Psycho-pedagogical bases of formation of creative potential of the future teachers of subjects of natural sciences | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Psycho-pedagogical bases of formation of creative potential of the future teachers of subjects of natural sciences / К. М. Адырбеков, К. М. Беркимбаев, А. Д. Адырбекова [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 20 (206). — С. 372-375. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.01.2025).

This article deals with the formation of creative potential of the future teacher of natural science subjects. Clearly, in this situation foreign language is one of the most significant qualities of formatting creative potential of the future teacher of natural science subjects, ensuring the success of their pedagogical activity. Entering the modern conditions of life requires dynamic development of foreign languages for further usage in pedagogical activity. Social significance of the future teachers learning English or a few foreign language is determined by: the value of the language as means of intercultural communication and as conditions for the implementation of personal plans; professional importance of using foreign languages ​​for self-improvement, formation creative capacity and increasing qualification.

Keywords: the content of curricula, the planning of educational processes training, future teachers, formation, creativity, creative potential, the system of multilevel pedagogical education, the method of teaching.

The strategic task of the modern stage of social development is radical changes in the development of higher education. Kazakhstan's education system so intensely enriches by European experience to which domestic scientific and pedagogical community refers ambiguously and coming performs in connection with the entry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Bologna Process among the universities in addition a lot of problems.

Participation of Kazakhstan in the Bologna process has opened the way for the country to European education, giving the opportunity to improve the quality of education, mobility of students and teachers, receiving diplomas anywhere in Europe, as well as free to work for graduates of any country in the world [1].

The system of mutual influence of higher education in the European space is a priority direction of reforming the field of education in our country. State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016 -2019 [2], shows the specific directions of development in this area.

Important steps are being taken in the education and science system. The unification of the process of science and education has given a new impetus to Kazakhstan's entry into the world scientific and educational space in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. The share of higher educational institutions that have undergone independent national institutional and specialized accreditation in accordance with international standards has increased. This, in turn, has a special impact on the content of education in higher education.

Today, all the basic state documents are emphasized in the priority of the Kazakhstan education, its evolving nature and personal orientation. Hence, the change of the paradigm of education from traditional to personal-oriented requires the perfection of the system of forming the creative potential of the future teacher of natural science subjects. In this regard, a different methodology is required, directed at the poly-paradigmatic view of the problem, the result of which is the person's longing for constant self-improvement.

Naturally, the preparation of future natural sciences teachers that have the necessary creative qualities can not happen without pedagogical staff of a new level, with special personal qualities capable to overcome the situations of social uncertainty, able to isolate problems and make productive decisions, be responsible for their execution, resolve disputes by dialogue and enter into cooperation, etc.

Therefore, there is a growing need for the formation of creative qualities of future teachers, who have the capacity for permanent development and improvement. Today such system is still imperfect. The foregoing stipulates: the need for a scientific study of the fundamental foundations for the creation of this system; a high degree of urgency of the problem, creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative qualities in the future teacher.

First of all, it is necessary to consider different theories of personality. Thus, supporters of the humanistic theory of personality in psychology (K. Rogers [3] and A. Maslow [4]) consider the main source of personal development to be inherent tendencies toward self-actualization. Within the framework of the humanistic theory, the personality is the inner world of the human «I« as a result of self-actualization.

Within the framework of dispositional theory, personality is a complex system formal-dynamic properties (temperament), traits and socially conditioned properties (from the environment).

Representatives of the cognitive theory (. J. Kelly [5]), have argued that the personality — is a system of organized personal constructs, in which the personal experience of a person is processed (perceived and interpreted).

According to Kelly the main source of personal development is the environment, the social environment. Cognitive theory of personality emphasizes the influence of intellectual processes on human behavior.

According to the activity theory (S. L. Rubinshtein [6], K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya [7], A. V. Brushlinsky [8]), a person is a conscious subject occupying a certain position in society performing a socially useful public role. The personality structure is a complexly organized hierarchy of individual properties, blocks (orientation, abilities, character, self-control) and systemic existential personality traits. These properties are associated with a holistic self-image (self-relationship).

The main characteristics of the activity is objectivity and subjectivity. The specificity of objectivity consists in the fact that objects of the external world influence the subject not directly, but only after being transformed in the process of the activity itself. It should be noted that the most important qualities of the future teacher of natural science subjects are initiative, readiness to accumulate creative experience, which will become the foundation for his self-realization and overcoming all the complexities of the profession in his creative activity.

Special attention is paid to the scientific substantiation and opening of the essence of the new conceptual approach to the problem of forming the creative potentials of the future teacher of natural science subjects, which is based on the principles of creativity as methodological and their coherence with a personal-oriented approach. It should be pointed out that creativity is one of the main mechanisms of personal and professional development of future teachers.

Creativity (from the Latin creatio-creation) — (the well-known Russian analogue — creativity) — is an ability reflecting the deepest property of the individual-the goal of creativity, his desire to create original values, to take nonstandard decisions.

We adhere to the fact that such characteristics as an active personal position, self-criticism, the ability to creatively use the experience, the desire for a dildo, the capacity for self-formation and professional growth should be included in the concept of the creative. All these characteristics of personality, according to scientists, can be combined into the concept of the creative potential of the future teacher of natural science subjects.

It should be noted that in the creative potential, there are many studies devoted to the various psychological aspects of professional development, the professionalization of the individual.

There are three approaches to the problem of becoming a person in the profession. The first approach considers the problem of the formation of the individual in the profession as a movement from activity to personality. The focus of the second approach is the personality of the professional. As a result of this comparison, professionally important qualities of a personality are deduced. The third, creative direction considers professional self-consciousness as an independent category, characterizing it from the standpoint of an inseparable unity of consciousness and activity, personality and activity.

