Student interaction in promoting the effectiveness in the classroom | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №26 (212) июнь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 30.06.2018

Статья просмотрена: 68 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Жуманиёзова, Н. А. Student interaction in promoting the effectiveness in the classroom / Н. А. Жуманиёзова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 26 (212). — С. 159-160. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

In recent years student interaction has been vitally important in modern classes. Teacher-centered lessons are considered outdated as nowadays’ learners tend to get easily bored with traditional teaching approaches. Therefore, teachers should try to involve all students in the class via making them work autonomously and collaboratively. This article is dedicated to reveal some facts about the importance of student engagement in enhancing the effectiveness in the classroom.

Keywords: student interaction, student-centered class, efficacy, approach, role-plays, presentations, interactive activities, motivated, boredom, cutting-edge technologies, methods, cooperatively.

If we believe in active student learning, we must consider the variety of ways in which students are encouraged to participate.

Barrie Bennett

Have you ever compared the classes delivered previously and in current years? Some say that the difference is considerably big. As far as I am concerned, in my teaching period I have been confronted with a variety of students and come to know that student involvement in the class should be the key and primary target of the teacher as nowadays’ modern students are very likely to get bored in the class and willing to learn something new. Obviously, the advancement of cutting-edge technologies has brought about many changes in teaching sphere as well as our lives. Our classrooms are equipped with modern devices for the sake of students’ development. Therefore, student-centered class has become very effective and beneficial for both teachers and learners. There are certain benefits of learner-centered lesson and they are outlined as follows:

Firstly, efficacy of this method can be widely seen in teaching lazy and easily bored students since managing the class makes them be more active and feel the responsibility. In order to conduct the lesson well, they have to research and learn the ways of teaching and it gives them much burden to keep the activeness during the lesson. As a result, they get more motivated and appealed in other lessons as well.

Secondly, we all know that in most schools and other teaching places learners are forced to sit still, learn something and be a good student. Admittedly these orders make them feel very young and dependent on someone. Via student-targeted environment they are allowed to choose what they want to learn and feel more independent. This could eliminate their frustration, resistance and boredom. Shy learners are also benefited in this way by working cooperatively and interactively.

Subsequently, it is commonly believed that student-centered approach helps teachers find out students’ learning style and they can decide how to teach their learners later on. They may also see an immediate improvement in students’ behavior and learning. It means the more learners are engaged the more they are content and the less the teacher is stressed out. With these reasons, students should be highly involved in the lesson, but a question arises here. How can student interaction be provided in the classroom? A number of methodologists have been working on this issue so far and suggested some of the techniques to promote the effectiveness in the classroom.

The initial method is to enable them to work autonomously and collaboratively. Most people agree that participation is crucial in learning anything. For instance, learning to play a musical instrument without picking up the instrument is impossible. It is the same when it comes to delivering the class. Hence, teachers have to promote learner interaction in a bid to help the learners succeed. In this way, Presentations are very handy in learner-centered approach because through them students enhance their speaking skills. Role-plays, dialogues and other interactive teaching activities make them work in groups or pairs and learn the theme better by practicing themselves.

It is also important to note that it is a good way to exchange knowledge. From my own experience, I can surely say that teachers are very privileged to learn new activities and teaching techniques. When my students conducted classes on their own they tried to use different creative and interactive games and activities and it gave a chance for me to learn these methods and apply them in other lessons. Furthermore, teachers are more able to figure out their own mistakes by observing students’ lessons.

What’s more, students tend to gain educational experience and realize how hard and challenging it is. This experience enables them to understand the topic more and revise it. It develops their creativity, fantasy and imagination as well.

Taking all reasons into account, I can fervently say that interaction help students develop language learning and social skills. As it stimulates them work cooperatively and learn more, teachers have to provide learner-centered atmosphere in the class. Lastly, educators can learn about their learners and understand their needs via their engagement in the lesson.


  1. Zepke, N., and Leach, L (2010). Improving student engagement: Ten proposals for action. Active Learning in Higher Education, 11 (3), 167–177
  2. Increasing student interaction. Teaching English. British Council/BBC
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): BBC.

Ключевые слова

methods, approach, efficacy, role-plays, interactive activities, student interaction, student-centered class, presentations, motivated, boredom, cutting-edge technologies, cooperatively

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