The most beautiful underwater flowers in the world: types and description | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Информационные материалы

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №50 (236) декабрь 2018 г.

Статья просмотрена: 5 раз

Библиографическое описание:

The most beautiful underwater flowers in the world: types and description. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 50 (236). — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

It takes very little time to create your own pond or water corner. Especially often such reservoirs are made in the garden or in the country. To plant the necessary underwater plants, you can use the services of professional florists. The site has a lot of plants and flowers that can be ordered in any quantity, and delivery of bouquets and flowers in Kazan will be at a convenient time.

What flowers live in water:

-Calla and water lily;

- Water hyacinth;

-Lotus and cyperus;

-Hydrokleis water lily.

-All these plants are very fond of water and look impressive on the surface.

What are the benefits of these plants?
They maintain the necessary humidity. They create an atmosphere of comfort and peace. Many choose to create a pond in the winter garden or make a small pond on the street. In addition, such plants produce oxygen, purify the atmosphere in the apartment or in the country. Calla looks very nice. It is a swamp flower that can grow entirely in water, a shrub can easily survive sub-zero temperatures, and even a frozen pond.

Another most beautiful flower can be called a water lily. The shrub creates leaves floating on the surface of the reservoir, which cover future inflorescences. Water lily flowers can be from 3 cm to 25 cm in diameter, have a pleasant aroma.

Water hyacinth grows both in a swamp or along the banks of rivers, and in aquariums or decorative pools. The flower is a bit like a water lily, but has a different color.
Lotus is a powerful plant with creeping rhizomes. The flowers are very large and showy. The flower always turns towards the sun and has an unsurpassed fragrance.

To make an indoor pond, you will need a container with a volume of at least 30 liters and up to 80. It should not corrode, it is better to choose a non-toxic and waterproof bowl. You can cover it with sealant and varnish. You can plant anything there, from water lilies to lotus.

Experienced florists will help you choose plants that not only look beautiful, but also require minimal care. A variety of flower arrangements with delivery by courier in Russia will arrive in any corner of the country when ordering them on the company's website.

What else can be ordered on the company's website:

-Any bouquets and plants, including exotic ones;

- Packing for choice: basket, box, paper;

- Delivery to any corner of the world in the shortest possible time;

-Additional gifts for flowers: chocolates, cakes, candies, toys and fruits.

Just choose what you like on the site. Master florists can perform phytodesign of any room, so just express your wishes and set a day. They will help not only to equip a pond in the country, but to arrange an apartment or office.

Also, when holding receptions, banquets and holidays, you can order table or hall decoration from florists. This will allow you to get an exquisite room in the shortest possible time. You can order services on the website, where you can find prices.

Ключевые слова

flowers in Kazan, by courier

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