Innovative technologies of teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №5 (191) февраль 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 06.02.2018

Статья просмотрена: 2378 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Муратходжаева, З. Б. Innovative technologies of teaching foreign languages / З. Б. Муратходжаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 5 (191). — С. 182-184. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Today, the goals and tasks facing the modern education are changing — the emphasis is shifted from the assimilation of knowledge to the formation of competence. There is a reorientation of a personal-oriented approach, the opposite of knowledge-oriented impersonal pedagogy. Schools are provided with modern computers, electronic resources, Internet access. This contributes to the introduction of new pedagogical technologies in the teaching and educational process.

It is the use of innovative technologies in English language lessons is the main sign of positive results of creative activity, which entails increased motivation of students.

At the same time, every teacher who uses information, communication and computer technologies or project activities using the Power Point multimedia presentation in English language classes should know that any educational technology must meet the following methodological requirements:

– conceptuality: a scientific concept, including a psychological and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals;

– systemic: the presence of all signs of the system (the logic of the process, the interrelation of all its parts, integrity)

– efficiency: ensuring results that meet educational standards;

– flexibility: the possibility of variations in content to ensure comfort and freedom of interaction between the teacher and students, taking into account the specific conditions of pedagogical reality;

– dynamism: the possibility of developing or transforming the technology used;

– reproducibility: the possibility of using the technology by other teachers in this educational institution or in other

The educational space has now flooded with computer training programs, which, of course, are a good help in teaching. They direct the student to a free pace of learning, the individual logic of cognition. Knowledge control is carried out immediately with a guarantee of transition to a new level. It seemed that the goal of the creators of these training programs was achieved: the trainee can do without a teacher.

This approach to the learning process is easy to explain. However, in reality everything is much more complicated. The introduction of computer educational technologies in a mass school shows that the role of the teacher is still very significant. Despite the huge advantage of a computer, compared to other technical and visual means of teaching, it is the teacher who can ensure the integrity and systematic in teaching.

In the context of informatization of education, the teacher acts as a director, who is called upon to direct the information flow for the most effective teaching. The teacher should pragmatically approach the use of computer technology and look at the computer not as a competitor, but as a more perfect tool than in other learning tools.

There are several computer educational technologies that are most often used in English classes for solving different problems:

– use of Internet resources;

Very often the Internet makes it possible to find interesting pupils and teachers

of visual materialand high quality. The resources of the Internet help to make the development of the educational material effective and involve

students in independent learning.

– multimedia presentation Power Point;

Having mastered the Power Point presentation program, the teacher can use the technology of project activity in teaching English in solving any educational

problem. At the level of the creative application of knowledge, it is possible to

organize the independent design of the student's learning tasks.

– Use of computer educational programs;

The use of computer programs in teaching English, in no way, hinders the

solution of the communicative task but on the contrary, increases its

effectiveness, since the teacher can construct a lesson that could most effectively achieve the set learning goal.

It is much more effective to demonstrate a small fragment, rather than show a fully educational video film, designed for a whole lesson, and sometimes more. The teacher can perform a unique installation of a multimedia lesson, and calculate it to within a second, taking into account the characteristics of a particular class and each student individually. Modern multimedia production allows you to copy some of the material, bring a certain passage to a large screen, use the necessary video or audio in the lesson of English, with a projector.

Thus, the creative approach allows the teacher to make the most efficient use of the rich tools presented by modern computer educational technologies.

Practical application of computer educational programs

I believe that the use of computer educational programs in English language lessons should be adequate to the goals and content of training.

By programmed learning is understood the management of the assimilation of the program learning material with the help of a training device. The concept of programmed instruction presupposes the provision of educational information in relatively small portions in a certain sequence. After each piece of information, a control task is given in the form of questions, exercises that you need to perform immediately. In the case of a correct assignment, students receive a new portion of the training information.

The monitoring function is also performed by the training device.

Depending on the way information is provided, the nature of work on it, and the control of learning, programmatic training is divided into:

– Linear — represents successively changing small blocks of educational information with a control task;

– Branched — the program differs from linear in that the student in the case of an incorrect answer is given additional educational information that will allow him to perform the task;

– Adaptive — the program provides the learner to choose the level of complexity of the new teaching material;

– Combined — the program includes elements of linear, branched and adaptive programmed learning. As a result, block and modular training arises;

– Block — is carried out on the basis of a flexible program that provides students the opportunity to perform a variety of intellectual operations, the use of acquired knowledge in solving learning problems;

– Modular is the organization of the learning process, in which students work with a curriculum composed of modules.

Thus, programmed learning is learning with the help of a training device (computer, Internet, television, etc.)

Students create and justify a model to solve a problem situation. Students try to solve the problem situation on the basis of existing knowledge or by guessing, logical reasoning. During the independent search for new knowledge in textbooks, they construct a mental model of their actions to solve it.

Individual actions in accordance with the created model, refinement and correction of the solution.

An analysis of the performed action and verification of the correctness of the solution of the problem.

Analysis of thinking in the course of the action.

The analysis of mental action promotes the development of intellectual abilities, going beyond the limits of traditional solutions, the rejection of stereotypes and patterns of mental activity.

Problem — active training allows you to acquire not only new knowledge, but also develops intellectual abilities, accumulates experience of creative thinking and solving various tasks.


  1. Chomsky, Noam (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge: M.I. T. Press.
  2. Hymes, Dell H. (1966). “Two types of linguistic relativity”. In Bright, W. Sociolinguistics. The Hague: Mouton. pp. 114–158.
  3. Hymes, Dell H. (1972). “On communicative competence”. In Pride, J.B.; Holmes, J. Sociolinguistics: selected readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin. pp. 269–293.

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