Professional competence of future ESP teacher | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (201) апрель 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 17.04.2018

Статья просмотрена: 41 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бакирова, Х. Б. Professional competence of future ESP teacher / Х. Б. Бакирова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 15 (201). — С. 208-210. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The most important direction of modern state policy in the field of science and technology is the integration of higher education, science and science-intensive production with the aim of priority development of scientific research and innovative developments aimed at the formation of an economy and a society based on knowledge. In connection with this, the problems of the reproduction of the human resources potential of science and higher education, the preservation of the succession of generations, the improvement of the system of training and certification of specialists of the highest qualification become the primary problems on the solution of which the joint activity of the higher school, academic and branch science should be directed.

On the effectiveness of classes in a foreign language should be judged by the most important indicator — the result of training activities. Proper organization and conduct of the lesson contribute significantly to improving its effectiveness. Preparing for classes involves a well-designed and implemented system of learning activities aimed at implementing the main objectives of the lesson.

The teacher should develop a psychological attitude among students for serious work on mastering a foreign language. Without persistent and conscious work in the classroom of regular out-of-class work, without strong-willed efforts, communicatively enough level of knowledge of a foreign language is unattainable. So in sports, and in a foreign language without training with increasing difficulties it is impossible to achieve the desired results. The use of techniques that supposedly removes the difficulty of mastering the language, generates a desire for external effectiveness, rather than learning effectiveness.

To achieve high results of joint activities of the teacher and student, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements. The basic requirements for conducting a class on a foreign language can be formulated as follows:

‒ the structure of the lesson should be adequate to the tasks of the lesson;

‒ the whole content of the lesson is subordinated to the formation and development of the planned skills and abilities;

‒ the lesson has a pronounced learning character;

‒ tasks performed in the course of the lesson, support interest in learning a foreign language;

‒ the occupation is provided with methodologically expedient visual material;

‒ the occupation is equipped with the necessary technical means of training, methodically expedient use of them is organized;

‒ the teacher is impeccable in the language and methodical terms.

Improving the effectiveness of training and education of students, the very improvement of the education system is impossible without high professional skills and great responsibility of the teacher. Formation of professional-methodical skills of a foreign language teacher is carried out through mastering the basics of teaching methodology in the university and constant self-improvement.

Teacher can only be as long as you study, while fundamentally analyzing your work, you find the reserves to increase the productivity of your work.

The foreign language lesson is a complete piece of academic work, during which a certain educational, and educational and educational goals are achieved by students performing pre-planned speech acts of an individual and group nature on the basis of the teacher using appropriate means and methods of teaching.

In modern conditions, the linguistic and professional aspect of studying a foreign language in the system of university education is realized as a general trend of increasing the role of a foreign language in the professional training of a future specialist. In this regard, it is necessary to note not only the objective side of the increasing role of the foreign language, and hence its linguistic and professional aspect, but also the motivational and subjective conditionality of increasing the interest and prestige of the foreign language from the standpoint of the personality of the teacher and student.

The teacher is the key figure in the development of the personality of the student during the training. He not only translates the system of knowledge, but also transfers to the student his motivational and value attitude to knowledge, his enthusiasm for the subject, thereby modeling a certain positive attitude of students towards them.

The studying a foreign language by university students makes it possible to teach a qualitative change in motivation in the process of teaching a foreign language through the provided freedom of choice of tasks and individualization, while an increase in the motivational level occurs in combination with a general change in the nature of the teaching of the language as a whole, which leads to a value-motivated view of the world.

Change in motivation is a change in the general value orientations of students, by which is meant the system of personally significant values ​​of the future specialist, regulating his attitude to life, to professional activity and those around him, which allows him to achieve social adaptation and a high level of professionalism.

Therefore, an important component of the professional competence of a foreign language teacher for special purposes (ESP) is the focus on raising the motivational level and developing a value attitude to cognition as a source of development of the axiological potential of a future specialist.

