Difficulties of learning English at the medical University and methods of their solution | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (207) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 26.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 108 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мищенко, А. Н. Difficulties of learning English at the medical University and methods of their solution / А. Н. Мищенко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 21 (207). — С. 485-487. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/207/50733/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In article it is told about importance of the correct approach to students of the medical university in teaching English for whom English isn't the main subject, but nevertheless important for their future profession. Problems of low motivation and low level of proficiency in English are considered. In article examples of the solution of these problems by application of various methods at an English lesson are given.

Keywords: motivation, methods, foreign languages, teaching.

В статье рассказывается о важности правильного подхода к студентам медицинского университета в преподавании английского языка, для которых английский не является основным предметом, но тем не менее важным для их будущей профессии. Рассматриваются проблемы низкой мотивации и низкого уровня владения английским языком. В статье приведены примеры решения данных проблем путем применения различных методов на уроке английского языка.

Presently knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, is a necessity for a modern well-educated man for many reasons, including because a foreign language a mind enriches and disciplines, extends knowledge about a culture, history, traditions and customs of country of the studied language. Possession foreign languages gives the wide spectrum of possibilities, beginning from the simple intermingling with friends in a network the Internet to realization of potential employment opportunity on prestige high-paying work. Knowledge of foreign languages allows to set wide educational, cultural and professional contacts.

In secondary vocational school, a foreign language is one of the General subjects and an obligatory component of humanitarian training. According to the State educational standard, students learn the basics of business English, the necessary professional vocabulary, read texts containing special vocabulary, develop dialogue and monological speech at English lessons. In the system of secondary vocational education, the discipline «Foreign language» occupies a special place: during its study, students develop skills and abilities to use a foreign language as a means of communication, a means of obtaining new, relevant and useful information from various fields of knowledge, for example, from the field of medicine. The specifics of teaching English in a medical College involves a special approach to the teaching of the subject. The English language acts as a non-professional discipline, so the change in the General attitude to the subject and the development of interest in its study is of particular importance.

Teaching English at a medical University is based on a clear specific goal: communicative actions in professional conditions and possible budget situations (in the hospital, in the clinic, in the pharmacy), based on the goal, English training is based on the professional orientation, inter — disciplinary and communicative-active approach and thus achieved the introduction of the educational process of professionally directed competence.

However, despite the awareness of the need for knowledge and fluency of a foreign language and the understanding of its importance in the implementation of potential future specialist, College students still do not pay enough attention to its study and not good enough to them. Learning English is a complex process that requires a lot of time and effort, so there are a number of difficulties. And everyone has their own reason.

In the course of studying the difficulties associated with the study of English language students of medical school was analyzed the overall performance, quality of knowledge of all groups of students and eventually was allocated an average score. The group of students was attended by both boys and girls of different ages.

Analysis of the results showed that the overall performance is 100 %, the quality of knowledge — 50.3 %, the average score — 3.4.

Thus, most of the students have difficulties in learning English and need help to increase motivation to learn the language. And so the main goal for many students is not to gain knowledge for their development, and the desire to get a credit.

During the survey of students, I identified the following reasons that cause difficulties and reduce the motivation of students of medical school to study English. The reasons explaining this phenomenon were revealed quite a lot:

– the constant absence of teachers in schools, due to the lack of English teachers in both urban and rural schools, or the total absence of foreign language teaching;

– low level of knowledge gained in the course of learning a foreign language at school, or lack of basic level;

– hostile relations with the teacher providing the subject;

– weak understanding of the need for further use of English in real life, however, some students assume that communication in the target language when they travel abroad as tourists, visiting relatives, etc.

– difficulties with the perception and memorization of a large amount of text material;

– monotonous method of teaching the discipline;

– the complexity of teaching English, as a result of the lack of interest in the classroom;

– lack of ability to learn English, it is difficult given;

– language barrier, lack of voice, fear of making a mistake;

The purpose of the teacher is not to turn the lesson into a planned process of grading for completed or unfulfilled homework, but to instill interest in the student and provide an incentive to anyone who is drawn to knowledge, to turn the lesson into a journey through countries and continents, in acquaintance with different nationalities and cultures, customs and traditions. It is very important in the subsequent stages of language learning is the stage of comparison of the features of native culture with foreign culture in order to form a morally oriented attitude of adolescents with each other, the formation of tolerance to others, which will help to more clearly activate the process of learning.

It is obvious that at the end of the XX century in Kazakhstan there was a «revolution» in the methods of teaching English. Previously, all the priorities were given to grammar, almost mechanical mastery of vocabulary, reading and literary translation. It's an old-school principle. The traditional form of teaching a foreign language is a thing of the past. It doesn't work now.