Based on a new interpretation of consciousness and activity, it became possible to solve the problem of personality development and its abilities through various activities, including creative ones.

As never before, the tasks of professional training are converging with the goals of personal development, the formation of the creativity of the future teacher. These questions are considered in the context of student growth as an important stage in personal development, the definition of the role and place of abilities, motives, the formation of professional and important qualities of the future teacher of natural science subjects.

The understanding of the psychological aspects of the development of professional awareness of various types of thinking, creativity was promoted by the works and research of A. G. Asmolov [9], V. N. Druzhinin [10] and others.

However, until now, the conditions necessary to improve the quality of pedagogical training at the university are not completely created.

In our opinion, one of the conditions is the possibility of involving each student in active activities, as well as applying them to the practice of received knowledge and a clear understanding of where, for what purpose and for what purpose, these knowledge can be used.

We are of the opinion of A. K. Markova [11] that, in the structure of the professional's personality, there are: motivation (the personality's orientation and its types); personality properties (abilities, character and its features, mental processes and states); integral personality characteristics (self-awareness, individual style, creativity as creativity).

On our view, creative potential can be considered as a personal possibility for a person to realize himself intellectual and creative activity and, under appropriate conditions, be ready for creative behavior. This possibility of realizing itself is characterized by such a form of activity that is accomplished by going beyond stereotypes in making a decision on the existing problem, the readiness for rapid response in the changing conditions of life, and creative activity. This form of activity is called creative behavior. It is necessary to emphasize that in scientific and methodological literature, the question of creating conditions for the qualitative development of creative potential for students of pedagogical specialties on the basis of individualization of education was promptly raised. It is necessary to create conditions for the formation and self-realization of a competent, creative and self-developing person, able to adapt in a rapidly changing environment, i.e. creative personality with creative abilities.

We share the view of S. M. Redlich [12], that the development of creativity is the key to the successful social and professional adaptation of the future teacher. At the stage of professional adaptation, the individual style of the future teacher's activity is also formed, which is based on his individual psychological characteristics.

At present, there is an increasing interest in the creative self-realization of the teacher in the dynamically changing circumstances of life and activity and, as a consequence, his creative potential — that professional-personal reserve, which allows to effectively carry out this process. Comparing the existing definitions, we will note their range: from the information of creative potential to the ability to think creatively and to perceive the surrounding reality to understanding it as a complex personal phenomenon that includes a variety of biological, psychic, social and other characteristics; from consideration of creative potential as the quality of a personality to recognition as a personal personality structure.

On the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical experience, we conclude that the creative potential of the teacher appears as a combination of its capabilities for creative solutions to diverse tasks associated with and the development of students, the organization of the educational process, professional cooperation. The creative potential of the teacher is a dynamic personal structure, expressed by the integration of three components:

‒ a value component that reflects the teacher's values ​​and creative ideas and priorities;

‒ a cognitive component represented by a body of knowledge that facilitates the understanding of the creative nature of his work by the teacher and influences his creative organization of professional activity;

‒ an activity component that combined elements that promote the transfer of creative potential into the state of actualization (personal and professional realization of the teacher), in which the possibilities for its further development are hidden.

Proceeding from this, the developed theoretical foundations for the practice of personal and professional development can serve as a basis for creating new effective approaches to the problem of forming the creative qualities of the future teacher of natural science subjects in conditions of higher education. We note the fact that the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows that the use of modern educational technology in the process of professional training is of great importance and contributes to the formation of the creative potential of future teachers of natural science subjects. The scientific-theoretical research will be continued by us, and at our work we draw a conclusion about the relevance and relevance of the issues of using modern educational technology in shaping the creative potential of future teachers of subjects of natural sciences, modernizing the educational process, updating the content of the training process, which accordingly influence the change in training of future teachers.


  1. Uzakbaeva, S., Baimukhanbetov, B., Berkimbaev, K., Mukhamedzhanov, B. and Pralieva, R. (2013) To the Problem of Forming Creative Competence of the Future Teachers. Creative Education, 4, 234–240. doi: 10.4236 / ce.2013.43034.
  2. The State Program for Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 2016 -2019 years.
  3. Rogers K. Vzglyad na psihoterapiyu. Stnovleniya cheloveka. –M., 1994. — 480p.
  4. Maslow A. TDalniye peredeli chelovecheskoi Psihiki. — St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 1997. -430 s.
  5. Kelly, G. A. The psychology of personal constructs: Vol. 1. A theory of personality. London: Routledge., 1991.
  6. Rubinshtein S. L. Bitiye soznaniye. — M., 1987. — 328.
  7. Abulkhanova K. A. MIrovozrenicheskiy smisl I nauchnoe znacheniye kategorii subyekta. — M.: IPRAN, 1997. — P. 56–75.
  8. Brushlinsky A. V. Subect: myshleniye, ucheniye I mirovozreniye. — M.: Voronezh, 1996. — 392 s.
  9. Asmolov A. G. Psihologiya sovremennosti: vizovi neopredelennosti, slojnosti I raznoobraziya // Psihologicheskiye issledovaniya. M.: 2015. P. 8, No. 40. s. 1.
  10. Druzhinin V. N. Kognitivniye sposonosti: struktura, diagnostika, razvitiye. — M.: Per SE; St. Petersburg: IM A TON, 2001.
  11. Markova A. K. Psihologiya professionalizma. M., 1996–308s.
  12. Redlich S. M. Dopolnitelniye obrazovaniya kak factor uspeshnoi socialno-professionalniy adaptacii nachinayushego uchitelya. — 1996. — № 3. — s.24.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IPRAN, TON.

Ключевые слова

creativity, the content of curricula, the planning of educational processes training, future teachers, formation, creative potential, the system of multilevel pedagogical education, the method of teaching

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