Since the initial days of independence, Uzbekistan has been paying a great attention to young people by raising youth issue to the level of state policy. As we know, the future and progress of the state and society are determined not only rich in natural resources, minerals or other resources, but largely due to the achievements of the rising younger generation. Therefore, based on the requirements of tomorrow need to further strengthen the active participation of young people in deepening democratic reforms and development of civil society in the country.
Keywords: younger generation, legal bases of the state youth policy, youth.
Speaking about the importance of this decision, it should be noted that the high level of political and legal culture and social consciousness of today's youth in our country, its achievements in science, art, sports, require the creation of necessary conditions for raising the reforms in these areas to a new level. Also today, in the global development of information and communication technologies, especially strong factor of influence on the spiritual, moral and educational development of children and adolescents is the Internet. Therefore, objectively and critically assessing the events taking place in the world, the future of our children in the decision of the Head of State identified additional measures for the implementation of youth policy.
«Today 64 % of Uzbekistan's population are young people, 17 million 80 thousand people are young people under the age of 30 years, young people who are deeply knowledgeable and conscious of their identity, history, properly understand the requirements of today and conscious of its essence, it is a strong foundation the future of Uzbekistan». Consequently one of the priorities of state activity is the state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan, its main goal — is the social development and improvement of the young, to create the conditions and guarantees for social, economic, legal and organizational aspects for the full realization of creative youth. And when you consider that the population of our country is increasing annually by about half a million, it is not difficult to imagine the volume of tasks in this sphere. The youth of the country has a great creative, intellectual, social and political power. And the direction of this force and the ability to preserve peace in our country, prosperity of the motherland and the people's well-being is one of the most important tasks.
Since independence in our country one of the first legal acts on the legislative level, adopted on 20 November 1991, was the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan». This law has created a legal framework for the development and implementation of youth policy, aimed at creating conditions for the social and spiritual development of young generation. Up to nowadays, totally such as 22 laws, 16 Presidential orders and 10 decrees, 41 resolutions by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and 32 norm and legal documents are passed by the government [1.p.67].
Discussions: The Law “On the basis of state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan” has created a legal framework for the development and implementation of youth policy, aimed at creating conditions for the social and spiritual development of young generation. It is based on the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 1, 1998 № 621-I «On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan» (Bulletin of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, 1998, № 5–6, Art. 102)Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 30, 2004 № 621-II «On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan» (Bulletin of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, 2004, № 5, p. 90) [3.p.8]
The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On state youth policy» (in the new edition) is accepted by Legislative house on August 12, 2016. It is approved by the Senate on August 24, 2016. The law with regard to modern requirements sets up the priority directions of state youth policy, which include: ensuring social, economic, political and other rights and interests, accessible and quality education of youth, promotion of physical, intellectual and moral development of the young generation creation of conditions for employment of young people, upbringing them in the spirit of respect for the laws, national and universal values, protection from the actions and ideas that lead to the undermining of the moral foundations, radicalism, violence and cruelty, supporting the talented youth and young families, forming of healthy lifestyle, development of youth sports, youth entrepreneurship, etc. This Law was published in the newspaper " Xalq so’zi» on September 15, 2016 № 182 (6587). This Law was signed President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh Mirziyoev on September 14, 2016, № ZRU-406. There are 4 chapter, 33 articles in this law [8.p.5].
The first chapter of this Law is General provisions. Article 1. Purpose of this Law. The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of the state youth policy. Article 2. Legislation on the state youth policy. The legislation on the state youth policy consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation. If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about the state youth policy then are applied rules of the international treaty. Article 3 is Basic concepts. In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
the state youth policy — system of the social and economic, organizational and legal measures performed by the state and providing creation of conditions for social formation and development of intellectual, creative and other potential of youth;
youth (young citizens) — persons aged from fourteen up to thirty years inclusive;
the young family — the family in which the age of both spouses does not exceed thirty years inclusive or the family in which children (child) are raised by one parent aged is not more senior than thirty years inclusive, including divorced (divorced), the widower (widow);
the young specialist — the worker aged up to thirty years inclusive, the graduate of the highest or average special, professional educational institution who went to work on the profession within three years after the termination of educational institution and working no more than three years in the specialty specified in the education document; [4.p.90]
youth entrepreneurship — the business activity performed by young citizens without formation of legal entity and also legal entities whose founders are young citizens.
Article 4. Basic principles of the state youth policy. The basic principles of the state youth policy are:
‒ openness and transparency;
‒ participation of youth in sale of the state youth policy;
‒ support and stimulation of youth initiatives;
‒ priority of cultural, moral and cultural values;
‒ non-admission of discrimination of youth.
