Optimization of business processes of Higher Education Institution | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №47 (233) ноябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 26.11.2018

Статья просмотрена: 98 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Тешебаева, К. К. Optimization of business processes of Higher Education Institution / К. К. Тешебаева, Курос Басири. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 47 (233). — С. 55-59. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/233/54147/ (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

The article discusses improving the management system and optimization of business processes of higher education, in particular by the example of the department. The need to improve the management system of higher education at the present stage is due to the constant and rapidly changing organizational and economic conditions for the activities of universities, the fierce competition in the educational services market, the fuzzy and unstable position of the state in relation to higher education. Institutions of higher education, becoming full-fledged subjects of a market economy, independently determine the directions of their development, the goals and methods of their achievement, coordinating them with the goals of state policy in the field of education and the requirements of the market.

Keywords: Reengineering, business processes, Quality Management System(QMS), Balanced Scorecard System(BSS).

In modern conditions, management of education is management of process of his development, and not just institutions and people. It is necessary to create the uniform system of educational statistics and indicators of quality of education comparable to world practice, which is absent so far, and the system of monitoring of education without what there cannot be a high-quality management of development of an education system. [5]

The problem of modernization of education for ensuring quality and professional competences of graduates is decided now by all educational institutions of country that is confirmed by publications on the held scientific and practical conferences devoted to processes of the higher school, for example, [3, 7, 8, 9]. In articles questions of new economic, political and social living conditions of higher educational institutions, of the new tasks facing the higher education are brought up and also innovative forms of the organization of work of the higher school and innovative mechanisms and methods of her management.

Improving the management of higher education in the conditions of the development of an innovative economy requires an adequate response of Higher Education Institutions (HEI). For higher education institution in general relevant are following organizational changes: implantation of strategic management; implantation of Quality Management System; assessment of activities of department for the Balanced Scorecard System; reengineering introduction; transition to project management; change of organizational structure; remuneration of employees by results of work on the basis of rating indicators of everyone; increase in responsibility of the head and each employee for results of activity, etc.

The solution of the specified problems are in integration of various methods based on process management and introduction of a control system of business processes, first of all — administrative. The offered changes have to promote obtaining effective result from the point of view of the interests of all university: implementation of the development strategy of the university, performance of goals and tasks, strengthening of collective, increase in rating of department and competitiveness of higher education institution in general.

Department as the main business unit of higher education institution in the conditions of introduction of innovative methods of management.

The department was and remains the main key link of a higher educational institution. This structural division of the university which carries out educational, methodical and research work on several related disciplines, educational work among students and also preparation and professional development of research and educational personnel, thereby providing performance of the main function of educational institution — training of the expert demanded by labor market. The main educational and scientific structural division of a higher educational institution which is carrying out educational, methodical, educational and research work and also training of research and educational personnel and increase in their qualification is the releasing department. At department the student acquires knowledge and skills, studies to think and create. Therefore, quality of training of experts in higher education institution considerably depends on work of departments.

Introduction at department of innovative methods of management: QMS, BSS are intended for improvement of a control system of activity of department and quality of training of experts due to formation of strategy of its development, increase in responsibility and interest in results of activity, constant improvement of business processes.

Improvement of processes of management of department activity is reached for the account:

‒ coordination of strategic objectives and tasks of the university and department;

‒ information support of the head of the department and staff of department;

‒ adaptations to quickly changing situations, flexible control for changes in scheduling and structure of higher education institution;

‒ economy (reduction of time for performance of operations and reduction of quantity of mistakes, reduction of number of operations with paper documents);

‒ monitoring of all types of resources of department: intellectual, financial and material;

‒ reductions to uniform standards of planning and the reporting, ways of storage of information and exchange of it;

‒ increases in speed and quality of data processing, automation of operations of planning and reporting;

‒ increases in efficiency in data acquisition for the solution of the current tasks.

‒ growth of quality of educational process is reached for the account:

‒ orientations of processes to result (competences of graduates and their demand labor market);

‒ increases in effective management of all educational process;

‒ formations of rating indicators of assessment of graduates and teachers;

‒ the automated quality control of performance of fundamental obligations (account and the analysis of the BSS);

Estimation of quality of activity teaching staff, faculties and departments of higher education institution is one of functions of management. Each of the standard functions in the theory of management — planning, the organization, motivation, control — aims, contents, forms and results of activity, and everyone, in turn, is implemented on a certain algorithm. For example, function control is defined by the purposes, contents, forms of control and has certain results. At the same time control as function of management is planned, will be organized, based and controlled.

The efficiency of each of functions is an incentive to improvement of educational activity and an educational system in general and causes development as purposeful change. Creation of model identification of the main processes of department activity (fig. 1.). [4] The analysis of assessment of quality of activity teaching staff allows allocating five processes of the procedure of estimation:

‒ teaching workload;

‒ academic and methodological activities;

‒ research activities;

‒ organizational and methodological activities;

‒ Educational and social work, vocational guidance, paid services, classroom maintenance, professional development.

Figure 1. The main processes of the department activity

The information system of the department should become a kind of operational reference information about the current state of the educational process. Each departmental process is accompanied by either creating or using various information documents — these are plans and reports, teaching materials, information about students and teachers, research results, etc. All this information is used in aggregate and is not limited to the scope of a single operation or process. As the amount of information increases, the possibility of improving the business processes of the department increases, new opportunities for its development are opening up

Besides, creation of an information system will lead to increase in overall performance of staff of department by cardinal reduction of time necessary for passing of information, which is, required certain solutions for acceptance and also introduction of the uniform standard of work with electronic documents. Creation of new business processes and integration into them of information technologies will simplify the work performed by them for employees.


  1. Akkoff P.J1. Art of the solution of problems. — M.: World, 1982.
  2. Alexandrov D. V. The distributed information systems. CASE-of technology of reengineering / D. V. Alexandrov, A. B. Kostrov. — Vladimir: VLGU, 2001. — 136 pages.
  3. Antropov V. A., Improvement in the high school organizational and economic relations: statement of a problem/VA. Antropov, E. V. Revina//University management: practice and analysis. 2003, No. 2.
  4. Bedrina S. L., Bogdanova O. B. Development of the information management system by activity of department of higher education institution on the basis of reengineering in the conditions of introduction of credit system / Infocommunication systems and technologies: problems and prospects / Under the editorship of Cand.Tech.Sci., the prof. A. V. Babkin. Publishing house of the Polytechnical University, 2007. Page 498–542
  5. Cannoli T., Databases: design, realization and maintenance. Theory and practice: T. Connolly, K. Begg — M.: William, 2003.
  6. Kaplan R. S., Norton D. P. Balanced system of indicators. From strategy to action. — M.: CJSC Olympe-business, 2003
  7. Khassenova G. I., Auelbekova B. A., Turgambayev M. K. Usage of re-engineering in HEI. International Information Technology University, Computer Engemeering Department, 2016, may19–20
  8. http://edu.e-history.kz/ru/publications/view/361
  9. http://www.kaznau.kz/page/news/?link=zhoolardy_korporativti_baksaru_zhaiynda_seminar_otti_302&lang=ru
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): BSS, HEI, QMS, CJSC, VLGU.

Ключевые слова

Reengineering, business processes, Quality Management System(QMS), Balanced Scorecard System(BSS)

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