Differentiated learning in modern school | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Абдуразакова, У. О. Differentiated learning in modern school / У. О. Абдуразакова, Ш. У. Ходжалиев, Д. М. Султонмуродова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 50 (236). — С. 307-309. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/236/54889/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article is about applying a differentiated approach to students at different stages of the teaching process in modern school. Here are given actuality of differentiated learning in modern life and its affect in young generation formation.

Key words: differentiated learning, personality, reforms in education, spirit of love for the Motherland, the goals.

В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы применения дифференцированного подхода к учащимся на разных этапах учебного процесса в современной школе и его актуальности в образовательных реформах. Приводится актуальность дифференцированного обучения в современной жизни и его влияние на формирование молодого поколения.

Ключевые слова: дифференцированное обучение, личность, реформы в образовании, дух любви к Родине, цели.

A Good Teacher Is Like a Candle that Consumes Itself While Lighting the Way for Others.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

School — one of the basic stages in the educational process and in the personality formation. Its main task is to give the student the minimum knowledge and skills that will allow him to begin an independent life. Today’s world is changing rapidly, so society places high demands on modern schools.

In our country, from the first years of independence, the issue of developing the education system has been raised to the level of state policy; a lot of work is being done to educate the young generation in modern knowledge and professions in conditions that meet international standards, to create physically healthy and spiritually mature individuals, to help them realize their talents and potential educating young people in the spirit of love and devotion to the motherland.

In the Decree of The President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On the Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of February 7, 2017, tasks for the development of the social sphere, particular, in the sphere of education and science, are defined [1].

Nowadays, our government is planning to reform educational system. One of the goal of the modern educational process is the creation of situations and conditions that contribute to the awareness of each student of their individuality. Everyone knows that the number of school children with mental and somatic diseases has recently increased. Among the factors that adversely affect children's health, not the last place is occupied by some traditional forms of organization of the educational process: an undifferentiated approach to learning, excessive curriculum requirements, ahead of the development of the child’s brain, etc. The methods and forms of education, which are the same for everyone, do not take into account the individual psychological characteristics of children, provoke not only a deterioration in health, but also a decline in academic performance and motivation to learn.

In modern school attempts are being made to differentiate the educational process. However, the analysis of traditional and differentiated learning (the most common level and profile differentiation) showed that they are based on the same principle: to ensure that students learn in accordance with the specified requirements. So, with traditional training, conditions are created that are the same for all students. And each student in these conditions should achieve the planned results, approaching as he grows up to the corresponding model, be its carrier. Profile differentiation is associated with differences in the content of each subject, depending on the objectives of its teaching, and the level — with the depth of development. In both cases, the means of individualizing learning is knowledge itself, and not their specific carrier — the student.

The level and profile differentiation of education allows using the versions of programs that differ in different complexity of content, volume and profile orientation within the framework of a unified educational standard. Such approaches to learning are based on knowledge base and are not fundamentally different from each other.

However, there is another — nature-like — basis for differentiated learning. This is the inclusion in work with children of special methods and techniques that correspond to the pattern of development of children, their individual psychological characteristics.

The main goal of the secondary school is to contribute to the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual, to fully disclose its creative potential, to form a world outlook, humanistic relationship based on common human values, to provide various conditions for the flourishing of the child’s individuality, taking into account his age characteristics — this is personality-oriented education. All learning in its essence is the creation of conditions for personal development. Personality is the psychic, spiritual essence of man, appearing in a variety of generalized quality systems. Personality-oriented education is focused on the student, on his personal characteristics, on culture, on creativity as a way of self-determination of a person in culture and life.

The term “differentiation of education” refers to the separation of curricula and programs in specialized schools, classes or in the upper grades of secondary school, feasible at electives. The principle of a differentiated educational process contributes the best to the realization of students' personal development and confirms the essence and goals of general secondary education.

The actuality of the problem of personal development is in that a differentiated learning process is the widespread use of various forms, teaching methods and organization of educational activities based on the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of educational opportunities, aptitudes, abilities of students. The use of these forms and methods, one of which is the level differentiation, based on the individual characteristics of the trainees, creates favorable conditions for the development of the individual in the personality-oriented educational process. Hence:

· The construction of a differentiated learning process is impossible without dealing the individuality of each student as a person and personal characteristics peculiar only to him;

· Learning based on the level differentiation is not the goal, it is a means of developing personal characteristics as an individual;

Differentiated education of children of each individual typological group allows to achieve a higher level of development of attention, perception, memory and thinking of schoolchildren. This increases the activity of the child in the classroom, his interest in the subject, the desire for independent work.


  1. The Decree “On the Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of February 7, 2017
  2. Allington, R. (2003). The schools we have, the schools we need. Retrieved September 11, 2003, from http://cela.albany.edu/schools/rtinvite.html.
  3. Brighton, C., Hertberg, H., Callahan, C., Tomlinson, C., & Moon, T. (In press). The feasibility of high end learning in academically diverse middle schools. Storrs, CT: National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): дифференцированное обучение.

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