How to learn new English words quickly and effectively | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №5 (191) февраль 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 02.02.2018

Статья просмотрена: 274 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Зоирова, Д. Х. How to learn new English words quickly and effectively / Д. Х. Зоирова, Г. С. Собирова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 5 (191). — С. 168-169. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In today's technologically developing world, one of the most common languages is English. But before speaking this language, we need to learn the words, without which we can not express our opinion. There are many cunning ways to learn words easily and quickly. But unfortunately many of us, first of all, do not pay attention to memory improvement. Therefore, at first, we must solve the problems associated with our health.

In numerous studies, scientists have identified a number of objective causes that cause memory loss. Among the most common factors that adversely affect the state of memory, we can name the following:

‒ Weakening of the body's functions caused by aging;

‒ disorders of hearing, sight and other senses through which information is absorbed by the brain and fixed in memory;

‒ emotional shocks, the main ones being stress and depression;

‒ excess information;

‒ too active way of life;

‒ use of drugs, especially hormonal drugs, tranquilizers and hypnotics;

‒ the use of narcotic substances;

‒ unhealthy food. [1, p.23]

After solving the problems associated with memory, let's pay attention to a few useful tips on how to learn English words quickly and efficiently. In order to freely speak and understand oral speech by ear, you need to have a large and diverse vocabulary. And to form such a vocabulary, you need to do three things.

  1. Learn the words. The recent, completely unprofessional idea that «it is not necessary to teach specially words, but you just have to watch movies, read books and listen to songs» is incorrect. Do not even hope that after reading a few novels and watching a few TV shows, you will easily recall words like «cap», «pendant» or «kidney» in everyday communication. Such a necessary and indispensable in everyday communication of vocabulary, simply does not penetrate, or almost does not penetrate, into the artistic space of songs and novels. And even if you are one of these words One day you will meet and understand, you will immediately forget it. Therefore, words must be taught.
  2. Words need to learn how to use, that is, not just to mechanically remember their translation, but to feel the color difference of values, features of compatibility, stylistic differences, etc.
  3. And finally, because I always saw my task in teaching my pupils to use the language actively — to communicate freely on it, I paid much attention to the so-called role-playing, communicative tasks, where the student is invited to tell something, discuss, describe, evaluate, answer and the like [2, p.4]

Author of the book «The Complete Course of English Vocabulary. How to learn English words to learn them: B1-B2 level «Tatiana Komarda offers us one of the most effective ways of teaching new words, of which she tried. The author claims that using this method, the student has both visual and motorial memory at the same time. So what is this method? This method is called a lexical prescription.

A lexical prescription is a notebook or individual sheets in which the student spells out words in turn in Russian and English. The advantage of such spelling as compared with notebooks, notebooks, etc. is obvious.

1) All words are collected in one place and divided into topics. So you do not have to remember painfully and look — «where did I write ten times this word that I just saw a hundred times».

2) If after some time you need to quickly restore your old vocabulary, you just go back to the prescription and write down the necessary topics a couple of times. And the vocabulary is returned to the active memory.

3) For a teacher or a parent, such a recipe is an ideal way of control. You do not need to enter into anything, do not dictate anything, you just need to make sure that the words are spelled out by the hand of your student / child. And you can be sure that, even if he did not want to learn the words, he learned them.

Lexical writing is easy to make independently from a large format notebook. You just need to draw it into a convenient even (!) Number of columns, to fill them with the whole U-turn. Each topic you designate with a title and paste a bright sticker with the name to the notebook to make it easier to search. Then you take the textbook, open the Vocabulary section and get down to business. In the extreme left column you write down an English word or phrase, in the next — Russian transfer. Thus, when preparing a prescription for yourself, you are already learning the words.

Of course, by writing words we will quickly learn them, but in order to remember them for good, we must use learned words in our daily speech. It would be much easier if you lived in an English speaking country. Well, if you are not in this situation, the best way is to communicate with your friends not only in social networks, but also in live. But most of us are afraid of making mistakes during our speech. The first thing that we should remember is recording your speech during speaking with partner. Recording is a great way to get the maximum benefit from a conversation with a native speaker. When you listen again, you can evaluate your own pronunciation and notice areas where you need to improve. You can also review the content of the conversation, take notes on new vocabulary or misunderstandings, and prepare questions for the next meeting. [3]

I hope that the above tips will help you with the learning of new words. Most importantly, we must not forget that everything depends on us and on our desire. If a person wants to learn this language from the bottom of the heart, no obstacle to him is a mess. Therefore, gather all your thoughts and strength before you start learning any language.


  1. T.Lagutina. How to improve memory and develop attention for 4 weeks: Central polygraph; Moscow; 2010
  2. Tatiana Komarda. The Complete Course of English Vocabulary. How to learn English words to learn them: B1-B2 level.- Moscow, Exmo — 2016.

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