Article 5. Main directions of the state youth policy
The main directions of the state youth policy are:
‒ providing rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of youth;
‒ protection of life and health of youth;
‒ assistance to spiritual, intellectual, physical and moral development of youth;
‒ providing for youth of available and quality education;
creation of conditions for employment and employment of youth;
‒ education of youth in the spirit of patriotism, civic consciousness, tolerance, respect for the laws, national and universal values, capable to resist to adverse effects and currents, with strong beliefs and outlooks on life;
‒ protection of youth against the actions leading to blasting moral principles, the ideas of terrorism and religious extremism, separatism, fundamentalism, the cult of violence and cruelty;
‒ increase in level of legal consciousness and legal culture of youth;
‒ support and stimulation of gifted and talented youth;
‒ creation of conditions for development of the youth entrepreneurship;
Results: the formation of young people the desire for a healthy lifestyle, as well as the creation of conditions for the organization of substantial leisure of youth and the development of mass youth sports; implementation of a comprehensive system of measures for the moral and material support for young families, creating for them decent housing and social conditions; development of cooperation with international organizations working in the field of the rights and freedoms of young people.
Chapter 2. The bodies and institutions engaged and involved in the realization of the state youth policy. Article 7. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of the state youth policy
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
‒ It ensures the implementation of state youth policy;
‒ It ensures the development and implementation of state programs in the field of state youth policy;
‒ develop and adopt regulations aimed at realization of the state youth policy;
‒ coordinates within the powers of the organs and institutions conducting and participating in realization of the state youth policy;
‒ Initiate a compilation and analysis of the implementation of the state youth policy and taking measures for its further improvement;
‒ It provides interaction of state bodies and institutions, NGOs and other civil society institutions on the implementation of state youth policy;
‒ carry out international cooperation in the field of the state youth policy.
The Cabinet of Ministers may also exercise other powers in accordance with the law.
Article 8. Powers in the field of public authorities in the field of the state youth policy
‒ local public authorities:
‒ ensure the implementation of the state youth policy in the relevant territory;
‒ develop, adopt and implement regional programs in the field of state youth policy;
‒ coordinate the activities of the bodies and institutions involved in the implementation of the state youth policy in the relevant territory;
‒ ensure monitoring and evaluation of youth needs to improve implementation of the state youth policy;
‒ ensure the implementation of youth employment and employment policy, organize the monitoring of the labor market and the practice of employment of young specialists;
‒ interact with NGOs, Civil Society and other institutions of civil society in the implementation of the state youth policy.
‒ local public authorities may exercise other powers in accordance with the law.
Article 9. The system of agencies and institutions involved in the implementation of the state youth policy
‒ In participating in the implementation of the state youth policy of the system of bodies and institutions include:
‒ public administration education and educational institutions;
‒ public health authorities and the health care system;
‒ Bodies of Culture and Sports;
‒ labor agencies;
‒ the prosecuting authorities;
‒ bodies of internal affairs;
‒ judicial authorities;
‒ bodies on defense affairs.
The realization of the state youth policy can participate and other bodies and institutions in accordance with the law.
Chapter 3: The legal and social protection of young people. Article 22. Guarantees of rights and freedoms of youth.
Every young citizen rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the law. [4.p.65]
The rights and freedoms of young people can not be restricted, except in cases established by law.
Any direct or indirect restriction of the rights and freedoms of young people on the grounds of sex, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, beliefs or individual or social status are not allowed and shall entail liability in accordance with legislation.
The State guarantees the rights and respect for human dignity, the principles of humanism in the maintenance of minors in penal institutions and specialized educational establishments.
For minors provide differentiated content in the institutions regime penal and specialized educational establishments, taking into account the gravity of the offense and the age in accordance with the law.
Article 23. Guarantees of social protection of youth
For young people in the manner prescribed by law, are guaranteed:
‒ free health care;
‒ free general secondary, specialized secondary and vocational education;
‒ free higher education in state educational institutions within the state grants;
‒ creating conditions for public visits sports and recreation, and cultural and educational institutions;
‒ the provision of soft loans for the construction, acquisition and renovation of housing;
‒ the provision of soft loans for training in educational institutions;
‒ providing living accommodation for orphans and children left without parental care;
‒ the adoption of measures for the employment of post-secondary specialized vocational or higher education institution;
‒ the provision of benefits in the workplace based on age characteristics and create conditions for combining work with training;
‒ accounting needs of young people in the design and construction of social infrastructure;
‒ providing benefits when using public transport.
Conclusion: Young citizens who are experiencing difficulties in finding a job and are not able to compete equally in the labor market, employment assistance is provided through the creation of additional jobs and specialized enterprises, the organization of special education programs, as well as redundant by enterprises, institutions and organizations the minimum number of jobs for employment of young people in need of social protection.
Low-income young families may be granted financial support measures in the manner prescribed by law.
It is not allowed to attract pupils and students to the social production during the learning process, except when it corresponds to their chosen specialty and is a form of training and production practices or cases of voluntary work of pupils and students in their free time. The above-employment is subject to the availability of the agreement in accordance with the labor or civil law.
The legislation can be provided and other guarantees of social protection of youth.
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