Global ecological problems: the causes of their appearance and the innovative ways of the solution | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Собирова, Г. С. Global ecological problems: the causes of their appearance and the innovative ways of the solution / Г. С. Собирова, М. Б. Юлдашева, О. М. Шодиева, М. Х. Равшанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 24 (210). — С. 107-109. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article examines various global environmental problems and their causes. Various innovative solutions to these problems are also shown with examples.

Key words: ecological problems, causes, global warming, population, industrial waste, innovative solution.

In today's technologically developing world, there are many large enterprises and plants, various power plants, which bring tremendous profits to the economy of this state. Simultaneously bringing profit to the state, these enterprises become the reason of various ecological problems concerning not only this state, but also the neighboring ones.

It is no longer the secret to the existence of such global environmental problems as the emergence of ozone holes, the greenhouse effect, the destruction of various species of animals and plants, the lack of water in the arid regions of the world. Unfortunately, the main reason for these problems is the anthropogenic impact on nature. It would be appropriate to recall the words of Mahatma Gandhi, which has deep meaning. Once he said that our world is large enough to meet the needs of any person, but it is too small to satisfy human greed. By looking around, we can easily see the plausibility of this statement. After all, we find no limit to our needs, on the contrary, there are more and more of them. Is it not time to solve these problems!

At the moment, one of the most important problems affecting all countries in the world is global warming. What is the main reason for this problem, and can we solve it? Global warming is the process of gradual growth of the average annual temperature of the surface layer of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean, due to all sorts of reasons (increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, changes in solar or volcanic activity, etc.). Very often a synonym for «greenhouse effect» is used as a synonym for global warming, but there is a slight difference between these concepts. The greenhouse effect is an increase in the average annual temperature of the surface layer of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean due to the growth of greenhouse gas concentrations (carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, etc.) in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases act as a film or glass of a greenhouse (greenhouse), they freely pass the sun's rays to the surface of the Earth and trap heat that leaves the atmosphere of the planet. In more detail, we will consider this process below. [3]

The greenhouse effect, the accumulation of toxic gases, a sharp increase in temperature contributes to a decrease in the number of populations of the biogenesis. A population can be defined as any group of organisms of one species (or another group within which individuals can exchange genetic information) occupying a certain space and functioning as part of the biotic community [1, p. 5]

Human life and production (industrial, technogenic, agricultural) are built on waste technology. Wastes from production (industrial waste) are the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products that were formed during the production of products or work and lost completely or partially the initial consumer properties. The solution to this problem is the recycling of industrial waste. Utilization of industrial waste is the processing of waste to use the useful properties of waste or its components. In this case, the waste acts as a secondary raw material. [2]

Also, there are various innovative methods for solving environmental problems, which many countries aspire to the world. One of the most striking examples of innovative technologies in the field of environmental protection is the use of alternative energy (wind, solar, water, even volcano). For example, the investment project Masdar City in the UAE, which was created as an ecological city with «zero emission of greenhouse gases», demonstrates the latest technologies in construction and life support. All the needs of the city are met through geothermal energy, solar energy and in the process of obtaining energy from waste processing. Particular attention is paid to the concept design, which is designed to provide a comfortable microclimate with all the characteristics of the terrain. The center of the project is the Institute of Research and Development Masdar Institute, which serves as a center for attraction of young specialists and scientists. This step will help the UAE to evolve from a consumer-consuming country to a technology leader. [4]

Humanity is a creature that has no limits of consumption. We, knowing the harmfulness of our actions, still continue to do them. Consider the simplest examples from life: before buying a pack of cigarettes or any alcoholic beverage, we can easily read an inscription telling about the harm of these things to our health. But we continue to use them regardless of the warning. The same situation occurs with our environment. Is it not time to return to nature those things that we have been consuming for several thousand years? We must unite and save our world! Everything depends on us!!!


  1. Odum Y. Ecology: in two volumes. Volume 2. Translation from English. — Moscow: Mir, 1986. — 376s.
  2. Kovalenko LI, Rodionova GM, Chumakova Z. V., Zrelova L. V. Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmental Protection: Textbook / Ed. AP Arzamastseva. — Moscow: Publishing House Medicine, 2008. — 416s.
  3. Global warming: facts, hypotheses, comments. [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
  4. On sustainable development and eco innovation: new opportunities. [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UAE.

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