The educational standards of the new generation are based on the competence approach and Orient students to acquire useful knowledge necessary for the successful achievement of the goals in real life conditions, where competence acts as a universal way of activity that will allow the student to use the existing knowledge, skills and abilities in new educational and extracurricular life situations.

The main means of formation of basic competencies in teaching a foreign language are the special forms and methods of presentation. The main task facing the teacher is to reveal the creative potential of students, to find such means that would awaken the mental activity of students and interest in a foreign language. In solving this problem, the active methods of learning that motivate students to self-development and creative learning material come to the fore.

Active teaching methods can be used at different stages of the educational process. For example, in classroom English classes can be used such methods as intellectual warm-up, business and role-playing games, discussions, real-life situations, contests, quizzes presentations, projects, binary classes, press clubs, conferences, competitions on an interdisciplinary basis. The participation of students in distance competitions in English also contributes to the increase of motivation. This method has become relevant at our University.

Solving the difficulties and increase the motivation of students in their classes, I also use the educational role-playing game, which is a practical exercise that simulates various aspects of the professional activities of future nurses.

The game form of the lesson provides conditions for the complex use of students ' knowledge of the subject of professional activity; improvement of their foreign language speech; more complete mastery of a foreign language as a means of professional communication and the subject of study.

Role-playing games can be carried out both on the final, generalizing lessons, and in the process of studying a separate topic. Such topics as» the dentist»«, in the pharmacy»«, doctor's Visit»«, doctor's Visit»«, history of the disease», etc. are very fertile ground for the application of role-playing games in the classroom. And also this method can be used with students who have a low level of knowledge.

As practice shows, students take an active part in discussions on topical issues for them, for example, «Problems of modern humanity», «Healthy lifestyle», «Modern English», etc.

The task of the teacher is to captivate students with the problem and the process of its deep research, to stimulate creative thinking with the help of skillfully posed questions. During the discussion, students learn to defend their point of view on the problem, to listen and hear others, to tolerate a different opinion, to make decisions together. This form of work develops in children such personal qualities as initiative, communication skills, tolerance. Joint work of teacher and students in decision of issues of the day develops ability to intermingle with each other, works out problems in overcoming of language barrier. Consequently, participating in discussions forms for the students of competence of work in a collective, effective communication, making decision and ability to bear the responsibility for them in standard and non-standard situations.

A method of projects is another method that I apply on the employments, and students, with pleasure, that quite a bit is important, take up this business. This method is one of the most effective methods of hands on training in independent work of students. A prosecution of project is a process creative. Students independently or by means of teacher carry out a search and selection of necessary information, i.e. study to be oriented in informative space. Students become active participants, and a teacher directs their activity and helps the name of Project students present as computer presentations, essay, reports. Thus, they study it is argued to answer the put questions, defend the point of view, positively to perceive the remarks of comrades and it is adequate to estimate the work. Undoubtedly all this work engages them in a process, that serves as motivation for the study of English. Consequently, active methods are sent to creation of favourable motivational and emotional background on employment of English, that conduces to development of steady interest in his capture.

Thus, in the process of hands on training students seize unit by the row of major competences: to realize the aims and necessities, take away necessary materials, use the different types of information; to comprehend and discuss the results of the activity; to co-operate with a teacher and inter se; actively to think and cognize reality by means of foreign language, to obtain necessary knowledge and abilities and successfully to use them in practical activity, that allows not only to wake up interest in the study of foreign language but also promote their level.

Variety of forms and types of employments, facilities, methods and receptions of work on employments, the use of active forms of educating, undoubtedly, conduces to the increase of interest in the studied foreign language, what is in a considerable degree assisted by interdisciplinary connections that are in each of these forms of employments listed above.

A study of professional foreign language is result of the large personal labour of student. Capture in a medical university assists development of important professional internalss foreign speech: to patience, ability to overcome to difficulty, exactness, independence. All these internalss need to the future medical workers.

It ensues from all said, that exactly a teacher must help a student to overcome difficulties of study of English and by all methods to explain and prepare a student to correct perception of foreign language as important discipline necessary for moral education itself as personality and understanding of importance of education of international culture. And student, in turn, must attach a maximum of efforts in overcoming of these difficulties. Avoidance of monotony and complication of teaching of language, carefully thought out organization of educational process in university conduces to the decision of overcoming of difficulties, promotes motivation of student for the study of English and converts him from the passive subject of perception of information in an active participant educational.


  1. https://moluch.ru/archive/205/49953/
  2. http://teachershelp.ru/how-do-i-learn-english/
  3. http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/154843-Ten-important-reasons-to-learn
  4. http://cito-web.yspu.org/link1/metod/met150/node17.html
  5. http://doclecture.net/1–47578.html
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): английский язык.

Ключевые слова

foreign languages, methods, teaching, motivation

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