English borrowing as the main way education computer slang | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Юлдошев, У. Р. English borrowing as the main way education computer slang / У. Р. Юлдошев, К. У. Шойимова, Ш. Х. Хаккулова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 41 (227). — С. 204-206. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/227/53094/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The beginning of the XXI century is marked by the widespread use of personal computers. The introduction of computer technology in life has led to the development of vocabulary associated with the new sphere. The language includes words that previously could only be used by narrow specialists — computer scientists, programmers, system administrators.

Naturally, cumbersome technicalism and professionalism, especially those taken from English, could not but undergo processing. Thus, the vocabulary of computer scientists has added computer slang — expressive vocabulary of colloquial usage, allowing people in a certain circle to understand each other.

It should also be noted that the proliferation of personal computers in our country is mainly connected with the import of technologies, along with them the names of its parts, programs, commands, etc. were transferred to us.

Thus, computer terminology has come to us from English. Consequently, a multitude of slang words in this field were formed by borrowing.

Researchers in the field of computer slang give a variety of classifications of the formation of computer slang with the help of borrowings. We have identified six ways of education. Consider them.

  1. Morphological transmission. Slang can also be used as sources of professional terms of English origin, which are often transmitted in Russian pronunciation:

– hard drive, hard drive, hard drive (from the English. «hard drive» — hard drive);

– Connect (from the English. «Connecting» — connection, connection; how to connect) and connect (from the English. «to connect» — connect, connect, connect);

– join (from the English. «join» — joining, connecting, connecting; as an act of establishing a connection) and joining (from to join — joining, adjoining);

– upgrade (from English «to upgrade» — to modernize, improve);

– programmer (from the English. «Programmer» — a programmer); user (English «user» — user);

– juzat (from the English. «to use» — use, use);

– click (from English. «to click» — click).

To a subclass of this method include the words of the English slang, which entrenched in the Russian slang: English term — processing — Russian slang. For example:

– lamer (English slang. “lamer” — user with high self-esteem);

– geek (English slang «geek» — a person who is passionate about computer technology);

– bug (English slang «bug» — an error in the program).

Mastering borrowing is accompanied by Russification. Suffixes of various meanings are added:

– demo (from the English. «demo») — a demo version of the program, Sidyuk (from the English. CD) — CD-drive.

Or truncated the basis of the English word: computer (from the English. «computer»).

Consoles can be added: connect, zayuzat. By analogy with Russian words conjugations are assigned to foreign verbs, nouns change endings.

  1. Phonetic mimicry. This method is based on the sound coincidence of semantically dissimilar common words and English computer terms. They are in relation to partial homonymy with some national words:

– Lazar — laser printer;

– pentyuh, stump — Pentium microprocessor;

– firewood — drivers, axis — OS, operating system;

– hamster — homepage, homepage;

– ICQ — ICQ, instant messaging service;

– soap e-mail, e-mail; cracker;

– crack — crack, program for hacking software.

  1. Translation. If the previous methods considered the adaptation of the English word, then this method is a translation of the word from English into Russian:

– Windows (from the English. «Windows» Microsoft) — the operating system;

– blue screen of death (from the English. «Blue Screen of Death») — the text of the Windows critical error message on a blue background;

– root (from the English. «Root») — root directory;

– blue tooth (from the English. «bluetooth») — wireless networks.

As for the Russification of the translated words, since they have already entered the language, slang is formed in accordance with the traditions of the Russian language:

– RAM (from the English. «Random access memory») — RAM;

– network card (from the English. «Network interface card») — a network card;

– zvukovuha (from the English. «Audio card») — sound card.

It must be said that there is not only a translation of terminology, but also a translation of slang. For example, Russian computer scientists call “hot potato” http (abbr. From English. “HyperText Transfer Protocol” — “hypertext transfer protocol”), because in English computer slang they use the designation “hot potatoes”. True, this expression is not always translated, often using morphological transmission.

  1. Tracing paper. One of the methods of translation, however, it is made in part. Small-sized — tracing the name of the company «Microsoft». It is quite rare, most often the words are translated entirely.
  2. Reverse transliteration. The method captures isolated cases, but deserves attention. As you know, the spelling of many letters in the Russian language coincides with the Latin, it is on the basis of this similarity that a new method appears. XP is the name of one of the Windows operating systems. If you read the letters that make up the word in accordance with the rules of the Russian language, you get «xp». So Russian computer scientists have introduced the designation «piggy». The name of the system “Linux” is not read as “Linux”, but as “linux”. Here there is a partial morphological transmission and partially reverse transliteration.
  3. Combining different ways. Implies a merger of morphological transmission with phonetic mimicry. For example: juzver — derogatory designation of the user, from the English. «User» — «user» and the Russian word «beast»; tyrnet — the Internet, as a means of copying information from English. «Internet» and the Russian word «tyrit».

It is important to note that experts and ordinary users do not cease to understand each other, because the reduction and Russification of foreign words, such as “computer”, “administrator”, “Windows”, occurs spontaneously from the desire of the language to save. As for the main methods of the formation of slang from English borrowings, the morphological transmission is predominant. For the Russian language, the translation method is very important, which allows you to get a “native” word that is convenient in all respects, as well as to expand the terminology without littering it with foreign words. The most interesting way is phonetic mimicry (cf. “shareware” and “harem pants”).

In the first mode, work was done on the graphic designation of intonation-markup. The purpose of this mode is to give students a way to consciously restore intonation while reading aloud. Thus, students form the skill of identifying intonation in the text, which contributes to the proper sounding of the graphic matter of the text.

The second mode includes collective reading. The purpose of the regime is to consolidate the skill of normative expressive reading by combining markup with normative expressive reading of a narrator. The material is not only individual sentences, but also small texts consisting of several sentences.

The third mode is pair reading. Here, the communicative nature of reading, its orientation and appeal to listeners is already taken into account. The work is organized on the material of short texts consisting of several sentences, which are gradually increasing in volume. The correct transmission of the semantic content of the text in the pair reading contributes both to its correct understanding and mastering the ways of its expression, which prepares reading for oneself.

Reading about yourself is the kind of reading that a student must complete in school. Teaching students to read unadapted literature, newspaper and popular science articles is an important task facing the English teacher.


  1. Vaysburd M. L. Tasks of teaching to achieve success in a lesson // Foreign languages at school. No. 5, 1978.
  2. Halperin I. R. Text as an object of linguistic research. Moscow 1981.
  3. Passov E. I. Methodical mastery of a foreign teacher language // Foreign languages in school. No. 6, 1984.
  4. Perkas S. V. Organization of individual reading in high school high school // Foreign languages in school. No. 3, 1998.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICQ, RAM.

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