Translation features of food industry terminology from English into Uzbek | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (200) апрель 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 10.04.2018

Статья просмотрена: 405 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гуламова, Н. А. Translation features of food industry terminology from English into Uzbek / Н. А. Гуламова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 14 (200). — С. 73-75. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Mutual beneficial cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with different foreign countries in all spheres of life has enhanced the public interest in translation as a science. The translation, being one of the most important means of interlingua communication, is indispensable in the process of integration to the world community at all levels. The towns and cities of Uzbekistan are rapidly growing and completely changing their appearance. Within the framework of bilateral agreements with foreign companies our country succeeds in particular process of renewal. The acceleration of scientific-technical progress and appearance of new notions accounts for the creation of new terms and acronyms. Every field of knowledge from the point of view of translation has its own specifications which are to be studied. The main task of scientific translation is to provide a reader with clear and precise information. Consequently the theoretical studies and researches in this field are extremely important. The role of food industry terms in translation is making progress and considered as significant and inseparable sphere of modern food industry sphere.

The awareness about peculiarities of texts and terminology in food industry sphere is important for those translators who are engaged in this field. Food industry sphere translators face a double-complicated tasks in the process of translation because together with professional skills this type of translation requires special knowledge of specific terminology.

There is a set of classifications of terms, however for understanding of features of the translation food industry terminology we consider classification of terms by a structural sign according to their division:

a)brief terms;

b)term phrases.

Among the most frequent ways of the translation calque, transliteration, functional replacement and also their combination serves as a key factor of translation while translating the new formation of terms.

It is necessary to remember that the term is, as a rule, translated by the corresponding term of other language therefore such receptions as analogs, synonymic replacements, descriptive transfer, are used only when there is no corresponding term for the translation in language. The careful analysis of special terminology shows its extreme heterogeneity. There are also multiple-valued terms along with the unambiguous terms having exact and clear semantic boundary. Therefore the polysemy even of monocomponent terms complicates their correct understanding and the translation which adequacy completely depends on a situation context.

Knowing specific terminology in the sphere of food industry is very important for both translators and enterprises. Especially translators face to a lot of difficulties related to food industry and processing. Terms of food industry are often used in chemi-technical organizations, food manufacturing institutions. Terms can be different according to their origin. While translating specific texts of food industry terminology translator should focus on formation of terms and their semantic and grammatical peculiarities. For example, food industry terminology can be divided into several aspects:

  1. process of food manufacturing terminology (blenching, sun-dried, sweetened)
  2. ready-made products terminology(gluten-free, lactose-free oatmeal, smoked cheese)
  3. terminology of equipment for making the product (minder, blender, conveying, extrude machines)
  4. ingredients for preparing food and beverages terminology (additives, preservatives, flavors)

Food industry sphere also covers other fields of science such as biology and chemistry. Because terms in food industry mostly based on these two branches of the industry. Names of elements and live organisms are commonly used with terms of food industry (omega, zinc, probiotics).

The translator will much profit if he knows many permanent equivalents, is good at selecting among variable equivalents and resourceful at creating occasional equivalents, taking into account all contextual factors.


  1. Pepsi is pulling 2-liter bottles and 12-packs of its products off of store shelves in Philadelphia over the city's new tax on sweetened drinks. (Sweetened drinks — Shirin ichimliklar); (complete equivalence)
  2. German candy maker Haribo, Bonn, known for its fruit-flavored gummy bears, reports it's investing $242 million to build its first U. S. production facility.

(candy — konfet, fruit-flavored gummy — meva mazali marmelad); (descriptive translation)

  1. The German-based company started selling packaged product at retail in 2014 and was awarded a Product of the Year for 2015 by global research firm TNS. Werther’s Original Caramel Popcorn took home the top honor in the U. S. snacks category. (Caramel Popcorn — Karamelli bodroq/popkorn); (semi-calque)

In Uzbek Popcorn is translated as bodroq, but in modern language adaptation system it is naming as an international word — Popkorn.

The most widespread language of international business communication is English. But even between English and Americans could appear some linguistic misunderstandings. Such divergences had been accumulated for centuries during the process of English language development in two different historical and cultural surroundings. Thus, the same terms can have different semantic meaning and different terms can have the same meaning.

British English

American English






In the UK, bacon is predominantly from the back of the pig, while in the US it is from the belly, which in the UK is called streaky



The word sausage is also used in the UK. The name banger comes from the fact that sausage made in natural casing sometimes burst when cooking.



In the UK, basil is pronounced bah-zil, while in the US it is pronounced bay-zil


Cocktail Sausage

Though technically Chipolatas are long and thin sausages, in Scotland the name is also used for cocktail sausages

Digestive Biscuit

Graham cracker

Though not the same, they can be used interchangeably in recipes as they have a similar taste

Fish Fingers

Fish Sticks

French Beans

String Beans



In the UK lemonade is a fizzy soda drink while in the US it is traditional lemonade made from water, sugar and real lemons.

Spring Onions

Green Onions

Scallions is another term that is sometimes used in both countries



Also known as a yellow turnip and in Scotland these are called Neeps

The main difference in translating American and British English food industry terminology translators should know the spelling, pronunciation and meaning differences.

In British and American English an Uzbek word qadoqlangan has a lot of eqivalents.

Canned fish — qadoqlangan baliq

Tinned pineapple — qadoqlangan ananas

Packed milk — qadoqlangan sut

Punnet strawberry — qadoqlangan qulupnay

Boxed swwetcorn — qadoqlangan shirin makkajo’xori

Any translation has to maintain content, functions, stylistic and communicative value of the source text. While translating food industry documents/texts it is not enough just to make right translation in a whole. Translation is to render the information including all details and even the meaning of separate words. It also must be authentic to source text. Text of food technology includes great number of special drink, food, snack terminology. One should avoid verbiage, repetition, archaic language, long sentences, inaccuracy of formulation, disparity (between articles of contract), and usage of subjunctive mood. Translation of documents is rather complicated process. Doing translation it is necessary to maintain structure of source text of document. There are different variants of one language. English encloses food industry languages of Great Britain, USA, Australia, Canada and other countries. They all can vary syntactically, lexically and semantically. That is why translator has to interpret text of document by paying attention to indicators.


  1. Loescher, W. (1991). Translation performance, translation process and translation strategies. Tuebingen: Guten Narr.
  2. Newmark, P. (1988a). A Textbook of Translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall.
  3. Newmark, P. (1988b). Approaches to Translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TNS, USA.

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