The use of slang and jargon in sports vocabulary | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №27 (213) июль 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 11.07.2018

Статья просмотрена: 317 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Усманалиев, Х. М. The use of slang and jargon in sports vocabulary / Х. М. Усманалиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 27 (213). — С. 189-191. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).

Sport is a popular, complex, multifunctional, multi-valued and argumentative social phenomenon that occupies a significant place in public life. Sport is a special kind of communication between people, which arose as the realization of a complex set of needs: biological, spiritual, information, etc.

Studies of communication in sports, its participants, values ​​and concepts, goals and strategies, allow us to highlight sports discourse as a kind of institutional discourse. Here, the main role is played by persons entering into communication in certain cases under certain conditions. Sports discourse consists of types of institutional, complex, multifunctional education, which includes other types of discourse, such as pedagogical discourse, which manifests itself in the communication of the «athlete-trainer» pair.

According to scientists, sports discourse is uninhibited. In addition to the pedagogical, he has connections with other discourse varieties in the general discourse space [Snyatkov 2008: 12–16]. AB Silbert notes the intersection of sports discourse with scientific, business, legal, military institutional discourses. In addition, sports discourse has contacts with other areas, such as scientific discourse, official discourse and legal discourse.

If we talk about slangs used in sports vocabulary, we can make sure that their number is quite numerous. Before moving to their enumeration, we need to know what the word «slang» means. Slang- «very informal language that is usually more than written, used especially by certain groups of people» (Cambridge university dictionary). According to the analysis of the modern linguistic research of scientific literature, there are doubts about the relative origin of the word «slang». According to one of the opinions, Eng. slang comes from the word sling (throwing, hurling). Do not just sling your bag on the floor! «Do not throw your bag on the floor!". When the word slang began to be used in oral speech is unknown, but its first fixation in writing meets in English sources of the 18th century. Then it had the meaning of «Humiliation». Since the middle of the 19th century, widespread use of this word has led to the emergence of a new meaning — «prostitution illegal lexicon».

And according to the dictionary of V. A. Khomyakov it is interpreted as follows: «Slang is a relatively stable for a certain period, widely used, stylistically marked (reduced) lexical layer (nouns, adjectives and verbs denoting everyday phenomena, objects, processes and signs), a component of expressive vernacular that is included in the literary language, is very heterogeneous in its origins, the degree of approximation to the literary standard, which has pejorative expression. " [Khomyakov V. A., 1971: 54]

And also, this word is given a definition in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by O. S. Akhmanova: «Slang — 1. Conversational version of professional speech. 2. Elements of the colloquial version of a professional or social group, which, penetrating into the literary language or even into speech of people who do not have a direct relationship to this group of people, acquire in these languages ​​a special emotional expressive coloring " [Akhmanova O. S., 1966: 198]

As can be seen from the examples, the first value for Ahmanova's slang can be used in the circle of professionals with the quality of daily words used. And in the second, its interpretation has a deeper meaning, that is, slang can appear in a society of people not belonging to the sphere of which the given word belongs. Slang vocabulary has three peculiarities:

  1. neology
  2. language game
  3. increased expression

Many people discussing the meanings of the words «slang» and «jargon» are not often mistaken in their interpretation, as these two terms are interpreted in different ways. Above is extensively given the interpretation of slang. And what is jargonism? Below is a complete description of the word «jargon»:

(French). 1) precious stone, zircon. 2) a local dialect, speaking. 3) a conventional language invented for a certain purpose, for example. yaz. thieves, offices.

(Source: «Dictionary of Foreign Words, Included in the Russian Language». Chudinov, AN, 1910)

1) a local dialect, a dialect; 2) a conditional language, in which objects and actions are designated not by their real names, but by others, incomprehensible to the majority of the uninitiated. Same as argon; there are jargons among schoolchildren, sailors, thieves and swindlers, prisoners, burlaks, etc.

(Source: «A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in Russian». Popov M., 1907)

1) the local adverb; 2) the conditional language of scammers, the same as argo.

(Source: «Dictionary of foreign words that are part of the Russian language». Pavlenkov F., 1907)

[fr. jargon] — lingual. speech of smth. a social group united by common interests, differing from the public language in words and expressions of predominantly artificial education (so that outsiders can not understand them). Cf. ARGO, PATUA, SLING.

(Source: «Dictionary of Foreign Words». Komlev NG, 2006)

French jargon, probably from jars, gander. The dialect of the common people in some provinces of France, as well as the conditional language of people who do not want to be understood by those present.

