Professional competence of the linguists | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (208) июнь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 05.06.2018

Статья просмотрена: 53 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Исламова, З. Н. Professional competence of the linguists / З. Н. Исламова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 22 (208). — С. 325-326. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

At present, the problem of maintaining the professional competence of a teacher of linguistic disciplines is urgent and requires special attention.

In recent years, on the pages of pedagogical publications, studies devoted to the study of the concepts of «competence» and «competence» are presented. In the works of domestic authors, different types of competences are distinguished for different types of activity [1].

In psychology, a point of view is adopted, according to which «competence» includes ways to perform the action [2].

In foreign studies, «competence» means a range of individual psychological qualities, which include: independence, discipline, communicative, need for self-development.

Other researchers consider pedagogical competence as the most stable properties of personality. They believe that the development of the individual in activities, communication provides a qualitative approach to solving professional problems.

By professional competence is understood the totality of professional knowledge, skills, and also ways of performing professional activity. The main components of professional competence are: social and legal competence — knowledge and skills in the field of interaction with public institutions and people, as well as the possession of methods of professional communication and behavior;

Special competence — preparedness for independent implementation of specific types of activities, the ability to solve typical professional tasks and evaluate the results of their work, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty;

Personal competence — the ability to continuous professional development and professional development, as well as the realization of oneself in professional work;

Auto-competence — an adequate understanding of their social and professional characteristics and possession of technologies to overcome professional destruction [3].

Competence is considered as the general ability of a specialist to mobilize in his professional activities his knowledge, skills, as well as generalized ways of performing actions.

Here are five key competencies that are given special importance in vocational education:

social competence — the ability to take responsibility, together with other people to develop a decision and participate in its implementation, tolerance to different ethno-cultures and religions, the manifestation of the conjugation of personal interests with the needs of the enterprise and society;

communicative competence that determines the proficiency in the technologies of oral and written communication in different languages, including computer programming, including communication via the Internet;

social and information competence, characterizing the possession of information technology and a critical attitude to social information disseminated by the media;

cognitive competence — readiness for a continuous increase in the educational level, the need for actualization and realization of one's personal potential, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, the ability to self-development;

special competence — preparedness for independent performance of professional actions, evaluation of the results of one's own labor [5].

We will adhere to the following point of view: the professional competence of the teacher of linguistic disciplines is a complex single system of internal mental states and personality traits of the specialist, readiness to carry out professional activities in the field of linguistic disciplines and the ability to produce the necessary actions.

Understanding professional competence according to many scholars, the teaching of a teacher should be based on the development of integrative and analytical abilities of a person. The dynamism of social development presupposes that the professional activity of a person is not predetermined for the entire period of his professional career and provides for the need for continuous education, the process of constantly improving his professional competence. Competence always manifests itself in activity. Professional competence of the teacher is manifested in solving professional problems. It is always important to consider the context in which competence is manifested.

We believe that professional competence is a combination of key, basic and special competencies. The key competencies required for any professional activity are related to the success of an individual in a rapidly changing world. Key competencies acquire special significance today. They are manifested, first of all, in the ability to solve professional problems based on the use of: information; communication in a foreign language; (in our case, the professional activity of the teacher).

Thus, by «competence» we mean a certain set of knowledge and skills necessary for the teacher of linguistic disciplines, his ability to mobilize his knowledge, skills, and concrete ways of performing actions in his professional activities. Here it is necessary to emphasize that professional competence is regarded by us as ability to the optimal performance of culturally appropriate activities; Integral unity of intellectual components and skills, personal characteristics, value orientations of the specialist, allowing a person to successfully adapt in the constantly changing conditions of professional activity. Professional competence of the teacher of linguistic disciplines is of paramount importance; therefore, a number of qualification requirements are put forward to the teacher of the specified disciplines: he must be an experienced interpreter; have appropriate pedagogical tactics; communicatively competent; have comprehensive training in the field of linguistics, as well as have general pedagogical (personal) qualities.

The effectiveness of teaching is enhanced if the teacher has the following skills: to relate the learning process to practical activities; to demonstrate their pedagogical professionalism in solving specific linguistic tasks; convincingly and tactfully offer their options for solving the tasks (the principle of consciousness).

In our opinion, a good preparation of the linguistic teacher is the ability to explain the nature of the linguistic problem and possible ways to solve it. By knowing the general pedagogical (personal) qualities, we mean the teacher has linguistic disciplines such qualities as professional artistry, the ability to conduct classes at a good pace, ensuring the activity and involvement in the work of all students (the principle of activity), the ability to maintain working discipline in the classroom, the ability to build training in accordance with the individual traits of the trainees (the principle of the individual approach), the ability to modify the program if necessary, the ability to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the class, and the ability to refrain from pressure on the trainees (the principle of accessibility and feasibility).

From all of the above, the conclusion that the professional competence of the teacher of linguistic disciplines is a system of linguistic, sociolinguistic, cultural, strategic and discourse knowledge and skills that allow them to interact effectively in specific socially determined communicative situations, as well as skills and ability to apply existing knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching linguistic disciplines.


  1. Markova, A. K. Psychological criteria and steps of professionalism of the teacher / / Pedagogics — 1995. — № 6. — P. 55–63.
  2. Onischenko, N. E. Vocational training: professional competence of the teacher in the new social conditions., 2007. — P. 248–253.
  3. Bukharova, G.D., Starikova, L. D. General and Professional Pedagogy: Textbook. allowance / G. D. Bukharova, L. D. Starikova. — Academy of Information Technologies, 2009. — 336 p.

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