Effects of the Use of Video Materials in Teaching English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (250) март 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 26.03.2019

Статья просмотрена: 754 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Шукурова, Г. Г. Effects of the Use of Video Materials in Teaching English / Г. Г. Шукурова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 12 (250). — С. 295-296. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/250/57360/ (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).

Currently, in the formation of students' thinking, communicative culture is of great importance. In modern conditions, in order to master a foreign language, it is necessary to possess orientation skills in language situations, to be able to make decisions when meeting new cultural or linguistic realities.

In modern teaching methods foreign language formation and development of socio-cultural student competence is a priority, since the role of knowledge foreign language in modern conditions is steadily increasing.

Every society develops a special, characteristic picture for it. A world that satisfies its physical, technological, spiritual, ethnic, aesthetic and other needs. The language is the most important means of forming a general cultural picture of the world. Exactly acquaintance with the history, traditions, culture of the country of the studied language is the value of the educational process and is meaningful core of sociocultural competence.

Such authentic material as video is extremely significant source of socio-cultural competence.

Since the use of authentic video in the lessons foreign language implies an increase in cognitive activity students, enhances their communication skills, favors creating a positive motivation, gives an incentive to work independently on the language, contributes to the solution of educational tasks. Also gives opportunity to immerse students in a situation of familiarity with traditions interrelations and cultures of the countries of the language being studied, with sign language and facial expressions. And most importantly, on the basis of video materials, students hear and learn the live speech of native speakers.

However, the use of video materials inevitably raises questions. Regarding the organization of methods of classroom work with them. Required to encourage students to enjoy film satisfaction it is through understanding the language.

When forming the communicative culture of students, the use of video technologies is very effective, since it is as close as possible to language reality. Video materials provide great opportunities for language learning, as they combine several components, for example, listening and visual perception, which provides the context and makes the memorization process effective and easy. The video can be used in the lesson for acquaintance and study of new material, as well as for repetition.

Video recording is advisable to use at all stages of learning: it activates the cognitive activity of students, contributes to a deeper perception of educational information, inculcating practical skills, and encourages teachers to non-trivial methodological solutions. As a learning tool, video recording is convenient due to its mobility, ease of inclusion in the learning process, unlimited layout possibilities, and creative interpretation of didactic material.

Teaching a foreign language, it is important to give students a visual representation of the life, traditions, and linguistic realities of English-speaking countries. Educational videos contributes to the implementation of the most important requirements of the communicative method present the process of mastering the language as an apprehension of a living foreign language reality. In addition, reliance on authentic video materials creates favorable conditions for mastering the learners of the new country information, speech behavior of the media language, contributes to the familiarity of students with the life of the people, its culture.

“Authentic texts are actually original texts that are written by a native speaker for native speakers... This is the category that is usually interpreted as a semiotic space, which is a multi-level holistic education, as a result of reflecting a certain fragment of reality using a certain sign system...” V. Baryshnikov.

By authentic video, we mean pre-defined for native speaker’s video recordings (combining visual and sound series) that contain linguistic and extra-linguistic information in the spheres of social life and represent the effect of language as a means of professional communication in a natural environment.

Video material has the advantage that it combines various aspects of the act of speech interaction in contrast to audio or printed text, which may have significant informative, educational, educational and developmental value. In addition to the content side of communication, video captures visual information about the place of the event, appearance and non-verbal behavior of the participants in a particular situation, often due to the specifics of age, gender and psychological characteristics of the personality of the speakers.

The use of video in the classroom helps to solve the following tasks:

− Increase learning motivation;

− Intensification of training;

− Activation of trainees;

− Independent work of students;

− Improving the quality of student knowledge.

In modern science, there are various classifications of video materials, offering to group the named video materials depending on specific factors. The following typologies are most common:

Imagine the classification of video materials for 6 types: [4]

1) By type of video:

− Authentic (video materials created by native speakers and not intended for educational purposes);

− Educational (artificially created video materials for solving specific educational problems).

2) By the channels of receipt of information:

− Authentic video materials (visual perception of information): table, chart, diagram, letter, printed text (monologue, dialogue, polylogue, etc.);

− Authentic audio materials (hearing information): audio recordings of poems, stories, songs, fairy tales, rhymes, dialogues, radio programs, etc.;

− Authentic audio-video materials (visual and auditory perception): videotapes or other digital media with recordings of television programs and video materials, films, CD-ROMs, etc.

3) By presentation means:

− Authentic materials presented using technical training tools: video materials (TV shows, programs, etc.), computer programs, Internet resources, etc.;

− Other materials submitted without the use of technical training tools.

4) For purposes of use in the educational process:

− Materials predetermined for learning to communicate (formal and informal dialogues): interviews, surveys, telephone conversations, etc.;

− Materials predetermined for the formation of background knowledge (sociocultural, linguistic-cultural, cultural): video materials, newspaper texts, maps, etc.

5) By role in the educational process: basic materials that can put together the basis of an educational theme, for example, texts;

− supporting materials: charts, graphs, statistical tables, etc.;

− accompanying materials that do not need a CMD and are used as applied materials: videotapes, DVDs, CDs, texts, newspapers, magazines.

The use of a video film develops various aspects of students' mental activity, first, attention and memory.

When watching a movie, students have to make some effort to make sense of its content.

In the teaching of a foreign language, video materials are used not only for teaching listening, but also creating dynamic visibility in the process of learning and the practice of foreign language communication, creating situations of such communication in an educational lesson and forming the audiovisual sphere of learning a foreign language.

Video materials stimulate interest, set an example for imitation (speech and behavior in a concrete situation of communication), expand students' knowledge about the country of the language being studied, and also highly motivate statements about themselves, their life circumstances and interests, they are excellent material for discussion.


  1. Verisokin Yu.I. Video film as a means of motivating schoolchildren in teaching a foreign language // Foreign languages at school No. 5, 2003. P.31.
  2. Ilchenko E. The use of videotapes in English lessons // English language number 9, 2003. C.7.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CMD.

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