The analysis of translation medical terms from English into Uzbek | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (208) июнь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 05.06.2018

Статья просмотрена: 481 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Рихсиева, Л. А. The analysis of translation medical terms from English into Uzbek / Л. А. Рихсиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 22 (208). — С. 380-381. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

A term is a word or expression denoting a concept in a particular activity, job, or profession. Terms are frequently associated with professionalisms. Term translation depends on the register it is used in. In science, translators tend to translate as precisely as possible. Absolute equivalence of terms is a requirement in scientific translation. In other registers, term translation depends on the receptors background, and on the function the term plays in the text.Despite on big amount research, dedicated to terminology, one of the main contemporary problems of comprehension and studying the term as a linguistic category with definition. A. V. Supernova explains the existence of various interpretations of the term: «term» first of all, is associated with its own particular concepts and it has unequal volume content interpret and will be determined special in its own way. The terms word combinations can be limited purpose, seeking to express accurately the scientific concept [2].

The main ways of translating terms are as follows:Transcription (for loan terms): display — дисплей, algorythm — алгоритм, phenomenon — феномен. Care should be taken not to overuse this technique. Terms may not survive in the borrowed form, as happened with the computer term hardware whose loan equivalent хардвер is no longer used in computer science, but has given way to its explanatory substitution: электромеханическое оборудование, техническое обеспечение.Transliteration: carbide — карбид, function — функция. Normally, terms are transliterated or transcribed when a target language lacks a certain notion and borrows it a short foreign form.Many international loan terms are of Greek or Latin origin. This facilitates mutual understanding among specialists: arthrogryposis — артрогрипоз, osteodystrophy — остеодистрофия, hematoma — гематома.Calque, half-calque: this technique is often applied to translating compound terms or term phrases: preanalysis — преданализ; structural system analysis — структурный системный анализ; address field — поле адреса; one- dimensional — одномерный [1].

The translations of medical and pharmaceutical texts are highly specialized type of translations which require an interpreter to know not only the relevant foreign language, but also the special terminology of the translated text [3]. Accordingly, the requirements for the qualification of an interpreter are increasing. Only experienced translators who have certain knowledge in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals are involved in translating medical documentation. The medical translation occupies a special place among other types of scientific and technical translation, since it has a direct relationship to human life and health. The medical translation is characterized by such features as specialized medical terminology, medical abbreviations. In addition, in the medical documents there is an illegible handwritten text. Another complication is also that hundreds of new names are added to medical vocabulary every year, and previously used words and expressions can acquire a new meaning. A particularly large number of names appear to indicate new methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients. In this article is focused on difficulties translation of terms in the immune system. It is identified the major components of the immune system such as Lymph nodes- Лимфа тугунчалар -Small, bean-shaped structures that produce and store cells that fight infection and disease. Spleen: Қора талоқ- The largest lymphatic organ in the body, which is on your left side, under your ribs and above your stomach, contains white blood cells that fight infection or disease.

Bone marrow- Суяк илиги-The yellow tissue in the center of the bones produces white blood cells. Lymphocytes: Лимфоцитлар-These small white blood cells play a large role in defending the body against disease. Leukocytes: Лейкоцитлар-These disease-fighting white blood cells identify and eliminate pathogens and are the second arm of the innate immune system. It is analyzed of terms’ translation in the sphere of Immunology from English into Uzbek. We clarified that many terminological equivalents of medical termsin Uzbek language have been formed from the English terms by transcription, transliteration, calque, description-translation or loan translations. We translated the termactive immunityasфаол иммунитет, but due to description we give Узоқ муддатли фаол иммунитет [4]. Аntigen-антиген, adjuvant-адъювант, basophill-базофил-by transliteration; The following terms we translated by transliteration, but in context we can give for patients and for specialists with non-medical knowledge and in the brackets definition-translations are enclosed: Granuloma-гранулема(тўқималарнинг яллиғланиши),leukocyte-лейкоцит(оқ қон ҳужайралари), locus- локус(хромосомадаги геннинг жойлашуви)erythema -эритема(қизариш). When we deal to terms as innate immune system and adaptive immune system translation technique as calque is used: innate immune system- туғма иммун тизими, adaptive immune system-адаптив ёки мослашган иммун тизими эмас, балки орттирилган иммун тизимидир. The term latency is commonly used among immunologists as касалликнинг инкубацион даври, but from context we can use the validity translation such as касалликнинг яширин даври, яъни касаллик белгилари ошкора намоён бўлмайдиган давр.

As many technical-medical translators deal to difficulties caused by the translation of documentation related to patient care. This is such medical documentation as extracts, medical records, the results of laboratory and instrumental examinations, protocols of operations, conclusions of specialists. In this case we can discuss caused by the translation of documentation related to patient care such as Immunology Notes. Translating Immunology Notes from English into Uzbek, we translated the term vivo-таббий and vitro as суънийжиҳатлар. The Immunology Notes could alleviate difficulties in translation and we have found out that vivo is a biological vitro is a serological via certain medical document. As we mentioned above experienced translators who have certain knowledge in the field of medicine are involved in translating medical documentation. Immunology Notes are available to enrich translator’s medical skill which can lead to proper translation of terms: interferon cellular- phagocytes интерферон ҳужайрали- фаготситлар, яъни таббий йўл билан ҳужайраларни йўқ қилувчилар, fibroblast -бирлаштирувчи ҳужайра, яъни коллаген ҳосил қилувчи бирлаштирувчи ҳужайралар орқали ташкил топган бирикмали тўқима ярани битиб кетишида муҳим роль ўйнайди.

So, the article is an attempt to study the difficulties in translation of Immunology terms which can alleviate the process of searching for an appropriate terms or expression in the field of medicine. Special attention is concentrated on Immunology terms, its peculiarities and features, and the ways of translating them from English into Uzbek. This article discusses the difficulties occurred in translation of documentation related to patient care. This is such medical documentation as Immunology Notes from English into Uzbek. When we focused on translation terms in the sphere of Immunology we had opportunity to contact and consult with specialist in this field of medicine. We highly appreciate the efforts of Jasur Ishmuhamedov who worked as immunologist in UN from 1992 till 1997. Nowadays he works in the company of Vaccines branch “Oracle Medical Group” in USA. Our concrete results of the analysis terms and their ways of translation from English into Uzbek will be fruitful aid for translators and great contribution to have proper, accurate and qualitative translations.


  1. Прошина З. Г. Теория перевода. — Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост. ун-та, 2008
  2. Irina Lantukhova. “Long-acting anti cholinergic in the treatment of severe asthma with irreversible airway obstruction”. — United Kingdom: EuropeanRespiratory Journal 2014.
  3. Самойлов, Д. В. О переводе медицинского текста. — М.: Практика, 2006.
  4. Ибрагимов, Б.У., Шахмуров Г. А. “Иммунология”- методик қўлланма. Т.;2010.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA.

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