Formation of professional competence | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №25 (211) июнь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 25.06.2018

Статья просмотрена: 332 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Иргашева, З. Х. Formation of professional competence / З. Х. Иргашева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 25 (211). — С. 299-300. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).

One of the important areas of modern vocational education is the integration of professional training of students and the formation of their fundamental language competence, which is a necessity in the era of the widespread use of new technologies. The development of international cooperation in the field of science and culture requires the training of specialists able to participate in the speech communication of representatives of different language groups. Today, when the requirements to the general cultural level of human development repeatedly increase, the need for practice and the need for its more successful social adaptation determine the relevance of philological and linguistic and cultural training of students of language specialties to various types of their future professional activity [3].

Competent approach in the training of specialists implies not a simple translation of knowledge, skills and abilities from the teacher to the student, but the formation of professional competence in future teachers. The implementation of this approach involves the use of certain educational technologies in teaching, the reflection of students, the evaluation of their own achievements in teaching, the independence of the application of professional skills in practice. As a result, students develop pedagogical abilities, professional culture, and the pedagogical thinking of the future teacher.

Improving the quality of education is one of the urgent problems. Competence represents the quality, characterization of the personality, allowing it to decide, to make judgments in a certain area. The basis of this quality is knowledge, knowledge, experience of human social and professional activity. This underlines the collective, integrative nature of the concept of «competence» [2].

From our point of view, the competence approach in education is the actualization of professional knowledge and skills in activities through solving problematic problems, creativity, self-analysis, as well as experience and methods of transformative activity with obtaining a specific product. We believe that by a certain moment a specialist should be able to solve a certain range of professional tasks, act in a situation connected with uncertainty, use his theoretical knowledge in practical activity, be able to answer the question: what he learned. The process of formation of the professional and personal competence of the future teacher is not limited only to the assimilation of theoretical and practical courses in the content of training in the pedagogical college.

Therefore, in order to become a competent specialist, a graduate student needs to undergo a sufficiently long period of adaptation — professionally-objective and social, because in order to obtain the status of professional knowledge, the information from the very beginning must be assimilated by students in the context of his own practical action and deed. One of the most important psychological regulators of professional development is self-analysis and self-esteem, which are considered in domestic and foreign literature as the main tools for developing the professionalism of students. In addition, the education process includes the development of the professional orientation of the future teacher's personality, the formation of the attitude of the students of the pedagogical college to pedagogical activity as values, the development of professional skills and the independence of their application in practical activities. As a result, students become more interested in professional interests; the reflexive position, self-analysis and self-esteem abilities are activated; pedagogical abilities and professional attitudes, perceptual and communicative skills develop. Thus, the indicators and criteria for the formation of professional-personal competence and culture of professional-pedagogical interaction are:

‒ the presence of the developed pedagogical thinking of the future teacher, his orientation to practical work with students;

‒ possession of professional culture (general and pedagogical culture, erudition, etc.).

The implementation of a competence approach to the training of the future teacher of foreign languages ​​presupposes, first of all, the formation and development of key competencies: communicative and educational. Formation of the educational competence within the framework of a competence approach to teaching foreign languages ​​will, in our opinion, be reduced, first of all, to the development of students' self-management skills in their educational activities and self-control.

There are not enough favorable conditions for the formation of the pedagogical position and pedagogical thinking. It is necessary to manage the pedagogical activity of the student so that the student in the position of the teacher teaches others not only by trial and error, but also by designing his teaching activity. Structuring the material from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract, dosing new material, reinforcing it with examples and training exercises, methods for correcting mistakes, methods of control and evaluation — all this is the subject of the teacher's management of the student's teaching activities. The need to put the student at the center of the educational process, to organize interaction and cooperation with the group, and to give the training process a practical orientation dictates the use of such forms of instruction as the «project method», «round table», group work on the text, etc. Such methods and methods of work are prepared for real communication — the exchange of information, opinions and value judgments on what has been read and heard. Depending on the age stage, individual characteristics, professional specifics of the trained contingent, the forms of work may vary, but it is important that interaction and co-creation be carried out. Thus, the correct and competent methodical organization of students' activities on the basis of appropriate tasks ensures the development of speech initiative and improves the communicative competence of trainees.


  1. Vvedensky, V. N. Modeling the professional competence of the teacher.- Pedagogy. 2003. № 10.
  2. Zeer E. F. Modernization of professional education: competence approach // Education and science. 2004. № 3.
  3. Shishov S. E., Kalney V. A. Monitoring the quality of education in school. -M., 1998
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Сирия, Россия, русский язык, Российская Федерация, научно-техническое сотрудничество, Сирийская Арабская Республика, Советский Союз, сотрудничество, сфера образования, Российская сторона.

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