Formation of the national infrastructure of the quality of goods with the application of international standards | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (205) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 12.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 19 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Уралова, З. В. Formation of the national infrastructure of the quality of goods with the application of international standards / З. В. Уралова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 19 (205). — С. 80-82. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article examines aspects of the practical application of international standards in addressing issues of improving the national quality infrastructure of goods.

Keywords: infrastructure, goods, standardization, standard, investment, accreditation, quality, State Customs Committee

Industrialized countries rely on their trading activities on numerous standards and technical regulations. If developing countries want to enter the world market, they should rely on standards-related tools, including access to standards and technical regulations, metrology, testing, quality assessment, certification and accreditation. The elements presented are the main components of the national quality infrastructure. According to literary sources, modern world trade is mainly based on goods produced using high technology, rather than raw materials.

To attract foreign investment, the administration of developing countries must take into account the fact that the quality infrastructure is one of the key factors considered by foreign investors. At the same time, certain requirements must be met, in particular:

– providing access to international standards and technical regulations;

– guarantee of reliability of metrological measurements;

– development of a system allowing accreditation of laboratory tests and certification services taking into account international parameters

The national quality infrastructure is important for removing technical barriers to trade, which facilitates greater integration of partner countries into the international trading system. In addition, it provides solutions to issues related to health, safety, and environmental protection.

The policy and development of the national quality infrastructure, the harmonization of services for national needs, the operation and stability of a system that meets international requirements and takes into account the prospects for the development of the world economy are regulated by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Ensuring the transparency and accessibility of public services in the field of foreign economic activity, quality control of goods based on modern technologies, the balance of import-export operations, taking into account the economic interests of the country, are the most important conditions for accelerated development of business activities, increasing investment and export

capacity, improving the conditions and quality of life of the population. However, in order to fully implement the tasks set, reform and deep modernization of existing systems of technical regulation, as well as assessment of compliance and supervision of the market for goods and services, are required.

To date, the reforms carried out in the country are based on the modernization of the legislative framework, taking into account international requirements. Particular attention should be paid to the importance of practical application in the field of improving the national quality infrastructure, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On Technical Regulation». The main provisions of this document orient the national system of technical regulation and the standardization system to apply international standards, rules and norms in order to exclude barriers to international trade, and also provides

– a gradual transition to technical regulations containing mandatory requirements and standards that are voluntary;

– Compulsory and voluntary certification of compliance with standards and a gradual transition from universal mandatory certification of products to a more liberal form that meets the principles of free competition;

– the declaration of products and services (their quality and safety) by the manufacturer himself, as well as by the seller

Practical pre-minis of the main provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On Technical Regulation» ensures the transition of the domestic economy to new standards in order to bring together positions on technical regulation with leading foreign countries.

Having considered the priority directions for the formation of a national infrastructure for the quality of goods using state regulation methods, the development of an appropriate legislative framework based on the application of international requirements and rules, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of issues of quality control of goods. From this, it must be said that in controlling the quality of goods, national standards but also international ones.

There are five important components of the national quality infrastructure, and three of the five technical components of the national quality infrastructure — standardization, metrology and accreditation — are to some extent unique and their functioning is already established at the regional and international levels to ensure compatibility with the economic systems of other countries through agreements mutual recognition — MRA — on the basis of international peer reviews by equitable organizations. Each economic system is responsible for developing, according to international guidelines, national components and the services they offer. The other two components — testing and certification — should also be accessible to users of the national quality infrastructure, and related to the system using standards provided by the national standardization body, the availability of measurement results traceable to the national metrology institute and the demonstration of technical competence evaluated by the national accreditation.

It should be borne in mind that the function of standards provides for assistance, and not forcing. Therefore, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, fundamental changes in the methods and structure of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the world resulted from the need to drastically reduce the influence of existing barriers that impede the development of international trade, health protection, environmental protection, cooperation in industry, etc. The modern development of metrology fully corresponds to the processes of globalization occurring in the world. The indicators of the level of measurement in the country are the lines of calibration and measurement capabilities that the National Metrology Institute submits to the database of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures based on the results of regional and interregional examinations. At the international level, the national standards institute represents the country in international organizations, such as ISO, Codex Alimentarius, or regional standardization organizations, such as the COPANT (Pan American Commission for Standards) in the Western Hemisphere.

Provided that standards are widely accepted, all quality infrastructure activities of the products, including quality management systems, best practices, certification and accreditation of testing laboratories, should be based on the consistency of all participants in the control. This approach ensures that all parts of the product, regardless of the manufacturer, fit together with the same measure of accuracy.

Equally important, in dealing with control over the suppression of counterfeit products, have the basis for standardization. This branch has a key impact on all spheres of public life, in particular:

– standards for processes and documents (managerial, shipping, technical) contain those «rules of the game» that must be known and performed by industry and trade experts for concluding mutually beneficial transactions;

– technical regulation techniques are tools to ensure not only security, competitiveness, but also effective partnership of the manufacturer, the customer and the seller at all levels of management.

In a market economy, when products and services are represented by enterprises of various forms of ownership, certification is the most effective way to guarantee the quality of products and services. Successful economic activity of enterprises and companies, their competitiveness in the market largely depends on the availability of a highly effective organizational and technical mechanism for managing and ensuring the quality of products (services), that is, an effective quality system that is oriented to the requirements of the customer (customer).

In most industrialized countries, it is considered the norm when a supplier enterprise must make serious efforts to recognize the market for its products and create a trust relationship between it and the consumer that results from the supply of quality products.

Taking into account the development of science and technology, expanding the range of products, increasing the turnover in the world market, the quality problem is relevant for all countries, regardless of the maturity of their market economy. As experience of the leading countries of the world shows, in order to become a participant of the world economy and international economic relations, first of all, it is necessary to improve the national economy taking into account world achievements and trends.

Thus, the presented analogous survey shows that the fundamental basis of the national quality infrastructure is the integration and coherence of the set of actions in the field of standardization, metrology, testing, accreditation and certification. The transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a market economy determines new conditions for the activities of domestic firms and industrial enterprises.


  1. Addressing the global quality problem: National quality infrastructure. Dr.-Ing. Clemens Sanetra, Rocio M.Marban the organization of the American states.
  2. Sanetra, Clemens et al. Study on Metrology, Standards, Testing and Quality Assurance (MSTQ) in Thailand. On behalf of GTZ / PTB, July 2004
  3. MeltoT. L. Customs authorities in the fight against counterfeiting in Russia and abroad. / / Actual problems of theory and practice: sb.nauch. works. — M., 2009. — 303 with.
  4. Radjabova N. R. Organizational mechanism for the development of the provision of services for customs examination of goods during customs control: Autoref....kand. econ. sciences. — Dushanbe., 2016.- 19c.
  5. Yurkin T.Yu. Legal regulation of customs control when moving objects of intellectual property across the customs border: Diss.... Dr. jurid. sciences. — Saratov., 2009. — 186s.
  6. Podoprigora G. V. Providing protection of intellectual property of enterprises participating in foreign economic activity by the example of the customs bodies of the Russian Federation: Diss.... Dr. econ. sciences. — Rostov-on-Don., 2016.- 169 with.:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): COPANT, GTZ, ISO, MRA, MSTQ, PTB.

Ключевые слова

investment, infrastructure, standard, goods, standardization, accreditation, quality, State Customs Committee

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