The role of professional competence in the work of foreign language teacher | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (208) июнь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 05.06.2018

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Иргашева, З. Х. The role of professional competence in the work of foreign language teacher / З. Х. Иргашева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 22 (208). — С. 323-325. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Professional competence now, more than ever, is necessary for conducting international business and commerce, for working in transnational companies both in their own country and abroad.

The professional competence of the teacher of linguistic disciplines is manifested in a number of characteristics of his activity: in his own holistic vision of the taught subject, his goals, structure, tasks, content; the ability to set a diagnostic goal given the cognitive, activity, axiological and personal level of development of students, their needs, vital interests. The signs of the professional competence of the teacher of linguistic disciplines are:

‒ orientation to the individual qualities of students;

‒ the ability to select the material in accordance with the individual abilities of students and value orientations;

‒ finding and using effective means of pedagogical interaction, contributing to the personal development of students;

‒ the construction of the content of education, taking into account the personal experience of students (the experience of evaluation, experience, choice, taking responsibility for their decisions) and own style [3].

Professional competence of the teacher is achieved due to the formation of a holistic image of this activity in his consciousness, thanks to which the system-forming pedagogical actions are provided, the basic among which are the following three:

1) designing the content of linguistic disciplines on the basis of correlating the educational standard of higher professional education and the real situation of student development and realizing individual potential;

2) realization of various models of mastering the socio-cultural experience — reproduction, orientation action (algorithm, regulator), co-creation with the teacher, independent creation of new knowledge, experience (project activity), experience and extraction of «living knowledge», reflection of one's own experience and building life dispositions;

3) staging students in the position of subjects of the educational process with an orientation toward the most complete manifestation of subjectivity, taking into account the age and social situation of the participants in the educational process.

Specificity of the competence level of training a specialist with knowledge of a foreign language in the field of professional communication is achieved in situations that simulate the conditions of real professional activity, when solving real production problems, in the conditions of application of design and research training technologies, including using information and communication tools.

The traditional education was limited to the transfer of subject knowledge, when humanitarian aspects of education, individual educational routes, models of personal developmental learning, interactive education technologies, technologies of «living» in the profession (professional socialization) in the higher education sphere, were not in demand as yet vocational education.

Professional competence of the teacher testifies:

‒ the ability to quickly navigate the changing world and the changes that occur in education, in its new priorities;

‒ on the reconstruction and variability of the educational area taught to them in the direction of key competencies;

‒ about real skills and skills in applying project, communication, computer technologies in the educational process;

‒ on the availability of orientation to subject relations in pedagogical interaction with the student and the desire to informally prepare students for future professional activity and develop their competence in business communication in a foreign language;

‒ the desire to develop their own teaching system, which will make it competitive in the market of educational services;

‒ the desire to learn and master modern methodological culture, erudition in its subject matter.

It is necessary to have certain skills and skills in organizing speech, to be able to build it logically, consistently and convincingly to set tasks and achieve the goal, and this is a new level of communicative competence related to strategic and discursive competencies. It is difficult not to agree that even in their native language, where the knowledge of words and their stylistic features is not difficult to be able to convincingly, and therefore, it is logical to build a speech, to achieve the desired effect is not always and not all. To a large extent, this is determined by the fact that in the lessons of both foreign and native language, all the oral statements of students represent speech only in form, but in fact, speech is not. In the classifications of the types of speech activity developed by methodology, speaking and writing are referred to productive activities, which means that the work that the student «creates» is the fruit of his creativity, an independent «product» — a discourse that is unique both in substance and form.

The next component of the professional competence of the teacher of linguistic disciplines is intercultural competence, i.e. the combination of various forms of relations and communication between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures and their comprehension of cultural differences from each other. The importance of intercultural competence is due to the openness of the modern educational space and the increase of contacts between different higher educational institutions in the field of education, the integration of international educational experience in the process of interaction of teachers with colleagues-foreigners.

As a result of the participation of university teachers in international educational projects and exchange programs, there is a practical need for productive contacts with foreign partners. All this taken together translates the action of the principle of cultural-conformance of education and upbringing into the plane of intercultural dialogue in a foreign language. Intercultural competence about a system of codes that extends to everyday relations, social and cultural norms will prevent a clash of cultures, since communicative behavior is largely determined by the national belonging to its bearers and generates its own type of communication. The teacher of a foreign language should know that representatives of so-called collectivist cultures are trying avoid unambiguous verbal contacts and focus on non-verbal means of communication that allow them to better understand and understand the intentions of the interlocutor, to determine his attitude towards them. For their part, representatives of individualistic cultures prefer open, direct forms of communication and conflict resolution. Therefore, in the process of communication, they use mainly verbal methods.

For collectivist cultures, it is customary at public appearances or in official written texts to use the pronoun «we» instead of the pronoun «I«. So, when defending a thesis or a thesis in a Russian-speaking audience, as a rule, they will say: in our study... we conducted an experiment. For a person belonging to an individualistic culture, this statement sounds like a non-independent [2].

Finding a common language — this well-known metaphor has a fully applied meaning in the organization of intercultural communication. The context of intercultural communication requires the formation of a common language, a kind of iconic meta-level, in order to ensure mutual understanding. It can have a substantive basis or be formed on the basis of specially reached agreements.


  1. Kolesnikova I. A., Collective activity of the teacher: training. Allowance for stud. supreme. training. institutions / I. A. Kolesnikova; under the V. A. Slastenin. -M.: Publishing Center «Academy», 2007. — 336p.
  2. Sadokhin A. P., Intercultural Communication: Textbook. Allowance. / Ed. A. P. Sadokhin. — Moscow: Alfa-M; INFRA-M, 2004. — 288p.
  3. Serikov V. V. Training as a kind of pedagogical activity: Textbook. allowance for stud. supreme. training. institutions \ V. V. Serikov; Ed. V. A. Slastenina, I. A. Kolesnikova. — M.: Publishing Center «Academy», 2008. — 256p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): INFRA-M.

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