Development of the adsorber in the technology of drying and topping of desulfurised gas | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: , ,

Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №1 (239) январь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 02.01.2019

Статья просмотрена: 23 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Свирина, С. А. Development of the adsorber in the technology of drying and topping of desulfurised gas / С. А. Свирина, Н. В. Ширшова, М. А. Шевелев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 1 (239). — С. 49-50. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

At the present time, the fuel and energy complex of Russia and, in particular, of the Astrakhan region is undergoing rapid development. New oil and gas fields are being developed, existing ones are being modernized, and new hydrocarbon processing plants are being commissioned.

In addition, conditions are being created in the Astrakhan region for further, high-quality processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and the production of finished products, which indicates a new level of development of this sector of industry in our region. The performance of the above tasks is directly related to the efficient use of various chemical equipment. It requires both the development of new and improvement of existing equipment.

The purpose of the work is the development of recommendations for improving the design of the adsorber in the technology of drying and topping of sweet gas.

Based on the purpose, the following tasks are formulated:

‒ feasibility study of the project;

‒ analysis of typical design solutions;

‒ analysis of scientific, technical and patent literature;

‒ development and justification of the rational design of the adsorber.

Currently, on the AGPS is used setting of drying and topping of gas U-74. On which the adsorber is a vertical apparatus with a fixed bed of the absorber. The analysis of the installation work revealed the following disadvantages:

‒ uneven distribution of the gas flow over the cross section of the adsorber and its height;

‒ formation of stagnant zones.

For input of a stream gas flow into the volume of the apparatus and its uniform distribution over the cross section of the apparatus in order to ensure contact of the gas with the adsorbent (zeolite), it is proposed to use the gas distribution device shown in fig. 1 [1, 2].

Fig. 1. The proposed design of the adsorber: 1 — case; 2 — support; 3 — dry gas outlet; 4 — wet gas inlet; 5 — regeneration gas outlet; 6 — regeneration gas inlet; 7 — manhole; 8 — manhole unloading adsorbent; 9 — adsorbent loading hatch; 10 — adsorbent;11 — gas distribution device; 12 — atomizing nozzle

Gas distribution device represents the system is an irrigation system, equipped with pneumatic nozzles. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform an analysis of the scientific, technical and patent literature, to develop a design solution for organizing the supply of a gas stream to the adsorber and to perform a number of calculations to develop practical recommendations.


  1. Tarakanov, G. V. Technology for processing natural gas and gas condensate at the Astrakhan gas processing plant: study guide / Astrakhan. state tech. un-t / Astrakhan. state tech. Univ — Astrakhan: Publishing house of the AGTU, 2013. — 148с.
  2. Tarakanov, G.V., Manovyan A. K. Fundamentals of processing technology of natural gas and condensate: study guide / Astrakhan. state tech. un-t; by ed. G. V. Tarakanova / Astrakhan. state tech. un-t; by ed. G. V. Tarakanova — Ed. 2nd, pererabot. and add. — Astrakhan: Publishing house ASTU, 2010. — 192с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AGPS, AGTU, ASTU.

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