The status of the teacher in modern high school | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (201) апрель 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 17.04.2018

Статья просмотрена: 67 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нигматуллина, Г. Р. The status of the teacher in modern high school / Г. Р. Нигматуллина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 15 (201). — С. 238-241. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Changes in all spheres of activity are rapidly taking place. This fully applies to higher education: the state's requirements for higher education are changing, the requirements of the society for the quality of vocational education are rising, and new technologies for teaching are emerging.

The development of ICT contributed to the growth of information, the formation of a single information space, the change in the processes of dissemination of knowledge — to phenomena that conditioned the recognition of human potential by the world community as the main socio-economic resource. Change in the importance of knowledge has led to the life of such requirements for the specialist, as professional competence, innovative culture, the ability to self-management of personal knowledge.

Distinctive characteristics of modern higher education are:

‒ Intensive use of ICTs in the learning process to ensure equitable acquisition and transfer of knowledge;

‒ free access to educational resources;

‒ transition to the principle of «education through life»;

‒ development of social and emotional abilities and skills of students;

‒ individualization of the process of acquisition and transfer of knowledge.

Thus, at the level of the world educational community, the main directions of improving the educational processes of the higher school — informatization and individualization — were defined.

The prevalence of the function of the information translator in the activities of the teacher, the inefficient use of ICT, the need for practice in specialists with high intellectual potential, based on personal knowledge, capable of continuous learning and innovation, creative interaction, self-development, and maintaining the orientation of high school practice on knowledge, skills revealed the need to build a new information and personal concept of the educational process in the university.

The system of the modern university is based on the information-exchange interaction «person-information-person» and promotes the organization of the educational process, in which the teacher builds a flexible and mobile system of education, involving students in the selection of options for various forms of classroom and extracurricular activities, supporting their independence and activity intensive communication through an information educational environment.

The development of man is a critical condition for the development of the modern economy, which is the basis of the forward movement. his activity, his thinking, the system of social, professional and moral and ethical norms become more and more intellectual.

A characteristic feature of time is the innovative activity of the individual, and an innovative culture is an essential component in the structure of its general culture.

Strengthening the intellectualization of society leads to an increase in the number of intellectual workers characterized by developed creative thinking, psychological flexibility, high information competence, innovative culture, and willingness to make decisions based on knowledge.

In pedagogical practice, there are many definitions of the professional competence of the teacher:

‒ when the teacher has the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and skills that determine the formation of his pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication, as well as his personality as a bearer of certain values, ideals and pedagogical consciousness (G. M. Kodzhaspirova);

‒ a phenomenon based on knowledge, intellectually and personally conditioned by experience, the unity of theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activity (I. A. Zimnya, V. A. Slastenin, etc.);

‒ a set of professional knowledge, skills, as well as ways to perform professional activities (E. F. Zehner);

‒ «this is the ability of the subject to realize his values ​​in the activities. Competence as a unity of the theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to perform professional functions characterizes not only the activity, but also the teacher as its subject in his independent, responsible, initiative interaction with the world. Due to this property, competence integrates the professional and personal qualities of the teacher, directs them to mastering knowledge and purposeful application in forecasting, planning and realization of activities, activates the teacher in developing his own abilities, strives for self-realization in socially useful activities, ensures his professional development already in the period training in the university. The teacher's pedagogical competence can be defined as his ability to effectively implement the system of socially approved values ​​in educational practice and achieve the best pedagogical results through professional and personal self-development " [4];

‒ a phenomenon associated with the notion of «pedagogical culture», which is its basic component, contributing to the formation of a specialist high culture, i.e., a set of cultural samples (E. V. Bondarevskaya). Under the professional competence of the teacher is understood the integrative property of the individual, expressed in the totality of competences of the pedagogical and subject area of ​​knowledge: communicative, didactic and personal. According to American linguists, it is the communicative competence that is most important for the professional competence of the teacher. Further no less important is the didactic component, which is based on: the acquired synthesis of knowledge (psychological, pedagogical, social, general); skills of professional-pedagogical, special, self-educational; the skills of creative pedagogical activity, transformed from the potential into the real; the activity state and functioning in the form of the methods of activity necessary for the teacher to design his own technology for teaching students, constructing the logic of the educational and educational process, solving emerging difficulties and problems, the methods of independent and mobile solving pedagogical tasks, generating ideas, non-standard thinking, which increases his self-education and professionalism.]

