Examples of the Use of Games in Primary Classes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №6 (244) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 12.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 32 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Эралиева, Г. И. Examples of the Use of Games in Primary Classes / Г. И. Эралиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 6 (244). — С. 250-252. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/244/56401/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

In this article it is spoken about the importance of playing activities in the development of a student’s personality; classifying games; examples of games that a teacher can use in the learning process.

Keywords: game, approach, self-expression, development, mental changes, members.

В этой статье говорится о важности игровой деятельности для развития личности студента; классифицирующие игры; примеры игр, которые учитель может использовать в процессе обучения.

Ключевые слова: игра, подход, самовыражение, развитие, психические изменения, участники.

A game has the same importance to a child as work and service to an adult. The way the child plays is the way the child will work. That is why the nurture of a future activist happens during a game in the first place.

A. S. Makarenko

In accordance with the decrees and resolutions of the President of Uzbekistan special attention is given to the first year of schooling in the form of lesson-games and speaking games, continuing to learn the alphabet, reading and spelling in the second-year grade. What is a game and why does a child reach for it? Where does a child have so much energy? Why he cannot spend it in one game, and with pleasure starts all new and new games? Why does he need such a variety of games? The game is a specially organized occupation that requires emotional and mental strength. The game is a kind of practice in the behavior of the child, which contributes to the formation of personality traits. The game always involves making a decision — what to do, what to say, how to win. The game brings up the will, organization, resourcefulness, initiative, ability to reckon with the interests of classmates and the team as a whole. A. N. Leontiev argues that the development of a child (both mental and mental, moral and physical) is determined by “the child’s leading attitude to reality at a given stage, determined by the leading type of his activity” [3]. Further V. V. Davidov activity approach is used in the development of the periodization of mental development. According to V. V. Davidov,“the child’s holistic activity, specific to each of his age, determines the mental changes that first arise in him...” [2].Classification of educational games. Games are divided into two groups:

− preparatory games;

− creative games.

A group of preparatory games consists of phonetic, grammatical, lexical, and spelling games that contribute to the formation of communicative skills at the initial stage of training, i.e. in primary classes. Phonetic games are designed to develop and improve the pronunciation of speech skills and to adjust them as needed. Grammar games are aimed at mastering grammatical structures and the development of skills to use them in situations of communication. Lexical games contribute to the solid assimilation of lexical material and its use in speech situations. Spelling game tasks aim at first mastering the writing of letters, then — spelling lexical material. At the same time spelling games contribute to the further development and improvement of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical speech skills. Creative games include:

− role-playing games;

− role-playing games.

The games of this group are aimed at the creative use of communicative skills in certain. Next, I give examples of games that I use in the classroom.

Phonetic games: «Long or short». Objective: the formation of phonemic hearing skills. The course of the game: the teacher calls the words. Students raise their hand if the sound is pronounced for a long time. If the vowel is pronounced briefly, the hand cannot be raised. The team that made fewer mistakes wins.

Grammar games: Teacher explains the instruction of the activity «Picture the action». The objective of the activity is automation of the use of verbs of oral speech. Teacher asks the pupils to work in pairs. One player depicts an action (mimic or pantomimic), the other must comment on it, using the verbs studied.

Lexical games:

  1. «Cross out the number». Teacher explains the instruction of the activity. The objective is the repetition of cardinal numbers. Teacher divides the class into two teams. On the right and left of the blackboard, an identical number of digits are recorded. The teacher calls the numbers one by one. Representatives of the teams should quickly find and cross out the named number on their half of the board. Team wins correctly coped with the task. 2. The next activity «Numbers» is also explained by a teacher. The objective of the activity is consolidation of quantitative and ordinal numbers. The class id divided into two teams. The teacher calls the ordinal number. The first team should name the previous number, the second — the next (respectively, ordinal or cardinal). For each mistake the team gets a penalty point. Wins the team that received fewer penalty points.
  2. Spelling games: 1. «Duty letter». The objective of the activity is the formation of the skill of writing words with a given letter. Students are given cards and it is suggested to write as many words as possible in which the indicated letter stands in a certain place. For example, the teacher says: “Today we have the letter “O” on duty, it is in the first place. Who will write more words in which the letter “o” comes first?” The task execution time is regulated (3–5 minutes).

So, in this article it is considered that play activity is an important factor in the development of a student’s personality, a classification of games for the initial phase of learning a foreign language is proposed, and examples of some learning games are given. I want to conclude that the use of games in foreign language lessons helps the teacher to more deeply reveal the personal potential of each student, contributes to the formation of positive personal qualities of students (diligence, activity, independence, initiative, ability to work in cooperation, etc.), ensures that level of motivation to learn.


  1. The decree of the President of Uzbekistan I. A. Karimov № 1875 “On measures to further improvement of the foreign language learning system”, December 10, 2012.
  2. Давыдов В. В. Проблемы развивающего обучения. — М.: Педагогика, 1986.
  3. Леонтьев А. Н. Избранные психологические произведения, т.1, М., 1983.
  4. http://www.gramota.ru/biblio/magazines/mrs/mrs2001–03/28_255

Ключевые слова

approach, Development, game, self-expression, mental changes, members

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