Impact of physical culture on fresh air on the organism of students | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Медицина

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (246) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 27.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 56 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зиямухаммедова, С. А. Impact of physical culture on fresh air on the organism of students / С. А. Зиямухаммедова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 8 (246). — С. 28-29. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The problem of physical activity in the fresh air today is also relevant, as before. We can say that this crown is even more important today, because in our time a person is always surrounded by cars, household appliances, and more. etc., which adversely affects his health, so it is important to engage in physical culture on the street, especially in the park, forest belt, etc., as there is not only physical development, but also improved health.

Keywords: tempers, cold air, health, sports, gym.

Exercising in the fresh air is beneficial in both winter and summer. Almost all people try to lead a healthy lifestyle. First of all, they start attending gyms and fitness clubs. However, these activities take place indoors. In the summer, do not always want to go to the stuffy gymnastics and gyms. An excellent way out of this situation is to play sports in the open air.

According to scientists, such classes are more useful not only in terms of physical development, but also psychologically. Modern scientific studies show that outdoor sports training increases the activity of the student, improves mood and energizes. Increased psychological stability, significantly reduced depression, anxiety, reduced attacks of anger, general tension [1].

We conducted a survey of students of 1–3 courses, in order to find out where they like more and why. 1000 students took part in the survey. The results showed that 76 % of students attend classes at the ski base with great pleasure than in the hall. But almost 30 % of respondents are not satisfied with the fact that the ski base is far away, you have to spend more time and money.

The results of our survey were expected, because everyone knows that classes in the fresh air have a beneficial effect not only on the functional state of the body and physical fitness, such classes to a greater extent increase efficiency, saturating the body with oxygen, and positively affecting the emotional sphere [2].

“The people we interviewed did not have serious mental problems, but only issues related to personal life, depression, insomnia, high levels of stress, etc. As we believe, the natural environment has the most beneficial effect on the emotional state of people with these problems, ”the authors noted. There are many studies that confirm that physical exercise in nature has a positive effect on overall health, reduces stress and emotional fatigue. Being outdoors enhances the body's metabolic processes, strengthens the blood vessels and nerves of the skin, stimulates brain activity, improves the functioning of the heart, and improves the overall tone of the body. [3]

According to the results of our survey among students, we found that 70 % of respondents noticed that their state of health when practicing on the street is better than when practicing in the hall. The results showed that only 12 % of the respondents are engaged in physical education during the whole time of the year. The number of students from September to May is one third of all respondents, and from May to September more than one third of the number of students.

The main motive that encourages people to study during the summer period is the desire to correct their physical condition and figure, as well as a favorable seasonal period for practicing physical culture. 24 % of the surveyed students are not engaged in physical culture at all.

Exercises on the street help not only to improve physical fitness and well-being, but also mental state: the appearance of trees, natural landscapes and phenomena relieve stress and irritation, and also have a great aesthetic recreational value, while the usual atmosphere of the hall inhibits and contributes to the accumulation of negative emotions.

The effect of nature on the human body can be viewed from several angles: from the ecological, sanitary and hygienic, psychological, physiological. But the aesthetic recreational value of the natural landscape is especially important. Also revealed the relationship between exercise in the fresh air and student performance. This is due to the tempering factor: due to a decrease in the incidence rate, the level of attendance increases, therefore, more material is absorbed.

Exercise in the winter outside also benefits: they help strengthen the immune system, overcome insomnia, relieve stress and improve mood. In addition, in fresh frosty air fatty deposits «melt» faster. However, it can not be argued that the cold is completely safe for our health.

In winter, students have a great opportunity to practice winter sports, first of all skiing and Nordic walking. Cross-country skiing is an unrivaled tool for the development of general endurance and aerobic performance.

Recommendations for physical activity in the open air in winter. There are several recommendations, following which you can neutralize street workouts in the winter.

The minimum temperature at which it is recommended to practice outdoors is minus 20 degrees. But this advice is only valid in calm weather. With a strong wind and humidity indicators above 90 %, the temperature threshold should not be below minus 15 degrees.

The intensity and nature of the loads in winter and summer are different. It is better to start warm-up in winter with easy walking, gradually moving to a run, you also need to do some exercises on the shoulder girdle. In addition, the main recommendations for practicing outdoors are regularity, gradualness and adequacy of the loads of preparedness. It is very important to make rest pauses active (that is, to move even in the intervals between approaches).

The duration of classes at the beginning should not exceed half an hour. With regular classes, the duration can be increased to one and a half hours. There are no contraindications, except acute diseases and fever, for outdoor activities.

Clothing is a very important component of a street workout in winter. After all, not only sporting achievements, but also well-being depend on it. The main requirements for clothing for physical education, in addition to purely sporting requirements (freedom of movement, lightness, etc.), are requirements for protection from the wind, retention of heat and abstraction of excessive moisture. Modern, technological clothing meets all these requirements.

Physical education in the open air improves the health and physical development of a person. Exercise in the fresh air has a positive effect not only on the functional state of the body and physical fitness, such exercises to a greater degree increase the efficiency by saturating the body with oxygen, as well as positively affecting the emotional sphere.


  1. Novikov A. D. Theory and methods of physical education / Under total. ed. HELL. Novikova, L. P. Matveyev. T.1. — M.: Physical culture and sport, 1967. — 526
  2. Alekseev N. A. Technological approaches to the gradual increase in the level of physical fitness of students / N. A. Alekseev, S. I. Kramskoy, D. E. Yegorov. — M.: Publishing house DIA; Belgorod: Publishing House of BSTU. V. G. Shukhov, 2005. — 113s
  3. The benefits of doing sports on the street is proven! — [Electronic resource]. Access Mode:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): BSTU, DIA, HELL.

Ключевые слова

health, tempers, cold air, sports, gym

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