According to R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev, general pedagogy, didactics, methodology, psychology, l psychology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, semiotics, logic determine the professional competence of the teacher (teacher) of foreign languages.

A. Markova distinguishes four types of professional competence: special, social, personal individual:

  1. Special, or activity-characterizes the possession of the activity at a high professional level and includes not only the availability of special knowledge, but also the ability to apply them in practice;
  2. Social — characterizes the ways of sharing a professional and cooperation adopted professional community techniques of professional communication;
  3. Personality — characterized by the possession of means of self-expression and self-development, by means of professional deformation of the opposition; the ability of a specialist to plan his professional activity, make his own decisions, see the problem,
  4. Individual — characterizes the possession of self-regulation techniques, readiness for professional growth, non-adherence to professional aging, and the existence of sustainable professional motivation.

As one of the most important components of professional competence, A. K. Markova calls the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, and use them in practice. [6]

The professional competence of a foreign language teacher is not a simple sum of knowledge, skills and skills that he must convey to his listeners. The teacher should become the conductor of everything new that the scientific elite develops. Professional competence is real, it is peculiar to a specific person and depends on the efforts of a person, and this is his personal characteristic, the totality of his knowledge, skills, skills and flexible thinking. The degree to which the teacher is professional depends on the formation of an academically mobile person with a high potential for integration into the domestic, all-European and world space of higher education, the future competitiveness of our specialist, his ability to integrate into the world community.

Currently, in the field of linguistic education, a very serious situation has arisen, when many managers of education believe that our students — non-linguists unreasonably many specialists — philologists, in turn, believe that the distinctive feature of the educational model in the sphere of linguistic education should be the orientation towards the training of specialists — non-linguists, who are able to use professionally the knowledge of a foreign language in their main professional activity.

Bilingual education is interpreted by leading specialists as mastering students of samples and values ​​of world culture by means of native and foreign languages, when the foreign language of the protrusion i. e. as a way of understanding the world of special knowledge, mastering cultural and social experiences of different countries and people. One of the solutions to this problem is the development of models of information preparation of teachers, implementation of which will allow them to use ICT more effectively in their professional activities. Raising the level of the teacher's qualification, including the information component in its structure, can have a decisive influence on the professional competence of the teachers themselves and on the quality of the training of specialists.

Thus, an important task is the comprehensive and targeted development of the information culture of university teachers, which «is considered... as an integral property of the teacher's personality, defined as a subjective, socially significant way of combining information technologies values ​​of the profession, embodied in professional conduct». [3] It can be assumed that the improvement of the teacher's professional competence is the deepening of his knowledge, the expansion of his professional specialization, the psychological reorientation to self-education on the basis of educational needs and the needs of teachers and changes in the educational sphere.


  1. Putin, V. V. Social and human sciences are necessary for the future of Russia. V. Putin // Higher education today. — 2007. — No. 7. — P. 2–3.
  2. Kronberg Declaration on the Future of the Process of Acquisition and Transfer of Knowledge [Electronic resource] -: Higher education today. — 2007.-№ 9. — 75p.
  3. Vetrov, Yu. Training of teachers for the use of ICT: actual problems / Yu. Vetrov, D. Somov, S. Pecherskaya // Higher Education in Russia: Scientific Pedagogical Journal of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. — 2007. — N 8. — P. 40–45.
  4. Borytko, N.M., Professional-pedagogical competence of the teacher // Internet-journal «Eidos». — 2007. — September 30 [Electronic resource]
  5. Moutovkina, O. M. Components of the professional competence of the teacher of foreign languages ​​/ О. М. Mutovkina // [Electronic resource]
  6. Markova, A. K. Psychology of professionalism / A. K. Markova // [Electronic resources]
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT.

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