The role of internet technologies in the formation of students’ communicative competence | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (201) апрель 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 17.04.2018

Статья просмотрена: 460 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Камалова, Д. А. The role of internet technologies in the formation of students’ communicative competence / Д. А. Камалова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 15 (201). — С. 226-228. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.01.2025).

At present, one of the key moments of the education reform in Uzbekistan is the formation of students' skills in working with information and computer technologies, including the Internet. Currently, there is no doubt the relevance and relevance of the integration of the Internet in the learning process of a foreign language. New information technologies are being intensively introduced into the educational process. Today we have reached a level where the computer literacy of students must be sufficient to work freely on the computer as a user. In teaching, a special emphasis is placed on the student's independent activity in search, awareness and processing of new knowledge. The teacher acts as the organizer of the learning process, as the leader of the independent activity of the students, who provides them with the necessary help and support. Since the Internet can not replace a teacher. Today we can say that Internet technologies are part of the general information culture of teachers and students.

The information educational space is only just beginning to be filled. In order to avoid inconsistency and incompetence, it is necessary that teachers contribute to the filling of this information resource. To this end, teachers need to know what services and for what didactic purposes they can also use in their pedagogical practice using modern information technologies.

First of all, we should consider the possibilities of the Internet in the educational process. The appearance of the Internet in education stimulates the desire to learn, expands the zone of individual activity of each student, increases the speed of supply of quality material within one lesson. All this is done by e-mail correspondence with peers from other countries, the creation and implementation of joint projects, the ability to read books in the original, participate in a variety of competitions and Olympiads. The issue of integrating the Internet into education and, in particular, its use in teaching foreign languages, is currently quite relevant. This is mainly due to the fact that when using the Internet as a means of teaching a foreign language, many goals and tasks of education and upbringing can be realized. It should also be noted that the desire for integration in the field of education, as one of the most clearly manifested tendencies, dictates the need to enter a unified world educational space. Hence, such interest in all countries of the world to new information technologies and, in particular, to computer technologies that open a window to this world space [1].

Now everyone understands that the Internet has tremendous information capabilities and no less impressive services. It is a well-known fact that the Internet creates a unique opportunity for foreign language learners to use authentic texts, listen and communicate with native speakers, i.e. it creates a natural language environment. Modern means of communication with partners, access to information resources of the Internet network presuppose a free possession not only of computer technologies, but also of foreign languages.

At present, such opportunities as getting education at a distance become more important. With the help of modern information technologies, it becomes real to receive not only full-time education, but also distance education, without leaving home. The global Internet network opens access to information in scientific centers of the world, libraries, which creates real conditions for self-education, expansion of horizons, and improvement of professional skills. There is an opportunity to organize joint projects of students from different countries of the world, exchange of experience by teachers, students, scientists.

Undoubtedly, the Internet carries a huge potential of educational services. Educational services include informing both students and teachers about a wide range of topics related to their teaching and teaching activities.

The Internet provides, on the one hand, a huge information field containing the most diverse pedagogically valuable information, and on the other — various means of revitalizing the perception of this information: graphics, sound, movement.

Information technologies allow:

‒ to organize various kinds of joint research work of students, researchers from different scientific and educational centers of one or different regions or even different countries;

‒ To provide consulting assistance to a wide range of trainees;

‒ create networks of distance learning and advanced training of teaching staff;

‒ quickly exchange information, ideas, plans on the issues of interest, thereby expanding their horizons, raising their cultural level;

‒ to instill the skills of genuinely research activity;

‒ develop skills related to the production of information from various sources;

‒ to create a genuine language environment conducive to the emergence of a natural need for communication in a foreign language and hence — the need for learning foreign languages;

‒ promote the cultural, humanitarian development of students on the basis of familiarizing themselves with the broadest information of the cultural, ethnic, humanistic plan.

