Г. С. Педагогическая коммуникативная компетентность: теоретический и прикладные аспекты: монография. — Ижевск: УдГУ, 2012. — 116с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, USSR, Воронеж.

Ключевые слова

творческая деятельность, коммуникативная культура, методические принципы, модели обучения, интерактивная обучения, деятельности воспроизводства, деятельности интерпретации

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