About the professional competence of the future linguists | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №11 (197) март 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 21.03.2018

Статья просмотрена: 33 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Рахмонова, М. С. About the professional competence of the future linguists / М. С. Рахмонова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 11 (197). — С. 192-194. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/197/48774/ (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).

The introduction of the specialty «Linguistics and Intercultural Communication» into the practice of higher linguistic education was the result of profound changes taking place in Uzbek society and one of its most important institutions — the education system, which seeks the search for the ideal of a modern educated person as a man of culture with a pronounced civil position and openness to the perception of the multiculturalism of the modern world at all levels of its manifestations-political, cultural, economic and confessional.

The proclamation of multilingualism, multiculturalism and cultural appropriateness as significant principles of the national education system requires the renewal of the conceptual system of views on the professional training of specialists in higher education, actualizes the problem of identifying conditions that stimulate the process of self-realization, self-improvement, the formation of professional training for future specialists, their readiness for permanent professional-oriented self-development and the need for it [5].

The desire of Uzbekistan to enter the world community in a new guise — the openness of the borders of the state, involvement in the globalization processes, the expansion of mobility in all senses of the word, the development of modern technologies and the availability of information have caused a change in the attitude of Uzbeks, in general, and the younger generation in particular. Among the Uzbek students, there is a growing awareness of their own responsibility for designing their educational level and the exacting quality of the education they receive, as the basis for further self-realization and ensuring a decent standard of living.

The implementation of this paradigm presupposes a «lifelong learning» (UNESCO), the provision of educational needs of the XXI century, determines the significant changes in the role and nature of the activities of the foreign language teacher.

In these conditions, the need to develop new theoretical models of the projected result of the professional training of linguistic teachers, adequately reflecting the requirements of the modern intercultural educational paradigm, and the search for effective systems and pedagogical conditions for their implementation in the practice of educational activities of higher education institutions is brought to the forefront. The close attention of researchers to personal development in the process of education and to the theory of the language personality in teaching language confirm the legitimacy of choosing as a strategic reference the vocational training of linguistic teachers, the formation of their competence in the structure of a professional linguistic personality [3].

At present, the problem of maintaining the vocational training of a linguistic teacher for future pedagogical activity is urgent and requires special attention.

In the modernization strategy of Uzbek education, it is stated that it is necessary to introduce a competence approach in education. Competent approach in the training of specialists implies not a simple translation of knowledge, skills and skills from the teacher to the student, but the formation of future specialists in professional competence. In other words, the main goal of vocational education is the preparation of a qualified worker of appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, fluent in his profession and oriented in related fields of activity, ready for continuous professional growth, social professional mobility [2].

Competence is represented in N. Rozov's study as a set of three aspects: semantic, problem-practical, communicative.

Thus, the pedagogical culture is a system-forming aspect and the goal of the entire vocational training of the teacher, and professional competence is its basic component contributing to the formation of a specialist of high culture.

In modern linguistics, communicative competence means the mastery of linguistic competence, that is, a certain amount of information of linguistic material, the ability to relate linguistic resources to the tasks and conditions of communication, and the ability to organize speech communication, taking into account social norms of behavior and the communicative appropriateness of the utterance.

The communicative approach is aimed at developing the students' ability to practically use real, living language, and is called upon to teach not to manipulate linguistic means, but to consciously relate these structures to their communicative functions. Communication is necessary not only so that people can understand each other or unite their efforts to achieve one goal. The peculiarity of communicative activity in comparison with other types of human activity is that the content of the thought of one individual becomes a collective asset necessary for the short-term and long-term justification, planning and organization of any kinds of joint activity. If we deprive a person of his ability of communicate, no other activity can replace it and joint work will become impossible [2]. Communication is a purposeful exchange of thoughts and information within the framework of a person's social activity. The addressee aspires to ensure that the addressee understands it and thus the main goal of communication would be realized — the transfer of information, as well as personal attitude and evaluation of the addressee for joint actions in the labor and social spheres of human life, and also to change the behavior, state or level of knowledge of the addressee. General knowledge of communication of participants is called background knowledge. They are usually divided into several categories:

1) Universal knowledge (information about the seasons, phenomena of nature, knowledge of the simplest physical laws, etc.),

2) Regional information (they will be different for residents of the plains and mountaineers, southerners and northerners);

3) Knowledge related to the culture of a particular country, locality, and people. The latter are most important in learning a foreign language.

Since the main object is not the country, but the background knowledge of the native speakers, their non-verbal behavior in the acts of communication, in a generalized form — their culture, it would be legitimate to introduce the socio-cultural component of teaching a foreign language, on the basis of which students would form knowledge about the realities and traditions of the country, would be included in the dialogue of cultures, get acquainted with the achievement of national culture in the development of universal human culture [4].

The problem of content in the methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​continues to be one of the most urgent. The development of the competence of the individual is and is conditioned by the whole process of education and is the integration of intellectual, moral, social, aesthetic, political aspects of knowledge. The definition of professional competence is explored from the standpoint of cultural, linguistic, linguistic, communicative, sociocultural approaches. They play a huge role in the training of the teacher, providing a personal level of mastering the specialty, identifying and forming in the university the creative individuality of the future teacher. [1].

In Uzbekistan's higher education, there are two paradigms: traditional and innovative, which is insufficiently effective in fulfilling the social order of the society to the education system. At the present stage, the existence of a huge army of professional teachers of foreign languages, which do not have competencies in the framework of European requirements, is an obvious obstacle to the progressive movement of the education system. [4]

The Council of Europe identifies the five core competencies required today for any specialists. In the context of the training of teachers of a foreign language, they acquire special significance [1].

‒ Political and social competencies related to the ability to assume responsibility, participate in joint decision-making, and participate in the functioning and development of democratic institutions.

‒ Competences relating to life in a multicultural society designed to discourage the emergence of xenophobia, the spread of a climate of intolerance and contribute to both understanding differences and the willingness to live with people of other cultures, languages ​​and religions.

‒ Competences that determine the ownership of oral and written communication, important in work and public life to such an extent that those who do not own them are threatened with isolation from society. To this group of communication is also the possession of several languages.

‒ Competences related to the emergence of information society. Possession of new technologies, understanding of their strength and weakness, the ability to critically treat media and Internet information and advertising disseminated through the channels.

‒ Competencies that realize the ability and desire to learn all of life, not only professionally, but also in personal and public life.

Based on the above, we can give the following definition of the professional competence of linguistic teachers: it is a system of linguistic, sociolinguistic, cultural, strategic knowledge, skills and skills that allow communicants to interact effectively in specific socially determined communication situations, as well as skills and ability to apply knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching a foreign language [3].


  1. Witlin, J. L. Development of general and professional culture, teachers of a foreign language. Vitlin // Foreign languages ​​in school. — 1993. — No. 6.
  2. Kuzmina, N. V. Pedagogical mastery of the teacher as a factor in the development of the teacher's abilities / N. V. Kuzmina // Questions of psychology. — 1984. — No. 1.
  3. Piskunov, A. I. Pedagogical education: concept, content, structure / А. I. Piskunov // Pedagogy. — 2001. — № 3.
  4. Safonova, V. V. Learning the languages ​​of international communication in the context of a dialogue between cultures and civilization / V. V. Safonova.- Voronezh.: Isto, 1996. — 237 p.
  5. Ter-Minasova, S. G. Language and Intercultural Communication. Ter-Minasova. — Publishing house of Moscow University, 2004. — 352 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNESCO.

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