The main distinguishing feature of ESP teaching at the university is that the training course is built on the basis of specific professionally significant goals for students. This is expressed in the appropriate selection and organization of the material, as well as the development of certain skills and skills necessary for future professional activities.

Specificity of ESP training requires the teacher to have methodological competence in order to:

‒ development of the training course depending on the goal;

‒ use of the basic knowledge of the student in a foreign language as the basis for acquiring professionally significant knowledge and skills;

‒ orientation of the content of the training course to a specific professional area (business, economics, law, management);

‒ adjustments to the program of the course depending on changing learning conditions [1, p. 43].

At the same time, the teacher needs to know the lexical content and special format of oral and written texts, as well as the skills and skills that are characteristic of this professional activity.

Thus, the communicative competence of the ESP teacher, in addition to the basic skills of teaching a common language, requires knowledge of the subject itself, specific professional vocabulary and the understanding of the communicative needs inherent in the profession.

In this regard, the ESP teacher should not only have inherent common English language requirements, such as professionalism, knowledge of the goals, objectives and interests of students, the ability to develop new teaching materials and use modern teaching technologies. It should be prepared for what is needed:

‒ to show interest in the professional field of students;

‒ to have basic professional knowledge;

‒ to determine priorities in choosing the types of activities to be undertaken;

‒ to become acquainted with the set of skills necessary for professional activities;

‒ to realize the need for cooperation with teachers of the profiling department;

‒ to determine the volumes of learned linguistic speech material.

It should be noted that, with current trends, the synthesis and integration of scientific representations interdisciplinary communication play an important role in the teaching of a foreign language and can be used as a means of motivation of foreign language voice activity. Competence is always manifested in the activities. The professional competence of the teacher is manifested when solving professional tasks in a specific context. Teachers working in the field of language training for special purposes need:

‒ to study the teaching materials on the specialty;

‒ to learn the language of the specialty;

‒ to be prepared for the fact that students can correct the teacher who admitted inaccuracy in the professional field [2, p.45].

It is necessary to note that the lack of basic knowledge and misunderstanding of the conceptual foundations of the specialty leads to a distortion of meaning when water and other types of speech activity, although with all the linguistic norms of the English language. The most experienced professional is an ESP teacher who, along with teaching linguistic and communicative skills, acquaints the student with additional information necessary for the future specialist, which usually does not affect the teachers of special disciplines.

We mean that the strengthening of ESP occurs against the background of the presence of socio-cultural competence, which is one of the main conditions The teacher of the ESP should realize that the most obvious difficulties are observed at the level of sociocultural background knowledge, the absence or lack of which leads to difficulties in the implementation of speech activity in a given socio-cultural context. Socio-cultural competence the teacher implies the presence of sociolinguistic knowledge, skills and habits of adequate use of various functional styles according to the situation of communication and national cultural features of the country the language is spoken, as well as a set of background knowledge, aimed at creating a cultural background and set of behavioral rules and cultural experience of mastering techniques.

Expanding the volume of background knowledge ensures successful communication in a foreign language. The structure of the professional competence of the ESP teacher, consisting of interdependent and interrelated communicative, methodical and sociocultural competence, seems to be the most appropriate for the real situation of the professional activity of a foreign language teacher for special purposes. In our opinion, these types of competence form the style of the pedagogical activity of the ESP teacher and ensure the development of professional competence.


  1. Alekseeva, L. E. Students and teachers of ESP- Who are they? — English language training: new opportunities: a collection of materials and abstracts of reports of the X- Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference — Samara, 2004. — 138p.
  2. Strevens, P. The Learner and the Teacher of ESP./ ESP in the Classroom: Practice and Evaluation. Ed. D. Chamberlain & R. J. Baumgardner // ELT Documents. — Oxford: OUP, 1988. — 128p.
  3. Ter-Minasova, S. G. Language and intercultural communication / S. G. Ter-Minasova. — M.: The Word / Slovo, 2000. — 624 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESP, ELT, OUP.

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