Modal pedagogical technologies in teaching English language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (206) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 17.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 28 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Шерипова, Г. А. Modal pedagogical technologies in teaching English language / Г. А. Шерипова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 20 (206). — С. 428-431. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Nowadays characteristic feature of the development of modern society is the growing importance of information, which becomes a comprehensive and indispensable resource. Work with information has become the main content of almost any kind of activity, including in the field of education.

Intercultural communication and the widespread use of ICT in the educational process should be the inalienable conditions for the achievement of the modern professional quality of training specialists possessing high spiritual and cultural, creative-search and social and social activity which are reflected in the «National Training Program» of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [3, p.21]

The modern development of world education points to the fact that the notion of media literacy currently. became a necessary constant for the formation of a highly intelligent and highly qualified specialist.

According to NB Kirillova, who understands the media culture as information and communication tools, as well as material and intellectual values ​​in the aggregate, the influence of media culture on the formation of the personality and personal qualities of a person, taking into account the educational aspect, causes the formation of socio-political consciousness in a developing society [2, p.8]

Thus, in modern linguodidactics, the notion of information competence, information literacy is replaced by the term media literacy, which is considered by N. V. Chicherina — as one of the fundamental competences necessary for any professional specialist in effective functioning in the so-called information environment [6, p.19]

In our opinion, media literacy is the process of preparing a media literate person who has information competence due to the understanding of the socio-cultural, socio-political and intercultural context of the functioning of the media culture in the modern world, the code and representational systems, or, in other words, the ability to «see» not only an explicit, but also implicit information embedded in the media text, for decoding certain images, symbols and associations, including mastering and translating, that is, (transmission of adequate, logically correct and axiological information), interpreted / analyzed.

This process is the most important and goal-oriented, since a semantic analysis of the complexities in interaction with each aspect is carried out. Each reader makes their own corrections and supplements the meaning that underlies the media text. [4, p. 85]

Scientists — lingvodidacts realized the need for a new approach to teaching the Russian language. The idea of ​​introducing a competence-oriented approach in the training process reflects the need to improve the effectiveness of the learning process, the quality of education through the use of modern methods and forms of instruction in the learning process, the formation and development of competence and taking into account the characteristics of personal development. One such approach is the use of multimedia and information and communication technologies (ICT). The meaning of the term «technology» is still being clarified, this term is used in a rather broad context. In practice, there are also terms like pedagogical technology, education technology, pedagogical or innovative technology.

In modern didactics, the term «pedagogical technology» is more common in many methodological works. The stages of the development of the concept of «pedagogical technology» can be singled out: the use of visual aids in the educational process (40s — mid-50s), programmed instruction (mid-50s-60s) to pre-designed educational processes that achieve clearly defined goals (up to the 70s), for the creation of computer and information technology training (since the early 80's).

Indeed, «new pedagogical technologies come into the practice of education». The need for this is due to changes in the requirements of society and the internal needs of the education system. [1, p.15] Today, students generally have some experience of working with various multimedia processing tools: data, transmission, storage and presentation of information in everyday life, and also show great interest in using them as a means of recreation. It is obvious that there should be such a model in the educational process that would ensure not only the formation of effective use of computer skills during the preparation and processing of the necessary educational information, but also the development of personal qualities and values ​​of the citizen of the information society.

The study of practical experience has shown that the use of ICT in teaching English is not a mass phenomenon. Among the reasons there are not only organizational and pedagogical problems, but also the teacher's lack of readiness to solve tasks related to the computerization of the educational process. The reason, according to many researchers, is the lack of clear ideas on how ICT helps achieve the planned results of teaching the Russian language, which should be changed in the content, forms of organization, methods and principles of teaching. [5, p.36]

However, scientists who studied linguistics, linguodidactics, experience in the successful implementation of certain uses of information and communication technologies: the development and application of electronic educational resources, including distance learning in professional work; in teaching English as a native language, Russian as a foreign language (ES Polat, NA Algazina, MY Bukharkin, SI Goodilina, GG Maleva, NV Ladyzhenskaya, MA Tatarinov etc.).

Analysis of monographic and methodological literature, the results of dissertational research revealed the next level of knowledge of the problem. Pedagogical sciences testify to the positive impact of modern multimedia technologies for developing communicative skills and learning English in Kazakhstan.

There is a need for a deeper theoretical and methodological justification for the use of ICT in the teaching of English in the field of professional and business communication based on the implementation of the teaching capabilities of modern multi-media, such as differentiated teaching, and focused on the intellectual and personal development of students in the formation of core competencies, education of the person living in the information society.

So, of course, today a new approach to teaching English is the use of information and technology. As is known, unlike their usual means, methods and production of information and processing is the use of electronic devices, especially computers.

For definitions related to media education, computer training, in domestic and foreign linguistics, there are many terms. A review of the current approaches to media education has shown a general definition of the term media education as «a process of personal development with the help and on material from the media (mass media), with a view to creating a culture of communication with the media, creativity, communication skills, critical thinking skills. full perception, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of the media, training in various forms of self-expression using existing technologies. " [4, p. 45] In our opinion, these goals should be considered as one of the main ones if we take into account the influence and constant impact of the media on the process of teaching students.

