Innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №50 (184) декабрь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 18.12.2017

Статья просмотрена: 104 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Керимбекова, М. Ж. Innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages / М. Ж. Керимбекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 50 (184). — С. 227-229. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

Modern society needs educated, skilled professionals, differing mobility, dynamism, constructive, true patriots of their country, respect the culture, scientific achievements and traditions of other countries and peoples. In this regard, the concept was approved humane socio — economic relations, where the main role is played by the modernization of Kazakh education. Focusing on humanistic ideals prioritizes the interests of the individual, creating an atmosphere of creative learning and providing general cultural development of students. The most important part of the educational process is the student — centered interaction with the student teacher, which requires a change of key trends, improving educational technologies. It is the study of foreign languages can be considered as one of the most important means of humanizing and humanization of education. In the information society, knowledge and skills become to have paramount importance in human life. To keep abreast of the world of science, we should study the primary sources in the language of the authors. Therefore, the increasing importance of foreign language, the demand for it had an impact on the content, objectives and dynamics of learning.

In the twenty-first century, the intensification and modernization of education requires the introduction of innovative technologies, which are aimed at nurturing the creative person in the intellectual and emotional dimension. These innovative technologies are developing training, planning, problem-based instruction, the level differentiation, the test system, game learning, immersion in a foreign culture, cooperative learning, self-education and autonomy, integration, and also — health, research, information — communication and personal — oriented technologies. With such a target set universal cognitive activities are one of the leading components of the educational standard. This is due to the fact that one of the components of the mental development of the child is his knowledge, implying the formation of the scientific world, the ability to manage their intellectual activities, learning methodologies, strategies, and methods of training, the development of representational, symbolic, logical and creative thinking, productive imagination, memory, attention and reflection. In this regard, the universal cognitive activities include:

– the work of extracting information;

– ability to navigate the system of knowledge and realize the need of new knowledge;

– the ability to make a preliminary selection of information sources to search for new knowledge.

Technology of problem-based learning involves independent decision of cognitive and creative tasks through a critical reinterpretation and enhancement of knowledge and skills, and allows you to realize the conditions of formation of students' cognitive universal action: the creation of an atmosphere of co-creation in communication, the inclusion of the child's emotional sphere, the personal interest of the student, the joint search for truth, self-assessment, self-correction, self-sufficiency.

One way to enhance students in learning a foreign language is the design (project method), when the student independently plans, creates, protects your project. That are involved in the process of communicative activity. Training project — a set of search, research, accounting, graphics and other types of work performed by the students themselves to practical or theoretical solution of a significant problem.

The main objectives of the project methodology are as follows:

1) self-expression and self- learners, increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of cognitive interest;

2) implementation in practice the acquired skills, language development, the ability to competently and convincingly present the test material, to lead the discussion controversy;

3) demonstrate the level of culture, education, and social maturity.

Types of projects:

1) role playing, dramatization, dramatization (fairy tales, television shows, festivals, musical performances, etc.)

2) research (studies, synthesis of scientific knowledge, historical, ecological, etc.)

3) creative(writing, translation, script, wall newspapers, etc.)

4) multimedia presentation.

Information and communication technologies are a powerful means of training, supervision and management of the teaching process, because — this is the most important parameter of contemporary socio — cultural system. Online Resources — familiar and convenient means of exploring the culture of other countries and peoples, communication, information, inexhaustible source of education. That is why, based on a systematic approach to the reform of the methods of teaching a foreign language with the use of new information technologies 6n the concept of information — learning environment, which is seen in close connection with the system of developmental education. Information — learning environment is a set of conditions that will not only let you create and develop language skills, abilities and skills, but also contribute to the development of the individual student.

