The average perennial statement of the stream flows in the mountains and their evaluations | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Геология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №10 (196) март 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 13.03.2018

Статья просмотрена: 11 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ганиев, Ш. Р. The average perennial statement of the stream flows in the mountains and their evaluations / Ш. Р. Ганиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 10 (196). — С. 49-52. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

It gives an opportunity for learning the flow’s alterations for many years knowing the alteration of the perennial statement of the flows. It can be differentiated with sudden changes in the water of the streams in the mountains. It has a great significance knowing the annual changes and flow statements of the streams in the mountains in stream preserving and using the water reservoirs efficiently. It was analyzed the average perennial statements of the flows of the streams in the mountains as an example of Omonkutan mountain ranges in this article.

Key words: flow, changeable line, the norm of the flow, module coefficient, the layer of the flow, integral curved line, the sun activity, the changes of the climate.

Introduction: it is necessary to learn the main problems of the river flows, average perennial statements of the river flows of the investigating rivers, moreover, the annual division of the river flows and also caused factors in this process. It will be found out the average perennial statements according to the value of the flow layers, flow models, annual flow capacity of the investigating rivers. The flow of the river has been changing year by year. If there is much water in one year, the next year will be less than the previous one.

These changes depend on the climatic factors, it will not obey in one exact rule, but some parts of the flow shakes around the average quantity. The stream statements of the amplitude of oscillations are different values in different rivers.

Main part: it can be accounted as the accidental quality lines as a result of having analyzed the lines continuous for many years (25- 30 years). As it is known, the changeable line existed from the accidental line is called as the variation line.

It signifies that the average perennial flow quantity for flow norms of this river for the whole circle of the periods of hydramnion and low water levels of the investigating rivers. One of the main statements of the changeable lines is average arithmetic quantity or as calling another name is norm. It is calculated with the following mathematical formula for the Omonkutan River.


In this expression ­ the norm of the flow, ­ investigating years, the annual quantity combination from the 1963 years till the 2006 investigating years, n ­ the number of the investigations.

It is important to define calculation circles in investigating the flow norms, because the river flow, the Sun activity and also changes depending on the alteration of the period circle. It should be encompassed selected the hydramnion and low water circles for the calculating the norms of the flow. We will use for this reason the following curved line (integral) draft for the adding of the flow of the river. It is convenient for the drawing of the curved line by the expression of the module coefficient. This curved line clearly shows the circles of the cycle changes of the flow of the river for the years [4, 5].

As it is clear, the module coefficient of the flow () is defined with the following expression:


In this expression ­the flow quantity of several years, ­average value of the flow quantity investigated for many years. This following module coefficient calculation was counted according to the water consume in the investigated Omonkutan River. According to the redesigned material the graph of the curved integral addition of the Omonkutan River was drawn. (1- picture). As it is clear in the integral line of the Omonkutan River flows, it is encompassed theselected investigating period of years, hydramnion and low water circles of this river in the investigating the 1961- 2006 period of years. Thus, we have an opportunity for the defining of the average statement of the river flows in these rivers.

As it was stated above, the investigation for the River.

Picture 1. The integral line of the river flows of the Omonkutonsoy River (Omonkuton village)

The average statements of the flows for the Omonkutansoy River (Omonkutan village). It was defined as a result the average several quantities of the following statements the layer of the flow (U), The flow module (M), the flow extend (W). We will pass a short pause for the methods of the calculations of these following statements. It is multiplied with the annual water expenses to the second numbers in a year for the calculation of the annual flow extend.

For example, the water expenses of the Omonkutan River in the hydramnion period year was in 2005 year and it is estimated Qo‘rt=1,99 m3/s, one year is 31,54  106 second,annual water extend is estimated with the following formula

W2005 =  t = 1,99 m3/s  31,54  106k = 62,76  106 m3

In the following formula

M2005 = l/s km2,

:Qaverage — average annual water expenses, it is calculated with the m3/s; F — the square of the basin, it is calculated with the km2; 103 the passing coefficient of the liter from the meter cube. It is expressed the module of the flow l/s km2.

