The problems of learning English grammar in primary school and their solutions | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №5 (243) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 22.01.2019

Статья просмотрена: 287 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ташпулатова, Д. Р. The problems of learning English grammar in primary school and their solutions / Д. Р. Ташпулатова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 5 (243). — С. 202-204. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article is about the problems of learning English grammar and how to solve them. Presented in the content and technology of the organization of interactive learning, as well as the sufficient amount of lexical material on which the skill can be formed.

Key words: communicative goal, knowledge, grammatical minimum, atmosphere, pictures

Эта статья о проблемах изучения грамматики английского языка и о том, как их решать. Представлено содержание и технологии организации интерактивного обучения, а также достаточное количество лексического материала, на котором можно сформировать навык.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная цель, знание, грамматический минимум, атмосфера, картинки

The communicative goal of teaching grammar in secondary school makes it possible to formulate the basic requirement for the amount of grammar material to be mastered in secondary school: it must be sufficient for using the language as a means of communication within the limits set by the program and real for mastering it in these conditions.

The English grammar is a historically established set of rules on which the use of English words and expressions is based. Knowledge of English grammar is a guarantee of correct and beautiful speech and writing. Without knowledge of English grammar, it is impossible to learn a language and use foreign language speech at a level that is necessary at the present stage of development of society.

In the process of learning the grammatical side of foreign language speech, it is necessary to take into account not only the foreign language speech experience of the primary schoolchild in the native language, which significantly expands the linguistic space for analyzing, comparing, summarizing the grammatical phenomena in the native and foreign languages, makes it possible to maximally involve the entire life experience of the child to master the grammatical concepts, rules and mastering them.

The development of speech involves the assimilation of the necessary language, and in particular, grammatical means. The challenge is for students to use these tools in the process of speaking automatically. Automated use of grammatical means in speech (oral and written) implies mastering a certain number of skills.

The most important condition for the creation of an active grammatical skill is the presence of a sufficient amount of lexical material on which the skill can be formed. Grammatical action is made only in certain dictionary boundaries, on a certain dictionary material. If a student can, in a situation like this, quickly and correctly grammatically form a phrase by himself, then he will already have some grammatical skill. The grammatical minimum for elementary school inevitably includes general grammatical concepts, a full understanding and understanding of which implies that children have a sufficiently high level of formation and development of conceptual, verbal and logical thinking that reaches a sufficient level only by 11–12 years. Considering this, when teaching children English grammar, it is necessary to rely on the fact that children clearly have, above all, visual-figurative thinking, imagination, and ability to imitate.

The use of fairy tales provides ample opportunities for learning grammar skills. The tale develops the child's imagination, which is associated with the development of speech and the emotional sphere of the personality. In addition, the fairy tale is a means of creative modeling of communication situations.

Learning games help make the process of learning a foreign language interesting and creative. They provide an opportunity to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and relieve fatigue in children. Elements of the game can be introduced into any type of activity in a foreign language lesson, and then even the most boring occupation takes on an exciting form.

Take for example the learning of poems that train grammatical forms. You can write a poem on a blackboard, work with it, and then ask the children to learn it by heart. But it will be much more interesting if the teacher organizes the competition. The atmosphere of the competition activates the memory of children.

Here are some learning grammar games that are used in English lessons. No matter what direction the games have, they reflect the perception of the world by children: curiosity, love for animals, fairy tales and characters, competitions, riddles.

Children love to travel, so you can dream about a trip to London and at the same time repeat the expression to be going to. You can also use the idea of ​​postcards. For this we need a series of pictures by topic. For example, take the topic «Food». You can pick up the following pictures: a boy drinks milk, a girl eats an apple, a boy and a girl set the table, a mother cooks dinner, a dad has lunch. In order for the students to better understand the prepositions, as well as the new vocabulary, the teacher can do some kind of exercises, giving commands to individual students, a group of students or the whole class: stand in front of the door, in front of the blackboard, near the window, in the corner, behind the curtain, between the cabinet and the window, put hands on the head, behind the back, on the desk, etc. The role of the leader can be performed by the students. When working on the “Dividing Questions” grammatical theme, “Whose Tail Is It?” Is a great help. We draw various animals (with removable tails). It is important that there are several tigers, dogs, etc. A narrative sentence is written on the body of the animal, and on the tail is an appropriate brief general question. For example, on the body of a tiger you can write The tiger can sing, and on the tail Can't it? In order to make it clear that the tiger can sing, you need to draw notes alongside the sentence. Or another example. On the picture depicting a tiger, candy is drawn, the tiger likes sweets sentence is written, and Doesn’t it? On the tail. Then the tails are separated from the body and mixed, and sad beasts without tails are waiting for their savior. They can be one of the students or the whole team. Each beast needs its tail back.

Thus, when learning a foreign language, especially at the initial stage, grammar should be dealt with specifically, because, first, grammar is an essential component of language as a system, second, any communication skills without regular reference to grammar are possible only up to a certain limit and thirdly, knowledge of grammar satisfies the natural need of people who want to master a foreign language.


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