Discovering Grammar through Authentic Texts. To help students discover grammar, you need to show them that they can discover grammar wherever they find language. Grammar work sheets and grammar textbooks have their place and their purposes, but their limitations are serious. One of these limitations is that work sheets and textbooks reinforce the students' notion that the sole source and authority for grammar comes from a book of rules and definitions. Although we all turn to reference books when we want to check on the acceptability of a word or a type of phrase, the ultimate resources for judgments of the social acceptability of any language are its literature and the way the language is used by influential groups in society. One of your strategies in teaching grammar can be to encourage students, when they ask «Is this word [or phrase] correct?" to think about whether they have seen it written in the literature and other professional writing they read. Another limitation of grammar work sheets and textbooks is that they usually present sentences in unnatural isolation, when in the real world sentences are rarely found standing by themselves. In conversations, and in texts of all kinds, sentences live in groups. The lesson for teachers is that we should teach grammar from authentic texts as much as possible. You can use the literature the students are reading, as well as newspapers and other texts, to demonstrate or teach almost any grammar lesson. You can also use the students' own writing to illustrate points of grammar to illustrate not just errors but effective grammar as well. Here are some lesson ideas that help students become better observers of the grammatical features of texts, including the ones they write.

Creation of Style Guides. Students can study a given text, such as a newspaper, in order to discover its patterns of grammar and usage. They look for its rules regarding the following: capitalization, paragraph length, organization of information in text, the writing of numbers in text, sentence completeness, sentence length, sentence styles, punctuation choices, such as the comma before the and in a series or the use of quotation marks or italics for titles, voice (active versus passive), use of contractions and abbreviations, beginning (or not beginning) a sentence with a coordinating conjunction, use of sexist or non-sexist language.

The «style guide» method is adaptable to all grade levels. Older students can find texts on their own and work individually or with others to write complete stylistic descriptions. They can formulate and explain such conclusions as their belief that a text is formal (e.g., lack of contractions, long sentences) or that language is non-sexist (e.g., absence of he to refer to human beings). With young children, you can give them texts in class and ask them to work with partners; they can look, for example, for words with capital letters and then try to describe the groups these words belong to (e.g., words at the beginning of sentences, names). The conclusions and generalizations that students try to formulate in such exercises are valuable experiences in critical thinking.

Comparison/Contrast. There are many opportunities for comparison/contrast activities in grammar instruction. You can ask students to study the grammatical differences between two texts about the same subject. The students could, for example, compare an owner's manual of a car to an advertiser's brochure or an article from a car magazine: What differences do we find in the textual layout? What words do we find in one but not the other? Which has the longest and the shortest sentences, on average? Which has the most conversational types of sentences? The greatest number of stylistic sentence fragments? When we ask students to write from one genre to another, we require them to compare and contrast grammatical choices. In going from a news article to a personal letter, for example, students need to adapt the language to the genre while keeping the content essentially the same. To make such an activity meaningful in terms of grammar instruction, students would not only write the information in another genre but also would then analyses why these changes were appropriate to a given genre. Such an assignment is a good opportunity to discuss the uses of the first-person pronouns and me and the second-person pronoun you in writing. When are those pronouns needed and appropriate in writing a letter? An essay? A report? The discussion familiarizes students with the terminology about pronouns and encourages them to think carefully about meaning and audience.

Poetry. Because poetry often uses grammatical structures that differ from ordinary speech, it offers opportunities to teach grammar. Students can look for words, phrases, and clauses that are not in the places they're usually found in sentences. They can discuss the poetic value of such placements, listening for how the placement affects emphasis, rhythm, and rhyme. They should be able to explain the emphasis and surprise expressed in poetic arrangement. You can ask students how we know that a piece of writing is a poem. What are the words and phrases that sound poetic? In answering, students discern the grammatical characteristics of not only poetic language but conversation as well.

Discussions of Student Writing. Select student-written sentences to share with the class. The sentences might be examples of smooth style, confusing writing, humor, beautiful description, ordinary error, effective punctuation-anything to raise student awareness of sentences, to engage them in a discussion of language, and to use grammatical terminology. You will be surprised by how, if you give students a chance to ponder just about any individual sentence, they can't resist corning up with ways it could or should be changed.

Thus, an innovative technology that we reviewed today, significantly enrich and diversify the teaching of foreign languages. In place of the monotonous work comes intelligent creative search, during which a new type of personality is formed, active and goal-oriented, focused on constant self-education and development. We have focused on raising students' awareness of grammar as language structure. It explained two general approaches for helping students discover grammar: contrasting two types of language with the same or similar content and using authentic texts to observe the grammatical aspects of actual written English.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Оксид углерода, Азот, атмосферный воздух, высота трубы, жилая застройка, защитная зона, концентрация, оксид азота, отбор проб, результат расчета.

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