В статье рассматривается проектная методика при обучении английскому языку. Предлагается пример проекта на тему «Здоровье и стресс».
Ключевые слова: проектная методика, познавательная деятельность, стресс, учебно-воспитательный процесс, сотрудничество
Эффективность урока иностранного языка зависит от профессионализма учителя. Использование нетрадиционных форм организации учебно-воспитательного процесса, в частности, проектной методики, способствует активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся, совершенствованию их умений работать в сотрудничестве, повышению интереса учащихся к предмету «Иностранный язык».
После прохождения темы «Healthy lifestyle» в 9 классе (учебник Английский язык: учеб. пособие для 9 кл. учреждений общ. сред. образования с рус. яз. обучения /Л. М. Лапицкая и др. — Мн., 2011. 294 С.) учитель может предложить учащимся выполнить проект по данной теме. Ниже представлен проект на тему «Здоровье и стресс».
Ex. 1 Readthetextaboutstress. Have you ever experienced such problems in your life?
Modern life is stressful. What is causing the stress? Many people try to get rid of the signs of stress instead of the cause. They may like sleeping pills or try to control the various signs in other ways. But the only satisfactory way of stopping stress is to find the cause of it. You may not be able to change the cause of the stress but understanding it will probably help.
It may be the death or illness of a friend, the loss of your job or money worries. And you can probably do nothing to change these.
It may be conflict inside yourself. Perhaps you feel you ought to do something but you don’t want to. You may have mixed feelings about someone or something and not know what to do. All you can do is try to examine yourself and what you feel is right. It may be helpful to talk to someone about it. It may be that you feel hopeless in a situation. Try to be realistic; make a list of all the characteristics of the situation and of yourself and then face the facts.
Perhaps you have several different problems. Try to see them separately and deal with them one by one. Perhaps you feel you have too much responsibility. Share some of it. Or just don’t do something. It is amazing how life can continue if we don’t do something, which we thought was very important.
It may be that you are acting in a way, which isn’t natural to you. This may be causing you stress. Is it worth it?
Perhaps you are stressed by fears you can’t identify. Do your best to decide whether they are real or not [1, c. 324].
Ex. 2 Here are some of the most common warning symptoms of stress. Have you ever experienced any of these symptoms? When and why?
- Feel constant irritability.
- Have difficulty in making decisions.
- Experience a feeling of having failed.
- Have difficulty in concentrating.
- Suffer from aches and pains.
- Suffer from lack of appetite.
- Have frequent indigestion or heartburn.
- Suffer from insomnia.
- Feel constant tiredness.
Ex. 3 Read these proverbs and sayings. Do they help to overcome stress?
- Tomorrow is another day.
- Be thankful for small mercies.
- Better late than never.
- It is better to give than to receive.
- A change is as good as a rest.
- It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
- Don’t beat your head against a brick wall.
- Don’t wish you were someone else.
- Don’t refuse to listen.
- Don’t look for trouble.
- Don’t stick your head in the sand.
- Don’t expect life to be fair.
- Don’t think it’s too late [1, c. 325].
Ex. 4 Look at the stress test below and examine each situation carefully. Tick the column which reflects your feelings about each situation. Work out your total stress score when you have completed the test.
0 no stress |
1 hardly any stress |
2 moderate stress |
3 high stress |
getting up early in the morning |
taking exams |
having a lot to do |
speaking in public |
being criticised |
the sight of blood |
traffic jams |
bad manners |
worrying about being ill |
meeting new people |
being short of money |
going to the dentist |
having to tell a lie |
living alone |
crowds |
travelling abroad |
not being able to sleep |
noise |
driving |
flying |
having trouble with colleagues at work |
being assertive |
1–20 ‒ You are very relaxed and can cope with most things. You’re used dealing with situations which most people find stressful.
21–40 ‒ Mild levels of stress are actually good for you. If you had a stress-free life, you would probably stop having fun. But you may find it difficult to face anything out of the ordinary.
