Implementation of linguo-professional competence of the teacher of English language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №25 (211) июнь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 25.06.2018

Статья просмотрена: 23 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Хакимова, М. Д. Implementation of linguo-professional competence of the teacher of English language / М. Д. Хакимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 25 (211). — С. 323-325. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The quality of education, as is known, largely depends on the competence and level of the teacher's professional training. The existing system for evaluating and attesting these indicators is not entirely perfect, it is often one-sided and subjective, which largely underestimates the quality of such an assessment. Consequently, in the context of modernizing modern education, the professional competence of a foreign language teacher becomes particularly important. Especially if you take into account that foreign language education has its own specifics, as well as the subject «foreign language». His goal can be called the formation and development of the personality of the most important socially significant functions: communicative, informational, educational, cultural, humanitarian. Thus, increasing the professional competence of teachers is a necessary condition for the modernization of the education system.

An effective way to increase the professional competence of a foreign language teacher is to analyze the lesson. This method helps to improve the quality of teaching; improve the teaching process; helps the teacher to comprehend the level of theoretical knowledge, methods, methods of working in practice, in the process of its interaction with the class and specific students; gives an opportunity to assess the teacher's strengths and weaknesses; helps identify unrealized reserves and resources, highlight the individual style of pedagogical activity.

Analysis of the trends in the development of the educational process in accordance with the needs of society and the modernization of education shows that the idea of ​​a competence approach to the training of future specialists in different spheres of professional activity acquires a growing urgency. The competence approach presupposes profound system transformations affecting the teaching of the discipline, its content, evaluation, use of educational technologies. Such an approach recommends that the educational process be organized on the basis of a set of «key competencies», which determines the urgency of creating vocational training for students — future specialists in various spheres of industrial and social activity [1].

At the present time, it is more likely to be competent not to refer to a specialist with encyclopedic knowledge, but a person who can apply his knowledge to real life situations. Valuable personal qualities that allow to resolve the conflict and agree.

The modernization process has changed the parameters of the competence approach. Modern standards of education began to make demands, according to which not only a «good specialist», but «a good employee» can correspond.

Under the professional competence of a teacher is understood the totality of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activity.

At the present stage among researchers there are many points of view and approaches to understanding the competence approach: «competence approach — manifests itself as an update of the content of education in response to changing socio-economic reality»; «The competence approach is realized as a generalized condition of a person's ability to effectively act outside the educational subjects and learning situations».

For a more qualitative definition of the term «professional competence» it is necessary to clarify the concepts that are used in scientific and pedagogical literature as close in meaning: «professionalism», «vocational training», «professional skill», «qualification», «competence». «Qualification» is a set of professional requirements for the teacher and its compliance with these requirements. «Professionalism» is a general concept reflecting the qualitative characteristic of the subject of pedagogical activity, which includes the possession of a professional pedagogical culture. «Professional skill» characterizes a certain level or state of competence.

In this regard, the system of professionally-oriented instruction in foreign languages, defined by the new educational paradigm, should be considered. The basis of this system is the combination of teaching a foreign language with studying the basic special discipline. As part of the professional-linguistic competence, it is possible to distinguish, as components, proper-linguistic and communicative competence. In other words, the professional competence of a teacher of a foreign language is a collection, a synthesis of theoretical knowledge in various sections of linguistics and practical skills and skills realized through cognitive, communicative and properly linguistic competence.

Specifically, this refers to the need for the English teacher to know the theoretical aspects of English philology, on the one hand, and a set of sufficient, at least knowledge on the subject discipline, on the other.

The most obvious role of the linguistic and professional competence of the teacher when working on textual material — written texts on the specialty.

We are deeply convinced that the texts are the basic source of information in the educational process, the aim and means of teaching English, since they most fully reflect the content of the teaching. As a learning goal, the text informs about the rules for constructing other similar texts. At the same time, as a means of teaching, the text is the source of the language material for acquiring knowledge of writing and speaking. Texts act as samples of speech, which are laid in the long-term memory of students and, if necessary, they are used as a basis for professional activity. In this regard, the requirements for the selection of text material are increasing. The text should have the quality of informativeness related to the content of written speech activity, be logically constructed and correct, that is, meet the standards of literary English. Well-chosen problem texts provide not only the receipt of factual information on a wide range of issues, but also serve as a substantive and speech support for the development of various kinds of skills. Therefore, all text material should be selected from the original professionally-oriented English literature.

Experience shows that the effectiveness of teaching depends on the adequacy of the methods of working out the teaching material. In this regard, work on the basic text on the economy will be fruitful only if the complex, multidimensional approach. Indeed, the text is a complex whole with stable thematic and structural-syntactic features. Various aspects of the text have the task of clarifying the meaning in order to adequately understand and extract the information embedded in it, the full coverage of the content. It includes several types of educational work, including reading with the obligatory correction of repeated mistakes in pronunciation. Reading a text can be considered an independent type of speech activity, when we read not only to fulfill a study task, but also to get the necessary information and use it to solve a specific speech task.

Special approval is deserved by the fact that the grammatical material is illustrated by examples based on a special tax vocabulary. The professionally oriented communicative approach, which guided the author in preparing the manual, did not exclude, however, a whole series of exercises of a purely linguistic nature.

Thus, working with the training manual, the teacher has the opportunity not only to broadcast the student knowledge, skills and skills, but within certain limits, to form future professional linguistic and professional competence. In this regard, the role and responsibility of the teacher in the educational process is significantly increased.


  1. Mitrofanenko L. M. Definitions e professional competence of the linguistic teacher / — 2009. № 1. — P. 18–222.
  2. Osikova L. N. English: Taxes and Taxation. Tax and Taxation. — Moscow: 2006. — 245 p.

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