Game Technologies in English Language Lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №6 (244) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 12.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 32 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мансуров, А. М. Game Technologies in English Language Lessons / А. М. Мансуров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 6 (244). — С. 224-226. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article contains practical recommendations that allow teachers to successfully apply interactive learning technologies, use the methods of projects, group interaction, properly organize discussions, create a psychologically comfortable climate in the classroom.

Keywords: interest, the quality, moral, based on, competencies, psychological characteristics, memorable, requirements.

Эта статья содержит практические рекомендации, которые позволяют учителям успешно применять интерактивные технологии обучения, использовать методы проектов, групповое взаимодействие, правильно организовывать дискуссии, создавать психологически комфортную обстановку в классе.

Ключевые слова: интерес, качество, мораль, основа, компетенции, психологические характеристики, запоминаемость, требования.

The further you get into technology,

the further you go into gaming.

That's the general rule.

Nick Johnson

Today, primary school teachers are increasingly looking for ways to optimize the educational process, because the period of education in primary school is extremely important at this time the foundations of the child’s educational activities are laid. It is no secret that the majority of children consider the subject of the English language to be boring, monotonous, because they are used to seeing in it a set of spelling and punctuation rules. At the lesson, students write, find the necessary orthograms, but this work does not affect their feelings, does not arouse interest, they are passive.

And what is meant by interest? By methodological interest, we understand the students' emotional attitude towards the subject, which makes children want to know what they are learning and stimulates their passion for this subject. Using games in the educational process helps to intensify the child’s activity, develops cognitive activity, observation, attention, memory, thinking, maintains interest in the subject, develops creative imagination, creative thinking, relieves fatigue in children, as the game makes the learning process entertaining for the child. The games used in the English language lessons are multifaceted and diverse. Their classification may be different. The following main groups can be distinguished.

According to the form of use in the lesson and the content of the game are divided into desktop, didactic, mobile, business, intellectual.

  1. Board games: rebuses, crossword puzzles, etc. The peculiarity of the board game is the presence of the game rule, in which the game task is internally concluded.
  2. Didactic games are an important means of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, the development of their independence and thinking. They have some special features. They should not be played too slowly or too quickly. This reduces the interest in the game. Varieties of these games: a verbal didactic game, accompanied by the transfer of the ball from teacher to student, various forms of dictations (for example, musical), various types of writing.
  3. Outdoor games: with a poem, story games with the personal participation of children, etc.
  4. Business games develop fantasy in children based on acquired knowledge, they are taught to argue, prove, compare.
  5. Intellectual games, classic examples of which are checkers and chess, cause great interest among the guys. These include riddles, charades, met grams, anagrams, riddles.

Games and game tasks-exercises can be classified by school sections of linguistics. The teacher will be able to apply the entertaining game material in the course of studying the leading sections of school linguistics, such as: Phonetics, Morphology, Lexicology, and Syntax.

Schoolchildren’s interest in English language lessons can be enhanced by using elements of entertainment that help the teacher improve the quality of students’ knowledge, develop their language culture, instill interest in the language as a means of communication. In the search for interesting and exciting forms of teaching material, it is important to choose or develop entertaining tasks for students. Interesting material on the English language should be included as an element in the lesson at any stage: the explanation of the new material, consolidation, verification of the studied, etc. Along with serious tasks, schoolchildren are offered comic questions, as well as riddles, jokes, puns, charades that increase interest in the language, develop logical thinking, linguistic flair, and literacy. Even V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “a game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and notions about the world surrounds the child’s spiritual world. A game is a spark that ignites a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity” [2]. Game technologies contribute to the cultivation of cognitive interests and revitalization of students.

I think the use of gaming technology in the educational process allows for better learning of the material. Due to this, students become more independent, more active, they are able to create. Children know how to apply their knowledge in new situations, use them in practice and independently extract them. That is, through the game goes the process of developing individual abilities, core competencies. The game can be used to solve almost any problem, it is only to introduce an element of competitiveness into it or to invite participants to enter into some role, but the goal of the educational game is not to identify the winner, but to acquire knowledge by each participant, develop abilities student creativity. The teacher should always take into account that the games must meet certain educational objectives, software requirements for knowledge, skills, should correspond to the studied material and be based on the students' preparedness and their psychological characteristics and be based on a certain didactic material and method of its use.

I will give examples of game tasks aimed at practicing the spelling and punctuation norms:

Insert a letter: The third is superfluous; I work as a wizard; By magic; Inquiry Office; Vocabulary dictation; Dictation-silent; Digital dictation; Find a pair; Add a letter. Who is bigger?; Choose synonyms; Repairs; Replace the letter; Take away the letter; Put stress; Auction; Chain; Who is last; Alternations; Add a soft sign; Name the part of speech and others.

How to teach the student to put stress? Quite often, the child hears the misuse of the word and perceives it as the norm. Effective for memorizing the normative pronunciation of words is the addition of rhyming. Students are encouraged to pick up a rhyming word for the proposed teacher. The most consonant pairs of words are written on the board, after which there is work in groups to compile rhyming lines. The most rhythmic, memorable, funny poems we learn in chorus.

The game «Snowball». The course of the game. The first player utters an unsolicited sentence, for example: A boy is coming. Each of the following must add one word to the sentence, correctly repeating the entire sentence: The boy goes to the cinema; The boy quickly goes to the movies. You can add anywhere service words are not counted. A player who, when repeated, missed a word or rearranged words in places, leaves the game. The winner is the one who will be the last.

The didactic games are of great importance for the upbringing of the student’s personality, for the formation of his character traits. The game develops organization, endurance, a sense of camaraderie, friendship, since, if necessary, the player must give way, to help the friend.

I would like to hope that the ideas and methodological solutions proposed by the students will help me to make the English language lesson interesting, and to make a difference in the teaching of this difficult subject.


  1. Петрановская Л. В. Игры на уроках русского языка. М.: Мирос-Маик, «Наука-Интерпериодика», 2000.
  2. Sukhomlinskaia, A. I. Sukhomlinskaia, O.V., “Biobibliografiia [Biobibliography]”, Kiev, Radianska shkola,1987.
  3. Nick Johnson Quotes American — Athlete Born: September 19, 1978

Ключевые слова

interest, moral, requirements, the quality, based on, competencies, psychological characteristics, memorable

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