In recent years, the terms «information technologies», «information and communication technologies», which have shown modern functions and computer technologies and telecommunications are widely used.

Different concepts define three main uses of ICT in education, namely:

‒ organization and management of the educational process;

‒ training in the broadest sense of the word — from teaching under the guidance of a teacher (stationary and remote) to the use of computer technology for self-learning;

‒ study of specific disciplines.

In practice, the use of ICT in teaching the native language, starting from the mid-1980s, began to use various applications — text editors, spellcheckers, electronic dictionaries, as well as spreadsheets, desktop publishing, encyclopedias, games, and other programs. The second stage of using ICT in teaching the native language, which began in the 90s, is associated with a qualitative change in the technical capabilities of computers and the dissemination of ICTs in the learning process. Features such as hypertext that creates a cross-reference system in the text, combining the capabilities of hypertext and multimedia, allow you to use ICT to work on improving all types of speech activity (listening, reading, writing, speaking, including aspects like pronunciation and intonation) and for real communication in written and oral form.

The next stage (the beginning of the 21st century) is the development of ICT education Using virtual reality. In the «virtual» classroom — laboratories, students have the opportunity to work in the simulation of the variety of speech situations, it will undoubtedly expand the opportunity to improve speech and cognitive skills, create optimal conditions for the formation of communicative and socio-cultural competence.

The main feature of the modern stage of ICT use is the massive and purposeful use of space on the Internet, professional-computer programs of various types: actual training, applications, telecommunications tools — with the goal of creating a single computer learning environment through which the communicative competence of students is more effectively developed. In modern studies, the importance of the Internet for learning English in higher education is emphasized by the fact that Internet resources provide teachers and students with information on various aspects of scientific theoretical studies of the English language. For example, for university professors and students, Internet resources may be of interest because they specialize on the basis of electronic libraries, search engines, providing search opportunities for subject areas (projects, lesson plans, systematic links, interactive exercises) and professional characteristics of students; portals that allow you to take part in discussions, get acquainted with advanced methodological and pedagogical practices.

One of the main problems associated with teaching English is the problem of trust, scientific and educational value of the content and significance of information found on the Internet. Obviously, the genre of specific sites (news sites, personal pages, information materials, scientific publications and others) suggests their different content, in this case, teachers and students should have the skills to critically perceive the information posted on the Internet, to which they refer.

The effective use of modern ICT in teaching their native language depends on many factors, among which leading are:

‒ provision of computer equipment and Internet access;

‒ availability of specialized training materials and a necessary set of programs of various types;

‒ educational quality of the multimedia teaching tools used;

‒ an adequate level of general computer literacy (media literacy) for students and teachers;

‒ special training of teachers in the field of computer linguistics;

‒ special organization of the educational process.

With the obvious significance of all these factors, we believe that the key figure in the integration of ICT in the learning process is a teacher who has the necessary qualifications and applies them in practice.

Taking into account the fact that the majority of trainees who currently work in educational institutions of different levels did not have the opportunity to receive the necessary training in the use of modern ICT in the teaching of English, and it is also necessary that the development of computer technology is very fast pace. In our opinion, the most important task, indicated in a significant number of studies, should be the organization of a system of advanced training and information and methodological support for teachers in the field of computer linguodidactics.

At present, theoretical and applied aspects of computer linguistics are developed by leading scientists from different countries, which can be divided into three areas of research.

Studies on the development of theoretical aspects of the use of ICT in teaching languages belong to the first direction. The following issues are discussed in these papers:

‒ methodological problems of computer linguistics;

‒ psychological and pedagogical problems of computerization of language teaching;

‒ questions of the typology of educational materials in the use of ICT;

‒ the problem of assessing the quality of software in the learning process;

‒ opportunities for developing communication skills in the learning process using ICTs and a number of other problems.

The second area includes experimental work on the creation and use in the educational process of electronic materials intended for various purposes, forms and training profiles.

The third area explores ways to integrate computer-based learning in the process of teaching English, and develop effective methods of using ICT in the learning process.

These areas of research suggest a comprehensive approach to the study of this problem. Nevertheless, we consider it necessary to emphasize that the leading aspect is the preparation of English teachers for the educational process using ICT.

Summarizing, we note that the growth of media culture products in the process of teaching English and training highly qualified personnel on a systemic basis appears to be a promising direction of modernization and goal-setting of the content of vocational education in modern integrative conditions.


  1. Bovtenko M. A. Computer linguodidactics. Moscow: Flint Publishing House, 2005. — 150 c.
  2. Kirillova NB Medical culture: from the modern to the postmodern. — 2 nd ed. — Moscow: Academic Project, 2006. — 256 p.
  3. National program for training personnel / / Harmoniously developed generation — the basis for progress in Uzbekistan. — T. Shark, 1997. — 63 p.
  4. Fedorov A. V. Media education and media literacy. Taganrog: Kuchma Publishing House, 2004. — 340 c.
  5. Khomeriki OG Education, science and culture in the global information space. Moscow: Perspective, 2008. — 152 p.
  6. Chicherina NV The concept of the formation of media literacy in students of language faculties on the basis of foreign-language media texts. Spb.: RGPU, 2008–50 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, RGPU.

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