Modern school and modern teacher concept | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Тураходжаева, Зулхумор. Modern school and modern teacher concept / Зулхумор Тураходжаева, Ш. С. Саламова, У. О. Абдуразакова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 1 (239). — С. 182-183. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article about modern school concept, which should replace the old one, where is a school is a place for harmony and mutual understanding between teachers, students and their parents; where children can and want to learn, where there is no one indifferent; where parents of students act as companions of teachers; where teachers are dedicated professionals, sociable, interested in the success of their students, able to quickly respond to changes in science and society.

Key words: goals, reform, modern school, conception, education, generation, society, conditions.

Статья о современной школьной концепции, которая должна заменить старую, где школа — это место для гармонии и взаимопонимания между учителями, учениками и их родителями; где дети могут и хотят учиться, где нет никого равнодушного; где родители учеников выступают в качестве компаньонов учителей; где учителя преданные своему делу профессионалы, общительные, заинтересованы в успехах своих учеников, способны быстро реагировать на изменения в науке и обществе.

Ключевые слова: цели, реформа, современная школа, концепция, образование, поколение, общество, условия.

Creativity is as important as literacy.

Ken Robinson

At present, radical changes are taking place in the society, which create prerequisites for changes in the education system. Education has always been and is the source of the development of society, and society constantly influences education and its role. Today, the main goal of education is not the transfer of knowledge and social experience, but the development of a student’s personality, his ability to set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate his achievements, that is, the formation of the ability to learn.

In our understanding, modern school is a school of success and health. Innovations, techniques, creativity — these are the words that most often sound in a new school. She teaches you to think, to seek solutions to problems. The modern school is a creative workshop of the teacher and the child himself in the pedagogical process, where the child is the sun, around which everything revolves, where each student is talented in his own way, and we, the teachers, should reveal this talent in the child, and not treat him skeptically. The modern school today is viewed from different angles: intellectual development, physical, aesthetic, moral. We believe that these aspects of development were in demand yesterday, remain so today and will be no less relevant tomorrow, only we need to achieve them in a new way so that we, the teachers, can see the joy and interest in learning in the eyes of students. We will be able to see the results of all this when our students go to universities and will be proud of the knowledge they received at their home school, their teachers, who helped them in choosing a profession. We are all aware of the fact that modern schools require qualified teachers. If we, the teachers, are competent in our work, then our children will seek to cooperate with us, and if the teacher has always friendly relations with the child, this will lead to the success of both the teacher and the student. It is difficult to imagine now the learning process without multimedia technology, electronic didactic manuals, projectors, computers, the Internet. Today's school has acquired a new modern look, and its students have changed. What is he, a modern teacher?! A modern teacher, in our opinion, serves as a foothold in the educational process and should have its own and definite image.

The teacher should have an attractive appearance, good taste, personal charm. A teacher is only then a teacher, when he feels that the experience he has accumulated, his knowledge allows him to lead his students along. We must teach our students to work, think, build, create; you need to build your work so that the student always speaks with you: arguing, sharing opinions, speaking, defending his point of view, that is, giving him the freedom to choose, the ability to make decisions independently, and be able to listen and hear the student himself, to understand him. The modern teacher «must keep up with the times» since the school is alive as long as the teacher is interested in the child in it. A modern teacher should be in constant creative search, as well as in the search for an answer to the question: «What should children learn?" Today, the teacher has a difficult task — to create conditions for the development of creative abilities, to develop students' desire for creative perception of knowledge, to teach them to think independently, to fully realize their needs, to increase their motivation to study the subject, to encourage their individual inclinations and talents. It is necessary for students to learn not only to answer the questions that the teacher poses to them, but also to formulate them for themselves in the process of studying the material. The development of independence and preparation for adult life, the education of the individual — this is a task in relation to which the training of knowledge, skills, and skills acts as a means of education.


  1. Karpov, A.O. (2010). Knowledge Society: A Weak Link. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. USA: Pleiades Publishing, Vol. 80, No. 4.
  2. Higher Education: Student at the Heart of System (2011). Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. London: TSO.
  3. Simons, M. (2006). «Education through Research» at European Universities: Notes on the Orientation of Academic Research. Journal of Philosophy of Education. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,Vol. 40, No. 1.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TSO, USA.

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