The role of professional-psychological competence of the teacher | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №47 (233) ноябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 20.11.2018

Статья просмотрена: 712 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Тошбоева, М. Э. The role of professional-psychological competence of the teacher / М. Э. Тошбоева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 47 (233). — С. 382-383. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

The preparation of professionally competent teaching staff in our country is entrusted to secondary special and higher educational institutions. An important aspect for pedagogical universities that prepare bachelors in the field of early learning a foreign language is the development and scientific substantiation of the structure of the professional competence of a teacher of foreign (English) language for schools and preschool institutions that make the process of forming the professional competence of a foreign language teacher more effective.

Formation of the professional competence of a foreign language teacher is the main task of universities when implementing the training of future teachers of a foreign language, since at the present stage of modernization of the traditional education it is the competency model of professional training of a specialist that is the target and effective basis for building an educational process for the preparation of students.

Under the professional competence of a teacher is understood the totality of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activity.

Professionally competent can be called a teacher who at a sufficiently high level carries out pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication, achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students.

The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, the formation of receptivity to pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt in a changing pedagogical environment. The professional level of the teacher directly depends on the socio-economic and spiritual development of society.

The changes taking place in the modern education system make it necessary to improve the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, that is, his professional competence. The main goal of modern education is to meet the actual and long-term needs of the individual, society and the state, the preparation of a multi-faceted personality of a citizen of his country, capable of social adaptation in society, the beginning of work, self-education and self-improvement. A free-thinking, predictive results of their activities and modeling the educational process the teacher is the guarantor of achieving the set goals. That is why the demand for a qualified, creative and competitive personality of a teacher, capable of educating a person in a modern, dynamically changing world, has suddenly risen sharply.

One of the most important tasks in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic institution is the task of teaching the language as a means of communication. Solving this problem assumes the students have a complex of both linguistic, and reserve, and communicative knowledge and skills.

Knowledge of a foreign language as a means of communication requires the ability to navigate in a specific situation, to find the most effective ways and means to solve emerging problems, to predict the results of their educational and communicative activities, i.e. requires active thinking activity of students. Therefore, the teacher faces the need to find such forms, methods and means of teaching that would allow solving the whole complex of psychological and pedagogical tasks.

There is a need to develop and study the psychological foundations for ensuring the effectiveness of teaching, to identify the structural components of the psychology of the teacher's personality that would contribute to raising the level of his pedagogical skills.

The professional competence of a foreign language teacher in a non-linguistic institution is a combination of a variety of functional psychological and socio-psychological knowledge and skills, as well as certain personal qualities that enable the teacher to effectively implement the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic institution, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the trainees. Psychological competence is one of the fundamental components (along with linguistic, methodical, regional) professional competence of a teacher of a foreign language of a non-linguistic institution.

«The psychological competence of a foreign language teacher in a non-linguistic institution depends on the following functions:

‒ emotional stimulation;

‒ support and care;

‒ creating an optimal psychological climate;

‒ creation and support of positive motivation;

‒ the implementation of indirect suggestion;

‒ readiness for improvisation and spontaneous response " [2, p.23].

The place of psychological competence in the general structure of professional activity is defined as one of the basic components of pedagogical mastery of a foreign language teacher in a non-linguistic institution.

In addition, the professional competence of a modern teacher largely depends on his computer literacy. «Information competence is interpreted as: a complex individual-psychology education based on the integration of theoretical knowledge, practical skills in the field of innovative technologies and a certain set of personal qualities, new literacy, which includes the skills of active independent processing of information by a person, the adoption of fundamentally new solutions in unforeseen situations using technological means " [3, p.5]. The key figure in the modern educational process is a teacher who aspires to use computer technologies in the educational process.

The requirements for a language teacher in the use of computer technology are much higher than the requirements for teachers of other subject subjects, since language training software includes a very wide range of software tools and educational materials, oriented at different levels, stages, aspects and training profiles. Already in the early 90's as the main requirement for a modern teacher of a foreign language in the field of computer training, put forward the following: to be able to use computer technology in all their diversity at the modern methodical level. That is why we can talk about such a correlation of skills that would determine the professional competence of a foreign language teacher in this field.

The first level, which can be called the base level, serves as an indicator of the general professional culture of every foreign language teacher. At this level, the teacher should be able to use a limited number of applied computer programs: text editor, computer dictionaries, e-mail, search engines.

The second level, which can be considered the main one, presupposes the availability of theoretical training in the field of computer linguodidactics and the ability to work with a set of tools used in teaching the language. It will include all kinds of training programs, an expanded block of applied programs and tools. The teacher of a foreign language should also possess the necessary terminology apparatus for using a set of software in the language of study.

The third level — in-depth training — is focused on teaching methodologists in the field of computer linguo-didactics. Such a teacher should not only have the fullest possible idea of ​​computer language training facilities and resources for teachers, but also act as the organizer and coordinator of the process of using information technology in language teaching.


  1. Sazonova Z. The Bologna process: the position of the Russian teacher Journal, Higher education in Russia, 2004. — № 3. — P.32–34.
  2. Lomakina O. E. Formation of the professional competence of the future teacher of foreign languages /- Volgograd, 1998.
  3. Zaitseva, О. B. Formation of information competence of future teachers by means of innovative technologies [Electronic resource]: the abstract of the dis. Ph.D. /- Bryansk, 2002.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): целлюлит, апельсиновая корка.

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