Modern teaching methods by the foreign language training of the students of medical high schools | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (198) март 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 25.03.2018

Статья просмотрена: 84 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Тынымбаева, М. Е. Modern teaching methods by the foreign language training of the students of medical high schools / М. Е. Тынымбаева, М. Б. Катыкбаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 12 (198). — С. 175-177. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state and the main trends in the development of teaching methods in the process of foreign language teaching of medical students. The basic principles and ways of solution of the question show that one of the especially effective methods that give the probability of purposeful and complex implementation this is the individualization of teaching.

Keywords: individualization, case-methods, a foreign language, professional development, self-realization.

Today for the successful joining of Kazakhstan into the global educational space are required improvement of education system and training of highly qualified specialists. Improving of training of medical students in the conditions of educational reforms that are being implemented in Kazakhstan is associated with the choice of directions and methods for changing of the organization, forms and essence of education. Analyzing the present situation, we can draw the following conclusions, that in modern conditions of reforming of medical education system applying of active forms of training is becoming an integral part of the process of formation of a competitive specialist based on the modern teaching methods. In our opinion, the foreign language proficiency contributes the formation not only of many of common cultural competencies mentioned in the standards, but also the majority of professional competencies, because they envisage knowledge of specialists in various aspects of professional activity, that is provided by the ability to get the latest information from various sources, including in a foreign language. Those or other similar themes are considered in the educational programs of higher educational institutions, as well as on foreign language lessons [1, p. 23].

Efficiency of the application of modern techniques in learning a foreign language is formed by the following organizational and pedagogical conditions: the integrity and value of goal-setting, creating a diagnostic support, the creation of modern technology direction, forming the essence of the process of individualization, the organization of readiness of teachers to implement the individualization.

By today's requirements to specialists with higher education, when our state should become part of the European (and global) informational, educational space, a foreign language should be taught senior courses and language high school, and at the initial stage of training. And this is impossible without the development of the personality of the student, his abilities and skills, especially in foreign languages.

Therefore, the practical implementation of organization of the process of personality development involves its quite definite organization in the educational process of high school, where disciplines differ in their composition, structure and characteristics of teaching methods. For this purpose, first of all it is necessary to agree the objectives of teaching of each subject with the objectives of the organization of the process of personal development, as well as to coordinate the overall content of the training [1, p. 98].

The learning process of students of Medical Schools can be represented in several directions:

– diagnostic direction;

– designing direction;

– realization;

– the estimated direction.

The aim of the implementation of modern creative approaches in the system of training of future doctors is the implementation of pedagogical influences on them in order to form a creative orientation of the personality as a basic feature and a key indicator of professionalism. This means the formation of such a competence, which would ensure the competitiveness of the specialist in his chosen profession. Thus, formed professionally-oriented foreign language competence of the speech, which is intended to develop the ability and willingness to form a direct communication (speaking, listening comprehension), and indirect communication (reading with understanding foreign texts, letter) allows to provide it.

Practical implementation of such a concept of individualization of training future specialists is necessary for universities with the purpose of developing new programs for the formation and development of the activity of the educational organization, developing a new concept of the quality of educational services in educational institutions [2, p. 112]. The achievement the heights of professionalism is possible only if there is a corresponding educational activity — a conscious and steady aspiration of the student as a subject of his professional development to high levels of professionalism, to full disclosure of his resources, as much as possible at this stage of social and individual development. One of the ways of activating students' cognitive interest in the problem of self-development is to study the life of creative people who have reached professional and personal heights that not only sought to self-actualize themselves, but also involved more and more people in their orbit, contributing to their personal, human and creative growth.

Modern technologies using the individualization in teaching:

– designing: while working on a project there is a possibility of forming ways to solve real problems and of the development of methods of activity which make up the communicative and informative competence; it is becoming very actual for each person the problem of teaching methods of designing and implementing a variety of programs, creation of projects; including in the project activities, people of all ages get an opportunity to take a different look at the world around us, to show the search activity and to feel a genuine interest to reality. Their creative imagination and critical thinking, will and perseverance, independence and responsibility, self-discipline begin to develop.

– modular training (case method), which occurs with the use of blocks: a target, a meaningful, stimulating and motivational, operational-activity, control and adjustment, and an assessment and productive creative work [2, p. 329].

The problem of application of modern methods in training of specialists is considered as the most actual and useful.

As a result of the individualization of training of students of medical schools can provide their further growth as future professionals. This is reflected in high rates of personal advancement in the knowledge of students, the development of their self-confidence, motivation and the formation of the valuable relation to the study of a professionally oriented foreign language self-learning activities, and the development of intellectual and cognitive abilities.

Another important area for improving the language training of future specialists is its informatization. Under the informatization of language education Sysoev P. V. consideres a set of measures to ensure the entire learning process and master the foreign language and culture of the country of the studied language, methodology, technologies for developing new teaching and educational materials, methods of using new information and communication technologies in teaching, training and retraining of teaching staff who are able to make wide use of the potential of information technologies in practice in health-saving conditions [3]. It is completely impossible to imagine a modern educational process in any educational institution without using multimedia technologies and Internet resources. Among the possible ways of intensifying the teaching of a foreign language, as well as other disciplines, in a medical university, it is first of all to use the interactive methods of teaching and the possibilities of multimedia and the Internet.

Interactive methods have traditionally been used during the educational process in our discipline due to its specificity and focus on the interaction of communicants in a dialogue or polylogue. In addition, over the years, one of the popular forms of independent work for students is the information search of authentic materials — text, photo, audio, video materials for the purpose of their further use in the educational process or create their own presentations, slide films, videos, accompanying the implementation of certain projects — both educational and scientific research.

Thus, the main direction of development of medical and pharmaceutical education is considered the introduction of modern innovative technologies in the study of foreign languages into the educational process of medical schools for the development of personality and formation of intellectual abilities that define the personality of thinking, promote self-development throughout the life [5, p. 56].

The advantage of such training methods is that they not only give knowledge and skills, but also form the basis for the solution of problems in the future professional activity. Thank these methods the person can become a specialist of high level, can achieve versatile and creative development, and have good communication skills. Modern methods and technologies of training should be implemented both in the getting of theoretical knowledge and on practice of practical skills [6, p. 234].


  1. Lytneva V.V app. Acmeological roach to the individualization of learning a foreign language as a factor in improving the quality of training of future specialists [Text] /V. V. Lytneva. // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. — N., 2009. — № 6. — P.98–104.
  2. Sokolova II, Denisova EG, Stoyan E.Yu. Case-method of training in internship. // Modern medicine. — M., 2015. — № 5. — P. 112–114.
  3. Sysoev P. V. Directions and prospects of informatization of language education // Higher education in Russia. Scientific Pedagogical Journal 2013. № 10- pp. 90–97.
  4. Yavorsky V., Yurov V. M. Baydikova N. V. Modern pedagogical technologies and education models in the educational system // International journal of experimental education. — 2015. — № 3–3. — P.329–332.
  5. Adolf V. A., Petrova E. O. Competitiveness as a result of a professionally-oriented foreign language teaching speech communication of medical students // International Journal of applied and fundamental researches. — 2015. — №. 1–1.
  6. Markovina I. Yu., Shirinyan M. V. A foreign language in not language high school on the postgraduate training phase: needs and perspectives (for example, of medical schools) // Bulletin of Moscow State Linguistic University. — 2012. — №. 645.

Ключевые слова

a foreign language, professional development, individualization, case-methods, self-realization

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