The education concept of modern school in Uzbekistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №51 (237) декабрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 22.12.2018

Статья просмотрена: 53 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Турдалиева, Г. Н. The education concept of modern school in Uzbekistan / Г. Н. Турдалиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 51 (237). — С. 100-102. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article will focus on the problems of general education schools, the tasks that face the reform of secondary education and the concept of the education system of Uzbekistan, which is capable of solving not only many problems of secondary schools, but also many social problems.

Key words: goals, reform, modern school, conception, education, generation, society, conditions.

В данной статье речь пойдет о проблемах общеобразовательной школы, о задачах, которые стоят перед реформой среднего образования и концепции системы образования в Узбекистане, которая способна решить не только многие проблемы средней школы, но и многие социальные проблемы.

Ключевые слова: цели, реформа, современная школа, концепция, образование, поколение, общество, условия.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela [4]

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed the Decree on September 5, 2018, № 5538 “On additional measures to improve the system of public education management” where provided the main parameters of the new construction of educational institutions on the model projects of modern schools for 2020–2024, according to Appendix No. 1 [1]; criteria for evaluating the activities of educational institutions for the issuance of a certificate of conformity to the levels of «Modern School», according to Appendix No. 2; the target indicators of the educational institutions being transformed according to the standard projects “Modern School” until 2030, according to Appendix No. 3.

Talking about the problems of education can endless. But we will focus only on the most important ones, from our point of view. The first is the goal setting function. Before the process of education there were always two essential questions: what to teach and how to teach? But now the question comes to the fore — why we teach? What is the purpose of the current learning process? Today, the answer to this question sounds like getting the maximum amount of knowledge. Evaluation of the school is determined by the number of graduates who entered the prestigious institutions of higher education. The more such graduates, the higher the rating of the school. But modern problems of society suggest that the school has ceased to fulfill its proper purpose.

All this suggests that the school has ceased to perform its main educational function.

This approach to the educational process is difficult to even imagine what will happen to society in 10–20 years. Therefore, education reform, in the first place, must begin with a change in priorities. Imagine that the criterion of school activity will be assessed not by the number of students enrolled in universities, but by the number of offenses committed by students of a given school. That is, in the first place is the task of education, and not training. Screaming social problems have long indicated that the time has come to change priorities in the system of secondary education.

The second problem relates to the content of education. The huge flow of information that falls on the student in the school, suppress her personal understanding, and therefore use.

Information flows are stunning, hypnotizing, without being analyzed, wash off each other. An excess of information contributes confusion to the inner world of man. There is a feeling of the need to follow the patterns of behavior presented, there is no room for fiction and the flight of creative thought. Most of the proposed knowledge is rather abstract, not relevant and will never be in demand. And the excessive assimilation of such knowledge dulls the ability to think creatively, because in the subconscious mind a scenario is built up on the assimilation of other people's knowledge. At the same time, the stencils of primitive mass consciousness are imposed.

Two main problems of the education system are highlighted, which in turn generate a mass of subsequent ones. Therefore, let us see what other problems follow from this, and how they can be solved.

Analyzing modern educational concepts, it can be noted that almost all of them highlight the important role of education, as an integral and integral part of the entire educational process, in which the education of a person and a citizen is, in fact, the main goal of the school. The same goal is also reflected in the “Law on Education”, where in the first paragraph it says that education is a purposeful process of education and training. In the first place is education. However, in practice this is most often forgotten, and substantive successes are put in the first place. The school is evaluated on how it teaches physics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. And very rarely (almost never) she is judged by what she gave to children in the spiritual and moral development, which she brought up a person and a citizen.

The problem of education, as is known, is the subject of a comprehensive general pedagogical, historical-pedagogical, social-pedagogical analysis, during which the main goals, conditions of education, its mechanisms, etc. are fixed. However, it is clear that modern education is least able to adequately reflect constantly changing living conditions, and now offers more questions than can give concrete answers in accordance with one or another modern life requirements.

An important role is played by the very definition of the concept of education. Analysis of the concepts of education created in recent years has shown that most of them consider education as a purposeful process of management, formation, organization of educational influence. At the same time, the emphasis is shifted to the creation of certain conditions for the development and self-development of the individual being brought up with the help of specific psychological and pedagogical means. The core of modern school concepts of education is an orientation towards joint activities, towards the collaborative nature of relations between the subjects of the educational process: students and teachers. Although there is a fairly wide variation in the definition of what is being brought up — qualities, values, spirituality, a system of social roles, morality, a focus on success, etc.


  1. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 5, 2018, № 5538 “On additional measures to improve the system of public education management”
  2. McTighe, J., & Seif, E. (2002). Observable indicators of teaching or understanding. Available online:
  3. Reeves, D. (2002). Making standards work. Englewood, CA: Center for Performance Assessment.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Иран, Персидский залив, Азербайджан, Исламская Республика, Российская Федерация, Азия, порт, Координационный совет, международный транспортный коридор, Суэцкий канал.

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