The advantages of the Internet become obvious when used directly in the student audience. Ideal conditions for such work are the availability of a computer class with an Internet connection. Using the Internet in a lesson should not be an end in itself. In order to correctly determine the place and role of the Internet in teaching a foreign language, first of all, it is necessary to find clear answers to the questions: for whom, for what purpose, when, in what volume should it be used. [2].

One of the important issues is the problem culture of network communication. The culture of communication is also an indicator of the general culture of man. At the same time, the culture of communication provides for certain intellectual skills: the ability to summarize the main idea, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, the ability to lead a discussion, to argue their own point of view, and to accept under certain circumstances the opponent's point of view, the ability to form a common point of view that takes into account the views of the parties and much more. All these skills of students should be taught specifically. When communicating in the network, these skills are particularly relevant. In discussions, including professional ones, which are becoming more popular in the Internet lately, the friendliness of tone and style of communication, the culture of communication, the desire for mutual understanding is a very important condition for the success of such a dialogue. Dialogue of cultures, intercultural interaction — a real reality. [3].

The Internet provides many opportunities for improving the quality of teaching a foreign language and creating incentives for learning. He is an excellent assistant in the organization of the educational process, namely, in teaching various types of speech activity. Thus, new computer technologies undoubtedly play an important role in teaching foreign languages ​​at the present stage. And it mainly depends on a wide range of possibilities of the Internet.

Internet resources, of course, can be present at all stages of teaching a foreign language. The global network will play a particularly important role in the independent work of students, for example, when visiting sites that allow you to track the level of your knowledge, doing a particular training exercise, thus motivating them to search and creative activities.

A capable, experienced teacher closely follows the form and content of the material, while at the same time keeps all students in the field of attention, reacts sensitively to signs of fatigue, inattention, misunderstanding, notices cases of violation of discipline and, finally, monitors his own behavior (posture, facial expressions, and gait).

Teaching is a true creativity. This is an art where, apart from professionalism, an enormous role is played by inspiration, the skill of impromptu, improvisation.

Each teacher has individual personal characteristics, methodological competence and an image of pedagogical thinking. A true professional is distinguished by the conviction in the effectiveness of the training activities carried out by him, the ability to prove the appropriateness of the methods of teaching used.

The technique is a science not a prescription one and even in the most advanced methodological developments one should not look for ready-made, universal instructions. Blind, formal adherence to other people's recommendations and instructions tires and irritates the creatively working teacher. For him, the assertion that any system is the only correct and effective one, that there is no need to experiment, would mean taking a step back in its professional growth, in the search for rational ways of teaching a foreign language in different conditions.

A highly qualified teacher constantly strives for a new, still unknown. And if he was interested in any methodological novelty, if he saw in it a rational grain, if this novelty corresponds to the basic parameters of the educational process, one must necessarily go on an experiment. When experimenting with new methods and methods of teaching, one should first of all focus on oneself. Taking advantage of the new idea, it is necessary to adapt it to competitive learning conditions. In this, in fact, the meaning of the creative activity of the teacher, this is the key to the success of his individual professional growth.

Bold experiments are the sources of creativity, the only way to update the methodology and find rational ways of teaching a foreign language.

So, summing up the above, it should be noted that the teacher will become really free for pedagogical creativity, using the computer and the Internet. Although there is a need to create fragments of lessons on the basis of your own or finished material, and as important as it is, you need to master the methodology of teaching a foreign language taking into account the capabilities of the computer. Since, despite the wide range of possibilities provided by the Internet, mentioned above, a computer can not replace a teacher and live communication in a native or a foreign language.


  1. Distance learning. Textbook / Ed. E. S. Polat. — Moscow: Humanité. Ed. Center Vlados, 1998 -192 p.
  2. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in primary and basic secondary schools: A manual for students of pedagogical colleges / Ed. V. M. Filatova. Rostov on Don: Anion, 2003. — 416p.
  3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the educational system: Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and the system of professional development of pedagogical staff / Edited by E. S. Polat. — Moscow: Publishing Center «Academy», 2003. — 272 p.

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