Effective English language teaching in elementary classes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (206) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 22.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 26 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мусаев, Акмал. Effective English language teaching in elementary classes / Акмал Мусаев, Хонзода Жураханова, Сохибжамол Нуманова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 20 (206). — С. 398-399. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/206/50631/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

In English language teaching process special attention is given to the development of communication skills and learning processes. The psychophysiological situation in the time of the war (fatigue, boredom, calmness) is an additional tool to help students deal with issues such as theme, tendency, stupidity, role play. It is desirable to use a bedroom and use a variety of moving vehicles in the room. In addition, this tutorial will help the tutor to avoid torture and ill-treatment, to establish personal relationships, influence foreign language learning, and eradicate students.

The use of first-class home appliances will be effective in promoting foreign languages through the use of communication skills of learners and develops. Training on home work involves the child's emotional and emotional abilities, decision-making ability, decision-making, and achievement of goals. These tasks can accelerate the child's thinking abilities. If a child speaks a foreign language, this increases his / her learning abilities. Children start to beat tongues the same way. Home — a fun learning exercise for all children. In addition, pupils with a good knowledge of foreign languages speak at home, with equal opportunities, enjoyment and satisfaction, speak in an unknown language and risk their knowledge, and the learning outcomes are positive.

Nevertheless, foreign language materials are easily adapted to the child's notion of «I can speak a foreign language». With home teachers, the richness of textbooks, communication skills, creative initiatives and abilities develops.

Communication skills can also be used to develop skills. Students who are important to them are caring and ignorant they have new information and information. Pronunciation helps to improve pronunciation, speech, rhythm and intonation, help you to respect yourself, help you to express yourself in the monologue and conversation, and develop your own conversation. In addition, the traditional approach to the learning process has a positive impact on emotional aspects of learners.

At the initial stages of learning foreign languages, the exercise was influenced by three tutors. Students should be reminded of the name of these actions. Teachers can be ready to communicate with a teacher to improve their English communication skills and communication skills.

District teachers, mentors, and administrators use the six key strategies to identify good teaching skills that help them plan lessons that are accessible to a range of students.

– The first of the six key strategies is vocabulary and language development, through which teachers introduce new concepts by discussing vocabulary words key to that concept. Exploring specific academic terms like algorithm starts a sequence of lessons on larger math concepts and builds the student’s background knowledge.

– The second strategy is guided interaction. With this method, teachers structure lessons so students work together to understand what they read—by listening, speaking, reading, and writing collaboratively about the academic concepts in the text.

– The third strategy is metacognition and authentic assessment. Rather than having students simply memorize information, teachers model and explicitly teach thinking skills (metacognition) crucial to learning new concepts. Research shows that metacognition is a critical skill for learning a second language and a skill used by highly proficient readers of any language. With authentic assessments, teachers use a variety of activities to check students’ understanding, acknowledging that students learning a second language need a variety of ways to demonstrate their understanding of concepts that are not wholly reliant on advanced language skills.

– The fourth strategy is explicit instruction, or direct teaching of concepts, academic language, and reading comprehension strategies needed to complete classroom tasks.

– The fifth strategy is the use of meaning-based context and universal themes, referring to taking something meaningful from the students’ everyday lives and using it as a springboard to interest them in academic concepts. Research shows that when students are interested in something and can connect it to their lives or cultural backgrounds they are more highly motivated and learn at a better rate.

– The final strategy is the use of modeling, graphic organizers, and visuals. The use of a variety of visual aids, including pictures, diagrams, and charts, helps all students—and especially ELL students—easily recognize essential information and its relationship to supporting ideas. Visuals make both the language and the content more accessible to students.

According to the new standard teaching foreign languages in schools begins in the first grade of the primary schools, when children are at the age of 6–7. And by the end of primary stage (grades 1–4) of education pupils have to achieve A1 level according to the national curriculum and CEFR. The widespread introduction of teaching English language in primary education around the world, including in Uzbekistan, is described by Johnstone as “the world’s biggest policy development in education” (in Copland, Garton, and Burns, 2014, p738). There are several reasons for this. First, it is better to begin learning foreign languages as early as possible (Copland, Garton and Burns, 2014). Second, wide use of English in the process of globalization and integration of market economies, workforce with English language skills considered to be an advantage.

In teaching English to young learners the ultimate aim should not be build around the effective teaching and learning of the English language but also around the psychological, physical and emotional development of young learners in their first years at school.


  1. Clarke, P. (2001). Teaching and learning: the culture of pedagogy. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications. Clay, M. M. (1991)
  2. Peregoy, S. F. & Boyle, O. F. (2000). English learners reading English: What we know, what we need to know. Theory into practice, 39(4), 237–247.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CEFR, ELL.

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