Applying of project method in medical students teaching | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (246) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 26.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 33 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мищенко, А. Н. Applying of project method in medical students teaching / А. Н. Мищенко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 8 (246). — С. 175-177. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).

В данной статье я описываю метод, который я использую в организации своей деятельности. Этот метод, метод проектов, позволяет мне индивидуализировать учебный процесс, дает возможность студенту проявлять самостоятельность в планировании, организации и контроле своей деятельности, что особенно важно для студентов в будущей профессиональной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: метод проектов, метод, иностранный язык, обучение, деятельность.

In this article I describe a method which I use in the organization of the activity. This method, a method of projects, allows me to individualize educational process, gives the chance to the student to show independence in planning, the organization and control of the activity that is especially important for students in future professional activity.

Key words: a method of projects, method, activity, foreign languages, teaching.

English today is very important. The prospects of receiving decent work and further office growth, pleasure from a holiday abroad, a possibility of communication on the Internet depend on his knowledge. Now there is a large number of techniques for a learning of foreign language in higher educational institutions. Each of methods has certain features, some have bigger popularity and demand, others — smaller.

It is possible to tell that now English enjoys wide popularity, moreover, this language is language of the international communication, it is known around the world therefore there is a huge set of techniques for teaching English. Besides, are regularly developed new that allows the teacher to choose for itself optimum suitable technique of work. I want to describe one of the most interesting, in my opinion, and useful to students in their future activity, a method. Method of projects.

Main objective of a method of projects which I set before myself, granting to pupils of a possibility of independent acquisition of knowledge in the course of the solution of practical tasks or problems who demand integration of knowledge from various subject domains. The part of the coordinator, consultant is assigned to the teacher in the project.

The method of projects allows students to show independence in the choice of a subject, information sources, a way of her statement and the presentation. The design technique allows to conduct individual work on a subject which attracts the greatest interest of each student of the project that, undoubtedly, involves the increased motivated activity of the student. He chooses a research object, for himself decides what sources of information to use.

One of the main features of design activity is orientation to achievement of the specific practical goal — evident representation of result — creative work.

The projects intended for training in language have both the lines, and distinctive features, general for all projects, among which the following is main:

− use of language in the situations as close as possible to conditions of real communication;

− emphasis at independent work of the student (individual and group);

− the choice of the subject attracting great interest for the student and which is directly connected with conditions in which the project is carried out;

− selection of language material according to a subject and the purpose of the project;

− evident representation of result.

Definition of a subject, problem and purpose of the project is the most important stage of work. Exactly here the foundation of the solution of objectives, the successful performance conceived are laid.

The development stage of structure of the project demands in many cases of consultation of the student. Work of pupils with various sources of information, selection of language material assume regular meetings with the consultant. During such meetings we with the student analyze the done work, we adjust mistakes, in case of change of initial plans we develop new activities. Such work is characteristic of long-term projects.

Before passing directly to collection of information, it is necessary to hold the presentation of language material and a precommunicative training.

After performance of problems of stages of the choice of a subject and scheduling of work, definition of strategy of the further activity, students pass to a stage on collection of information. The role of the teacher is that he monitors the choice by the pupil of sources of information, analyzes validity of selection of information. In a case need the teacher has to render assistance to the students in establishment of working contacts with the purpose of collecting the necessary information for projects, for example the help in carrying out questioning of all studying students of the higher education institution and other higher educational institutions of the Karaganda region.

Throughout work on the project the teacher monitors in the most attentive way the process of implementation of objectives, transition of the student from one level of perception to another. Here are very important the appeal to already available knowledge of students and their life experience.

Work in groups or individual work in the course of modeling of the project in any its form assumes the obligatory organization of advisory meetings during which pupils have an opportunity to show the acquired material. The teacher comments on the done work, analyzes the prepared project fragments, corrects errors in the use of language units, working off of new material is carried out.

If work is organized within the group project, then the teacher is obliged to coordinate actions of different groups accurately.

In my opinion the most interesting stage of work on the project for pupils is the stage of preparation of the presentation for protection.

One of the most important works is demonstration of results of the project.

The stage of systematization and summing up includes not only control of digestion of language material and development of speech and communicative competence, but also the general assessment of the project which concerns the contents, a subject, the end result of work, personal participation of each of pupils in the organization of activity at all stages. An estimated part of project work assumes also the analysis of activity of the teacher.

On average by annually project work it is captured students from first on the fifth year. The main part of projects which are carried out by students belongs to individual projects. Subjects of projects are various. Students always have the right to choose a subject which is at this stage of the most interesting to them. Works are, as a rule, colorfully issued.

The project works performed by students can be used as information source by preparation for open actions, lessons, competitions and quizzes.

In training in English the method of projects gives an opportunity learning to use language in situations of real everyday life that, undoubtedly, promotes the best assimilation and fixing of knowledge of a foreign language.

The effectiveness of design activity is observed positive dynamics of intellectual and moral development of students, positive results of design activity will allow to note it. As the teacher I can judge the increased interest in studying of English.


the Number of respondents

Increase in interest in studying of English thanks to design activity



Ido not know



















Thanks to design activity with use of information technologies possibilities of pupils considerably extended. Work on projects allows to realize the creative potential of students, does them spiritually richer. All pupils who are engaged in design activity at English lessons are participants of various conferences and youth projects organized in the territory of Karaganda.


  1. Сергеев И. С. Как организовать проектную деятельность учащихся: Практическое пособие для работников общеобразовательных учреждений — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — М.: АРКТИ, 2005. — 80 с. (Метод, библиотека).
  2. Горбатова Т. Н., Кудряшова А. В., Рыбушкина С. В. Использование методов проблемного обучения иностранному языку в рамках языковой подготовки в неязыковом вузе // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 9. — С. 1040–1042.
  3. Горбатова Т. Н., Кудряшова А. В., Рыбушкина С. В. Метод проектов как средство формирования коммуникативной мобильности студентов при обучении иностранному языку // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 6. — С. 582–584.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): иностранный язык, Метод проектов, горбатов.

Ключевые слова

foreign languages, teaching, method, activity, a method of projects

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