In this paper I describe my approach towards solving Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) problem. I am using to the rich Riemannian geometry of positive definite matrices, using which I can cast Gaussian Mixture Models parameter estimation as a Riemannian optimization problem. I develop Riemannian batch and stochastic gradient algorithms.
1. Introduction
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is given by:
the following is the Gaussian (with mentioned below parameters)
2. Methods for Riemannian optimization
Methods for manifold optimization operate iteratively by following algorithm:
‒ First, obtain a descent direction, and which is to find a vector in tangent space which minimize the cost function if we move along it;
‒ Then, perform a line-search along a smooth curve on the manifold to obtain sufficient minimization and assure convergence.
Such a smooth curve which is parametrized by a point on the manifold and a direction is called retraction. A retraction is a smooth mapping Ret from the tangent bundle TM to the manifold M. The restriction of retraction to TX, RetX: TX → M, is a smooth mapping with:
- RetX(0) = x, where 0 denotes the zero element of TX.
- D RetX(0) = idTX, where D RetX denotes the derivative of RetX and id TX denotes the identity mapping on TX.
The candidate for retraction on Riemannian manifolds is the exponential map. The exponential map ExpX: TX → M is defined as ExpX v = γ(1), where γ is the geodesic satisfying the conditions γ(0) = x and γ˙(0) = v. These methods are based on gradients.
The gradient on a Riemannian manifold is defined as the vector ∇ f(x) in tangent space such that D f(x)ξ = h∇ f(x), ξi, for ξ ∈ TX, where <·, ·> is the inner product in the tangent space TX.
3. Riemannian stochastic optimization algorithm
Here we consider the stochastic gradient descent (Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm) algorithm (3.1 formula):
where RetX is a suitable retraction (to be specialized later). I assume for my analysis of (3.1) the following fairly standard conditions:
(i) 3.1 function satisfies the Lipschitz growth bound
The stochastic gradients in all iterations are unbiased, that is:
The stochastic gradients have bounded variance, so that
When the retraction is the exponential map, condition (i) can be reexpressed as (provided that Exp−1 y (·) exists)
4. Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm application for Gaussian Mixture Models
Here I investigate if Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm based on retractions satisfies the conditions needed for obtaining a global rate of convergence when applied to my Gaussian Mixture Models optimization problems.
Since Euclidean retraction turns out to be computationally more effective than many other retractions, I perform the analysis below for Euclidean retraction. Recall that I are maximizing a cost of the form:
using Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm. In a concrete realization, each function fi is set to the penalized log-likelihood for a batch of observations (a data points). To put things in simpler notation, assume that each fi corresponds to a single observation. Thus
Since I am maximizing, the update formula for Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm is
where i is a randomly chosen index between 1 and n. Note that, the conditions needed for a global rate of convergence are not satisfied on the entire set of positive definite matrices. In particular, to apply my convergence results for Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm I need to show that the iterates stay within a compact set.
5. Conclusions and future work
In this paper, I proposed a reformulation for the Gaussian Mixture Models problem that can make Riemannian manifold optimization. Furthermore, I developed a global convergence theory for Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm. I applied this theory to the Gaussian Mixture Models modeling.
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