41–60 ‒ This may be a warning that you need to reduce the stress you feel in everyday life. You’re used to living a fairly routine life and feel stress at the idea of something new. Be careful. Stress can be dangerous [2, c. 153].
Ex. 5 You are going to read amagazine article about how different people handle stress. Then write down your own techniques for coping with stress. Share them with your classmates.
How Icombat stress
Like every 15-year-old, I often feel under pressure about all sorts of things. I tend to be dissatisfied with my weight when I compare myself with girls who are taller and slimmer than me, but my mum points out that I am no different from the majority of my friends, who are really just as plump as I am. Another problem is schoolwork, and the end of term is a time when I get especially anxious because of exams. I have developed a range of strategies for periods when I have a lot to do and get really worked up. One of them is making a list of all the things that I have to get done, in order of importance. That way, I can plan my time better.
Being 16, my biggest cause of anxiety and stress is my future. I sometimes feel I shall never satisfy my parents, whose own professional success means that they expect me to do well in life. The only person who really understands me is my brother, and when we are together, we joke and talk about anything that makes us forget about our responsibilities. I have also joined a sports club, where I work out twice a week, and that has made a difference. After I have been to the gym, I find I am physically tired, but I have the mental energy to face the problems that seemed impossible to me earlier on.
While I am aware that being overweight is a health risk, I don’t get worried about my excess kilos or my appearance. Instead of just worrying about being fat, I go to keep fit classes, which is marvelous for reducing stress. Being active is not only good for losing weight but is also good for the circulation. I am not a fanatical weight-watcher. Although I try to keep to a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grain bread and milk [3, c. 25].
Ex. 6 What would you like to change in your life to make yourself healthier? Work out your plan. Present your poster.
Ex. 7 Sing the song " Forever young”.
Forever young |
Вечно молодой |
May God bless And keep you always, May your wishes all come true, May you always Do for others And let others do for you. May you build a ladder To the stars And climb on every rung, May you stay forever young, Forever young, forever young, May you stay forever young. May you grow up To be righteous, May you grow up to be true, May you always know the truth And see the lights surrounding you. May you always be courageous, Stand upright And be strong, May you stay forever young, Forever young, forever young, May you stay forever young. May your hands always be busy, May your feet always be swift, May you have a strong foundation When the winds of changes shift. May your heart always be joyful, May your song always be sung. May you stay forever young, Forever young, forever young, May you stay forever young. Bob Dylan. |
Да благословит И да хранит тебя вечно Господь. Пусть все твои желания исполнятся. Пусть окружающие Никогда не отталкивают тебя, И ты никогда не отталкивай людей. Пусть у тебя получится построить лестницу К звездам И преодолеть каждую ступеньку. Пусть ты останешься вечно молодым, Вечно молодым, вечно молодым, Пусть ты останешься вечно молодым. Пусть ты повзрослеешь И станешь справедливым, И станешь верным. Пусть всегда ты будешь знать истину И видеть свет вокруг себя. Пусть всегда ты будешь отважным, Пусть никогда не придется тебе согнуть спины, Пусть всегда ты будешь сильным. Пусть ты останешься вечно молодым, Вечно молодым, вечно молодым, Пусть ты останешься вечно молодым. Пусть всегда твои руки будут заняты делом, Пусть твои ноги всегда будут в движении. Пусть ты будешь крепко стоять на ногах, Когда подуют ветра перемен. Пусть всегда твое сердце будет полным радости, Пусть песнь твоя всегда звучит. Пусть ты останешься вечно молодым, Вечно молодым, вечно молодым, Пусть ты останешься вечно молодым. Автор перевода — Каратеев Валерий Петрович. |
- Седов Д. С. Сборник английских аутентичных текстов. 17 тем. — Мн., 2005. — 376 с.
- Фастовец Р. В. Практика английской речи. — Мн., 2006.
- Patrick McGavigan, John Reeves First Certificate Reading. — 1999.