Investigation of peculiarities of semantic of modal-infinitive combinations by the method of studying the translation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №3 (189) январь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 23.01.2018

Статья просмотрена: 59 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Жаликенова, Р. С. Investigation of peculiarities of semantic of modal-infinitive combinations by the method of studying the translation / Р. С. Жаликенова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 3 (189). — С. 229-231. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The studying interest of the peculiarities of modal — infinitive combinations gives rise to sufficiently large frequency of using the given combinations in all genres of modern English literature. The investigation of English modal verbs and infinitives of separate constituents of modal — infinitive combinations found a wide reflection both in native and foreign literature while the consideration of modal verbs in interrelation with infinitives as a single whole is out of linguists attention. In our article we want to consider the productivity of correlation of the original with the translation on the examples of the infinitive constructions with modal verbs can, could, may, might what are considered as the main expressers of the category of modality “of possibility” in the modern English language. By the method of continuous selection the examples of the English infinitive combinations with modal verbs can, could, may, might and their translations into Russian language were collected. The analysis showed five types of translations, common for the combinations with the verbs can, could, may, might:

  1. The first type of translation — by personal verb corresponding to the infinitive:

I can see it in all their actions

  1. The second type of translation by the tracing construction:

I can show you postcards as good as his

  1. The third type by the words of state category with modal meaning plus infinitive:

You can always take weapons from the dead

  1. The fourth type of translation by other verbs with modal meaning plus infinitive:

You might possibly get away by fishing boats. When I thinks of it I could die.

  1. The fifth type of translation by the personal verb from the infinitive with conjunction “how”.

He might have been a judge himself sitting in chambers with experts in a tricky chancery- case.

Modal infinitive combinations are translated from English into Russian language by different ways. By single English modal- infinitive construction in Russian language are used some various constructions. The analysis of Russian translation of the first type shows that this type is observed when modal verb can has the meaning “ability” and modal verb may has the meaning “potential possibility of the subject close to the meaning “ability” of the modal verb Can. Consideration of the translation of the first type with the point of view of influencing on it of the second constituents of modal — infinitive combinations shows that the semantic of the verb — infinitive plays essential role in translation. The analysis of vocabulary definitions of the verbs used as the second constituents of modal — infinitive combinations where the first type of translation is used indicates that these verbs contain the component with the meaning “ability”. The analysis of vocabulary definitions the English verb “see” contains in its semantic structure the component with the meaning “ability” which are not manifested correctly in the Russian translation “вижу”. Thus the absence in the Russian translation of the real direction on the meaning “ ability” doesn’t say that perfectly absent here.

As we see the interpretation of the semantic structure of the verb “видеть” proves, that the meaning “ability” is proper to the verb “вижу” and is contained implicitly in the semantic of the given verb, other verbs — infinitives using as the second constituent in the given type of translation also contain in itself the semantic “ability”.

Compare: automne, tendresse, feuilles mortes — I could catch only a few of the melancholy words. Automne, tendresse, feuilles mortes — Я уловил лишь несколько слов.

“I can’t understand”- he said (Я ничего не понимаю- растерянно проговорил он).

The English dictionary A. S. Khornbi gives the following interpretation of the verbs — infinitives used in the above examples:

Catch — receive with the senses or the mind.

Understand- know or realize the meaning, significance, nature of explanation and though in Russian translation “условия”, ‘’не понимаю”, don’t express the meaning “ability”, the analysis of vocabulary definitions of the given Russian verbs proves the presence of this meaning.

Compare: 1. Уловить- means to apprehend by the sense organs something hardly appearing, hardly visible, audible. 2. Means to note, differ, understand, comprehend by intellect, feeling for language, intuition, comprehend (hearing, vision intellect, comprehension- ability to understand, differ). To understand- imperfective to understand (size up for yourself, understand the meaning content. The presence of the meaning “ability” implicitly containing in semantic structure of the Russian verbs ”уловил”, “не понимаю” and others allows to the interpreter to miss the discrete unit with the meaning “possibility”.

Analogically the rest types of translations were studied. During investigation it was revealed that in the second type by tracing construction and in the third by the words of category of state with the modal meaning plus infinitive in the types of translation the verb “Can” has the meaning “Вероятность” and “May” (possibility). In the fourth type of translation by other verbs with the modal meaning plus infinitive, the verb “Might” has the meaning “Уметь” and the verb ‘’Could” has the meaning “Удаваться”.

The analysis of the types of translations of English modal — infinitive combinations into Russian language shows that the type of translation depends on lexical meaning of the modal verb used in the given infinitive combinations so from the lexical meaning of the infinitive. It is necessary to note that the researchers repeatedly noted the significant role of the lexical meaning of the modal verb in creation of one or another modality. The given material shows that the meaning of the second constituents — infinitives plays of no small importance in adding the modal color for the given combination. in the lexical meaning of the infinitive of some verbs there is such component that contributes to show in many — sided modal verb the definite lexical meaning and forces “to echo” in the semantic structure of modal verbs Can and May only that its meaning that “harmonize” with the meaning of the infinitive namely the meaning “ability”. On the contrary infinitive expressing “action” forces to echo in the modal verb namely the meaning “Possibility of the perfect action”, but no the meaning “ability” or any other meaning.

Such elective combination lies in the bases information to the given combination of the definite modal color, characteristic. Thus, the given material shows that not only modal verb takes part in giving to the combination the definite modal meaning and both constituents in total however with the prevailing role of the infinitive as “stimulus” appearance of one or another lexical meaning of modal verb. Thus, we can say that in the second and other types of translation with the discrete expression of modality differs from the first type of translation that modality is solved as in one with the action itself and the action had already done but in discrete types of translation the modality serves as existing separately from the action itself and action in this case didn’t realize but only conceives as possible to realize.

The translations show that between meanings “ability”, “characteristic” and “sensation” there are no differences as all these meanings may be transferred into Russian language by the same verb with implicate modality, while the meanings “Possibility”, “Permission” and “Willingness” are expressed by separate types of translations. Thus, the translations show that the Russian language turns out insensitive to the difference of meanings.


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