U = , mm.

As an accounting the flow module is M = , annual flow layer is expressed with the following flow module way:

U2005 = 31,54  M=31,54*34,43=1085 mm.

The main aim of the layer of the flow is comparing the examining quantity of the evaporation part and the atmospheric rainfalls in the river basins. For this reason the flow layer is expressed with the millimeters. It is being used from each perennial average as above mentioned indicated statement of the river flows. For example, if it is necessary the information about the flow extend for the purpose of the usage of the water irrigational, the designing in the water reservoirs in the river, the following dimensions such as flow module, the flow layer, the flow coefficient are used for the mapping of the river flows. It was researched as mentioned statements above are the selected object of the research for the Omonkutansoy river are perennial flow extends(W), flow modules(M), and flow layers(U) were researched for the hydramnion, low water and middle circles periods. (1- graphs)

As the calculations are shown in the first graph, it is differentiates with the hugeness of the flow extent in the researched river in 2005 year (W =62,76 106 m3). Omonkutonsoy (Omonkuton v.) river plays the first place in the Middle Zarafshan River with the opportunity of the supplying water.

Table 1

The perennial average flow statements of the Omonkutonsoy River (1961–2010 years)

The name of the river

The flow statements

Q, m3/s

F, km2

W, 106 m3

M, l/sekkm2

U, mm

hydramnion 2005 year

Omonqo‘tonsoy (Omonqo‘ton v.)






low watered 1986 year

Omonkutonsoy (Omonkuton v.)






Middle watered 1995 year

Omonkutonsoy (Omonkuton v.)






Coclusion It was investigated for the flow elements of the hydramnion, low watered and middle circles periods of the river. As the result of the calculation show the following there is a special legality in Omonkutansoy, as the hydramnion period of the river can be observed each 8–9 years and during the 1960- 1990 years it was repeated, low watered period of the river is repeated each 9–10 years. This legality was changed from 1990 year, as it is explained the whole water period of the river from 1991 till 1995 year, average low watered period was observed 2 years and again 8 years is explained as the period of the whole period circle. These changes are the climatic changes of the river. Thus, the changes of the climate are dependant to the anthropogenic factors such as temperature, atmospheric rainfall. It will give a change to make conclusion, if we connect the atmospheric rainfall and weather temperature having investigated constantly the new information in Omonkutonsoy (Omonkuton v.)River. It will a chnce for the prediction of the hydramnion and low watered period of the river having known the changes of the flow cycles of this river. It is useful for the agricultural usage of the river. Because the water of the Omonkutonsoy (Omonkuton v.)River is gathered in one place in Koratepa rezervoir and is used for the irrigation of the lands. In this way, it may be possible for the norm approaches of the gathering of the water and division of this such as from the water division of the Koratepa water reservoir. This legality is being highly used by the streams formed in the valley of the Middle Zarafshan River this opportunity. Besides, great scientific conclusions can be made if this is studied interconnected with the climatic changes of the flow quantities investigating in the rivers. It has a great significance for the studying of the downpour waters from the stream, their quantities, their repetitions, because annual flow extent of the big stream is flown more than 20 % of the parts.


1. Chub V.E Changing of the climate and its impact to the natural- resource potential of. — Tashkent: SANIGMI, 2000. — 252 p.

2. Chub V.E Changing of the climate and its impact to the hydrometreological processes, agro climatic and water resources of Uzbekistan. — Тashkent: VoRis — Publisher, 2007. — 132 p.

3. Shults V. L. The rivers of Central Asia. Ч. 1,2. — L.: Hydro met publisher, 1965. -691 p.

4. Rasulov A. R., Hikmatov F. H., Aytbatov D. P. The bases of the Hydrometreology. ­Tashkent: University, 2003. ­327 p

5. Hikmatov F. H., and others the Hydrometreological condition of the Zarafshan River and water resources. ­Т. «Science and technology» 2016, 64 p.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SANIGMI.

Ключевые слова

flow, changeable line, the norm of the flow, module coefficient, the layer of the flow, integral curved line, the sun activity, the changes of the climate

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