Improving communicative competence of students using game technologies | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (205) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 12.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 297 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Иброхимова, Л. И. Improving communicative competence of students using game technologies / Л. И. Иброхимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 19 (205). — С. 209-211. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article discusses the role of game technologies in active participation of students in the educational process and improving their communicative competence. It also deals with the gaming technologies that can be used in teaching a foreign language and highlights the components that underlie the process of mastering a foreign language gained through games aimed at developing memory, thinking, and attention.

Keywords: game, game activity, foreign language, game exercises, game functions, content, role play, motivation.

Under the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On Education» and the National Program of Personnel Training a comprehensive system of teaching foreign languages, and the further integration of the republic into the world community was established in the country. To accomplish the mentioned aims on December 2012 the presidential decree “On Measures for Further Improvement of Foreign Languages Learning System” was adopted in Uzbekistan. In our article we use elements of various strategies of critical thinking, communicative, role-playing games, the successful application of which makes the learning process more interesting for both students and teachers of the English language.

E. P. Passov in his book «The lesson of a foreign language at school» gives the following definition of the game: «The game is: 1) the activity» in our case is speech), 2) motivation, lack of coercion, 3) individualized activity, deeply personal, 4) learning and education in the team and through the team, 5) the development of mental functions and abilities, 6) «teaching with enthusiasm» [1, 58].

Gaming is the most effective ability to learn a foreign language. It develops the speech-activity of students in English classes. Gaming exercises contribute to the organization of purposeful speech practice of students in a foreign language, as well as training and activation in the framework of monological and dialogical speech. In addition, the game forms a variety of types of statements (descriptions, messages of information, and expressions of opinion, consent, and disagreement).

Each teacher has many tools that help make learning a foreign language interesting and fascinating, since the teacher is called upon to arouse the interest of students in the studied material, which he must retain in the process of learning a foreign language.

M. S. Polejaeva argues that «mastering another language includes a person in the socio-cultural context of the development of consciousness — thereby he takes possession of another picture of the world reflected in the language» [2, p. 201].

N. V. Gut, SP Shumaeva believes that «today any lesson or master class of a foreign language is impossible without the use of innovative methods and means. The variety of means contributes to the development of students' creativity and makes it possible to create communicative situations close to life " [3, p. 96].

Yu.L. Plastinina notes that «the development of cognitive and intellectual abilities of students is carried out through productive educational activities» [4, p. 191].

As you know, the function of the game is in its various uses. At one time ethnographers and philosophers were interested in playing as an element of culture. Many researchers believe that the essence of the children's game is to fulfill some role. The content of the game can be very different — this is what is reproduced between adults in their work and social life. The nature of the relationship between people depends on the social conditions of life.

We have noticed that role-playing games often attract the attention of the teacher, as they enliven the lesson, increase interest in the studied language. In addition, a well-organized game creates conditions for the real use of the language in the lesson. Along with this, the game always creates conditions for the repeated use of vocabulary and grammatical structures. In the preparation of a role-playing game, we can distinguish the following stages: the definition of the purpose and language material; compiling a script for the game; distribution of roles in the game; psychological training of trainees.

Applying role-playing games, a foreign language teacher must be firmly aware that not always the game will go as it was conceived. Therefore, the success of the game will depend on both the students and the teacher.

We know that for the emergence of gaming activities, the educational impact of adults or educators is essential. The game is an integral activity in which all forms of human activity manifest themselves. Namely: intellectual, creative. In the game, mental and psychological structures corresponding to communicative, compensatory, health, adaptive, strategic tasks are also formed. For each age there are games. The game forms the basis of social behavior, moral, aesthetic, ethical principles of the future personality. In the game, the teenager must express himself, since the game is the main means of physical, spiritual and mental development. Often we use such kinds of games as quiz games, travel games, story-role games, and language and communication games. Games-dramatization occupies a special place in the educational process.

Particular interest in students is caused by games and game situations. After all, they bring speech activity closer to natural norms, besides this they help develop communication skills. With the use of games, an effective study of the linguistic material is carried out. The game always requires the adoption of solutions such as: what to say, how to win. This contributes to the development of mental activity of students. The game is emotion, activity, attention and imagination, thinking. Language games form pronunciation, lexical and grammatical skills. Applying language and speech games in the classroom, the teacher should remember that the choice of the forms of the game must be pedagogically and didactically justified, the teacher should know for what purpose he conducts this or that game; In games, as many students as possible should be involved; Games must match the language abilities of students; Language games serve the development of all types of speech activity. The time spent on preparing and conducting the game and its usefulness must be in a justified relationship with each other. Language games should be conducted in the language of study and they should be based on the material already studied. Communicative games help to solve problems of learning communication. An important condition is the principle of gradual complication of tasks. In the educational process, the teacher can use such kinds of games: crossword puzzles, tea handles, the game «Find the word», «Find a proverb», games with letters, with words, syntactic games, grammar games, poetic games, corrective games, riddles, puzzles and others. The game should be aimed at developing memory, thinking, attention, because it is these components that underlie the process of mastering a foreign language. In games, the skills of using certain vocabulary, grammar or speech patterns in speech are formed; therefore, if errors are present in them, then they must be corrected, but not during the game, as the participants of the game will feel insecure. This does not mean that you do not need to pay attention to them at all. After the game, the teacher, having analyzed all the statements of his students, can suggest to the whole group to repeat for the teacher the choir an incorrectly pronounced word or speech pattern. When conducting a role-playing game, students should be introduced to their role only in a foreign language, with the exception, for example, of any rules. After the game, participants should be praised for the correct use of speech clichés, originality of judgment, creative approach to their role. A great value for students of any age is the encouragement of students with good grades, as this will stimulate it. It is very important that the teacher encourages and compares his successes with previous results. Then students will have an interest in the language, the desire to participate in the next game is just as good. Not all students can participate in the game. We believe that it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each student. Stronger students can be given the role of active characters, and the shy can get the role of passive one or give a specific task, for example, highlight the best player, record the language errors involved in the game. Undoubtedly, everyone in the group should participate, as all students of the group must learn to communicate in the language. In the same game you can play only once. We must always remember that in the game all are equal; therefore the language material is absorbed imperceptibly.

Summarizing the above, it can be concluded that games and game exercises used in foreign language classes help overcome the traditional psychological barrier. Gaming techniques give the learning process a practical focus, which helps to maintain the motivation of students to learn a foreign language.


  1. Passov, E. P. A foreign language lesson in high school. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1988. — 223 2. Polejaeva M. S. Development of the polylingual model in the system of Russian education. // Vektor of Science, TSU. Series: Pedagogy, psychology. — 2012. — No. 1 (2). — С.200–202.
  2. Gut N. V., Shumaeva S. P. Author's schools for the study of foreign languages in Ukraine // Vektor of Science TSU. Series: Pedagogy, psychology. — 2012. — No. 2 (9). — P.96–97.
  3. Plastinina Yu.L. Development of cognitive and intellectual abilities of schoolchildren through productive educational activity at geography lessons // Vector of science TSU. Series: Pedagogy, psychology. -2012. — No. 1. — P.190–192.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TSU.

Ключевые слова

content, foreign language, motivation, game, game activity, game exercises, game functions, role play

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