Book is a sign of enlightenment | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Культурология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №39 (225) сентябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 02.10.2018

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Эргашева, Ф. Л. Book is a sign of enlightenment / Ф. Л. Эргашева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 39 (225). — С. 198-200. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article discusses the role of book and reading culture in the development of the personality society, the importance of increasing the reading level in Uzbekistan especially among young people.

Рис. 1.

Human attains to the perfection only through knowledge. Without due cause, nature gifted the mankind with a sense of intelligence. Indeed, we are different from other creatures by spirituality and intelligence. For the intelligence, reading books is the most important necessity. One of the wise men said, «The book is a light and light-reflecting beacon for your life».

Рис. 2

Indeed, over the centuries through books, great achievements of the personality civilization have been inherited from the ancestors to generations. Unfortunately, there are some groups of people who are considering that the book and the age of reading have recently passed, as we have set ahead to the era of computer and information. The book (including the press) is much more powerful than TV or the Internet. For instance, in the most countries of the world where information technology and post industry have been developed, such as Japan, China and Norway, and the culture of reading is still in great demand for intellectuals. The Internet or social networking websites seem to be never replaceable to print media.

A book is a source of enlightenment. Its each page urges the human to do research, endeavor diligence, and make innovative creations. Perhaps, advance networks are quite fast than reading current situation. But culture and enlightenment as analysis the segments are found only in the books. Enlightenment is boundless.

The book bears respect in young generations’ mind to the native language. It plays a crucial role in the formation of feelings, such as self-awareness, love for the Motherland, dedication to the fate of society.

Scientists have discovered that humanity's spiritual needs dates back into the time of the primitive social system. The culture of daily life, the history of fine and applied art, allows us to draw conclusions. Later, this process caused the need to record what they had seen and experienced. The books made from clay and resin, piles of papyrus leaves emerged. In the 3rd or 4th millennium of BC, in the territory of Asia Minor appeared the first libraries in the civilization of Mesopotamia, Mohenjodoro and Harappa in India.

Today, the book industry is also developing. Due to the fact that over the year 2017 there have been opened more than 15,000 bookstores and thousands of libraries have been functioning in Uzbekistan, we believe the Internet and media will never be able to squeeze books out of our lives. Hence, the great writer Dante Aligeri said: «The most important thing for a man after the meal is considered to be the book». Moreover, in any country where the love of the book is strong and the children of the country are knowledgeable, it becomes mighty and spiritually powerful nation.

In recent years, the agenda for supporting readership and reading culture in Uzbekistan has become one of the main issues. A number of normative-legal documents have been developed in this regard. Even the President Decree and Law were adopted. The National action of «A Young Reader» was announced under the initiative of the Republican Youth Union. The main prize for contest winners is an automobile “Spark”. Definitely, these will contribute to the increase in literacy culture of reading among the people.

Рис. 3.

Having inspired by this opportunity and incentives various publishing houses, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, associations and institutions organize book fairs. In general, these days the period of reading reins in the country.

The book is not only enriching human knowledge but also it is influencing on health. In some countries, library-therapy as a treatment has been introduced. Another interesting fact is in 2006, the experiments of neuro psycho expertise revealed significant changes in the brain of a human being who read Shakespeare's works. Moreover, the conclusions also show that detective and adventurous stories mislead the minds and overturn negative thoughts, increasing focus and observation. Science fiction works to enrich imagination and instill desires without fear. Philosophical and religious literature give the impression of the integrity of the world and define the role of man and prevent psychological distress. All this shows how important reading in the civilization of mankind.

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