(Source: «Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that are now in use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots». Mikhelson AD, 1865)

Summarizing all the descriptions, one can say that jargon is a word used by certain social or common interest groups that carry a secret, incomprehensible to all sense.

The use of jargon is limited for several reasons:

‒ By location of speakers

‒ By age

‒ By occupation

‒ By common interest, etc.

Therefore, we often encounter jargon of schoolchildren, army, athletes, traders, bankers and representatives of other professions.

And now let's move on to sports vocabulary.

Slang symbols or words in many sports represent a huge part of the lexical richness of the language. Sport slang as a means of communication is used both in the working environment and among people who have connections with common interests. This means of expression is used not only by amateur athletes who are fond of sports in their spare time, but also by fans, fans and the professional sportsmen themselves, for whom sport is a profession. Sports slang is used, and even broadcast sports media (in oral and written forms, in the press, popular magazines, on radio and television), which often uses slang in an effort to increase the authenticity and immediacy of reporting, commenting and reporting. In order to familiarize the listener with new information, commentators began to use their language, that is, the language of computer games. The slang of the players becomes the language of the commentator in this sport: check (check-check), farm (from farm-take, here: multiple murder), abusive (from abuse-abusing; here: use the gaps in the game for their own purposes); Damage (damage — damage, damage), Ultimate (from ultimate, maximum, here use the most powerful ability), stun (from stun — stun, here depriving the opponent of the ability to use abilities), etc. The slang of some modern sports (for example, snowboarders, bikers) comes into everyday life and takes root in the main image in the language of youth (compare helmet — «germak, pot, shlemak», motorcycle — «motas, hoe, scooter, motayka», bicycle — «Mercedes pedal, velodrun»).

In the language of sport, there are also expressions that are interselling. Very often used in non-literary, informal or semi-official communication, which is beyond the scope of one professional environment. Some expressions in a figurative sense passed from the sports field to neutral or professional vocabulary (compare bicycle — «thin girl», goalkeeper — «doorman, guard»).

The leading place in terms of the number of used phraseological units is occupied by team sports. The sports team-to-team competition takes on the character of a «war in miniature», which also often affects the character of phraseological units: in such units «military rhetoric» can sound: cross swords (meet in a sporting duel), charge a gun (prepare to inflict a strong blow to the ball, a throw), uncover the cannon (preparing to inflict a strong blow on the opponent's goal), [attack] with the checkers on the head (about the determined and often reckless attacking actions of the team), guard corn (in soccer jargon so ronichno we are talking about defenders that are poorly perform their defensive role, inactive), blow into the milk (deviated kick), porters shells (the player providing the forwards of the ball / puck, playmaker).

You can also give some examples of using slang. For example, keep the gate «dry», leave (from the field) «dry», play «dry», «cracker» (game without a missed goal) — about the goalkeeper, break the «dry» series, «scuffle» — about field players. Somewhat different, although close value is the phraseology «dry up» the game, «dried up» match — «do not let the opponent lead active and dangerous actions»; as a consequence — a game with a minimum of dangerous, scoring chances.

In the phraseology of sports discourse, units of other discourses are actively used, for example, military: blow into milk, shells, shell-thrower (player supplying attacking balls), capture, shoot (gate), scientific: struggle for survival (initial concept from theory about the evolution of the struggle for the preservation of the place in the higher league), socio-political: the post number 1 (originally: honor guard at the mausoleum of Lenin in Moscow, taken: «the position of the goalkeeper») and even the criminal: get under the hand advantage of an opponent) as well as the expressions peculiar to other spheres of life. This is confirmed by the fact that sport is universal in nature: it reflects most of the realities of everyday life.


  1. Alexander Savchenko. «Sports phraseology» of the modern Russian language: General characteristics and main features / / The world of Russian words № 4/2015
  2. Sergei Ilchenko Doctor of Philology, journalist, Natalia Prokofieva Candidate of Philology. «Foreign borrowing in the language of national sports journalism: a necessity or a fashion?" 2016
  3. Liu Wenchun graduate student of the Russian language department «Steady verbal com in various kinds of sports discourse». Scientific Journal of KubSU, No. 115 (01), 2016. Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia
  4. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 4th Edition
  5. Igor Mahal. «Active processes in the sports terminology of the modern Russian language» Bakalářská diplomová práce. Brno 2008
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ARGO, PATUA, SLING.

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