Formation of cultural and educational environment | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №2 (240) январь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 10.01.2019

Статья просмотрена: 23 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Керимбекова, М. Ж. Formation of cultural and educational environment / М. Ж. Керимбекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 2 (240). — С. 351-353. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

English language is one of the most popular languages people want to learn. It makes sense because almost anything you make a glimpse on is in English: movies on TV, signs, billboards, names of store departments and clothes brands, etc. You can make this list as long as you want. And sphere of education is not on the last place.

If somebody wants to make a good career or move to another country to take a chance abroad they are recommended to learn a foreign language. But it will be too difficult without any preparation at home. That is why it became popular to study in foreign language, in English in particular.

Of course there are some problems in this process, some yes and no's just like in every process. The more people involved in it, the more points of view we have. So, let's see what problems do we face (in my personal opinion) when teaching in English. But first, let me show you some advantages so we can compare them with the disadvantages that I found.

When someone knows English and have practiced it at least at university there are so many opportunities for them to realize. And one of them is a great chance to continue their education in a university or college abroad, in Oxford, England, or Cambridge and Harvard in the USA. The universities that I named are ones of the best and graduation from them will open new horizons not only for future work, but their life as well. Those universities are private and despite on that fact nobody considers their diplomas non-competitive.

Imagine this: you need to hire a specialist to work with foreign partners in perspective. You have two jobs applicants. You check their diplomas and see that one of them is more suitable for you, because he or she has learned a course in English. Of course that does not mean that the candidate knows English as a native speaker. But what it does mean is that that person probably feels more comfortable to work with foreign companies. And that is an advantage. And the more courses in English one takes the better will be an employer's opinion on his/her diploma.

Another «yes» is English language practice. When students go to lessons in English they do not just use specific terms but they fully speak in foreign language which is great for their future. This is kind of more interesting way to learn it. Most students do not like to learn grammar and translate lots of texts, so courses in foreign language are better alternative. Because teacher will not point at mistakes students do, so they feel more comfortable and free when speaking.

When learning in English students can expand the limits of their worldview. They have more choices in finding the literature to work with. Concerning course of Marketing in English, it is more effective to use primary sources that are in English because most of those books and articles are wrote by foreign authors. Another reason to read primary sources is that you will not face translation mistakes which can appear anyway.

When conducting lectures and seminar lessons we need to use practical materials that often can be found on the Internet. And the most interesting of those are in English. For instance, if tutor wants to show students an example of international marketing through TV commercials, he or she can find the best ones on international sites. Probably you will agree with me, that American or European commercials are very interesting and even funny. So if students will have an opportunity to work with the original video materials they will find it more interesting. But there is one little problem which I am sure can be solved: it is not possible to connect the Internet via Wi-Fi to show any videos that cannot be downloaded but played online only.

Knowing of foreign language is always a good way to make more acquaintances worldwide that can be useful in the future. For example, it is possible to invite foreign specialists on lessons. Such seminar lessons will allow students to discuss issues that can appear in practice with a specialist. It can help to avoid some problems in future job. Those specialists will not only give answers on questions but even an inspiration for students to realize all their plans.

Today students can be students of the world. That means they may have no limits in the terms of communication and life experience. Being a member of different social networks they can contact with anybody in any country they want, any little town worldwide. But unfortunately not every one of them knows that. Mostly they limit themselves because of not knowing any foreign language. The more foreign languages one knows the more opportunities they have. I think we have to help students to open up their minds by giving lessons in English and even in German, Chinese, Spanish, etc. Of course to do that we need qualified specialists that have language experience in countries that speak certain language.

Speaking about language experience, I suppose it is very important to send more of our tutors abroad so they are able to learn not only language but the methodology of teaching. It is not a secret that our way of teaching is quite different from the way the famous universities do that. Despite the fact that now we have a credit teaching technology, it does not work the way it should be. That is why we need to gain more of international experience so we can share it with our students. And give not only special courses but all of them starting from the first course of studying. I want our university to become an international one, a university that can compete with national and international ones. Thus I say another «yes» for teaching in English.

Accepting all that mentioned above I would like to give some recommendations concerning teaching students in English:

– Send tutors abroad for training;

– Open access in the university to the Internet resources via Wi-Fi;

– Change the methodology of teaching English language and other courses, so it is not a hassle but joy;

– Give more of English language lessons during each course of studying;

– Buy text-books of foreign authors and allow students to use those on everyday base at home;

– Start teaching in English from the first course.

Conduct summer foundation course of English free of charge for the students that do not feel comfortable speaking English.

9 Major Benefits of Learning English:

– Keeps Your Brain Sharp

– Boosts Your Employment Potential

– One of the Best Languages to Learn For Travel

– Helps You Get Into Great Schools

– Become a Better Writer

– Enjoy Classic Literature and Films in Native Language

– Immigration Benefits

– Improved Focus

– You’re Better Equipped to Learn Slang


  1. Nazarbayev N. A. The national daily newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” dated 15.05.2008, No. 101–102 page 2–3
  2. The profession of a doctor obliges… (Reflections of an obstetrician-gynecologist) H. E. Murzalieva. –Alma-ATA; “Kazakhstan”, 1978. 136 C.
  3. Innovative technologies in teaching and evaluation of educational achievements of students of Karaganda state medical University: Monograph / M. K. Teleuov, R. C. Dos-magambetova, C. B. Molotov-Luchansky, etc. — Karaganda, 2010. — 118 C.
  4. Khasanov B. H. National languages, bilingualism and multilingualism: search and perspectives — Alma-ATA, Kazakhstan, 1989. — 136 C.
  5. Multilingualism in the education system of Kazakhstan,
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA.

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