Types of phraseological units from the point of view of semantic and phraseological connection | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (250) март 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 23.03.2019

Статья просмотрена: 3000 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Есемуратова, Г. А. Types of phraseological units from the point of view of semantic and phraseological connection / Г. А. Есемуратова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 12 (250). — С. 134-135. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/250/57445/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article is devoted to a combination of words that appear in speech, and describes the features of a phraseological unit, which is an indispensable element of the language. Not only the number of words, their polysemy, their word-building capabilities, grammatical features, synonymy, but also phraseology indicates the richness, originality and originality of the language.

Key words: phraseology, combination, fixed, phrase, aphorisms, imagery, sayings, emotional coloring, polysemy, synonymy.

The richness and diversity, the originality of the speech of the speaker or writer depends largely on how he is aware of what the originality of the native language and its wealth consist in. What is the peculiarity of phraseological units? What makes up their specifics? 1. Phraseological units, like words, are not created by the speaker, but reproduced in finished form. They require memorization and are stored in our memory. 2. Words in idioms lose their semantic independence. The value is transmitted by the entire set of phraseological component words. This value is called holistic. 3. In the phraseology can not replace words at will. If, instead of catching a raven in a lesson, to say to catch cockroaches in a lesson, then a free phrase appears at the place of the idiom and the meaning will be different [1, p.100]. Idioms possess great stylistic possibilities, make speech colorful, imaginative. In a few words, they help to say a lot, because they determine not only the object, but also its sign, not only the action, but also its circumstances. So, a steady combination in a big way means not just “rich”, but “rich, luxurious, without embarrassment in the means”. Phraseologism to cover up traces means not just “to destroy, eliminate something”, but “to eliminate, destroy something that can serve as evidence in something”.

Phraseology attracts with its expressiveness, the potential opportunity to positively or negatively assess phenomena, to express approval or condemnation, ironic, mocking or other attitude. This is manifested most vividly in the so-called idioms-characteristics: a man with a capital letter, the milk on the lips is not dried, a telegraph pole, absolute zero, wind in the head, a bright personality, a mind chamber, a white crow, not a timid ten. Of particular interest are idioms, the imagery of which acts as a reflection of clarity, “pictures”, concluded in the freest phrases, on the basis of which the idiom is formed. For example, preparing for work, we roll up our sleeves so that it is more convenient to do business; meeting dear guests, we shrug our shoulders widely, showing that we are ready to embrace them; with the score, if it is small, for convenience we fold our fingers. Free phrases that call such actions of people have visibility, “picture squeness”, which “is inherited” is transmitted to phraseological units: roll up your sleeves — “do something diligently, diligently, and vigorously”; with open arms — “affably, cordially (to receive, to meet someone)”; count on fingers — “very little, little” [1, p. 107].

Among idioms stand out, above all, such steady momentum, which have a fused, undifferentiated meaning, i.e. a value that is not a simple sum of the values ​​of the words turnover. This fusion is especially clearly manifested in cases when the turnover is equivalent in meaning to one word. For example: a hare soul — a coward, to put a hand on a heart — frankly, to put sticks in wheels — to mix, white flies — snow, etc. Such idioms are called idioms. It is idioms that, first of all, are unconditionally recognized by phraseologisms by all researchers. Idioms are phraseological units that are not translated literally into another language. Idioms are represented in the language by two types — phraseological adhesions and phraseological unity. Phraseological interconnection is a turn of a figurative or ideological character, the meaning of which is completely not motivated by the values ​​of the components forming it.

Phraseological unity is a figurative turn, the meaning of which is more or less motivated by the meanings of the words that form it. For example: the white crow ('about a person who stands out among others'), the game is not worth the candle ('the money spent or efforts are not justified'), go with the flow (act, act, passively obeying circumstances), let the goat in the garden (“to give someone access to what was allowed to be used in order to use them for their own purposes”), build bridges (“make connections — friendly, businesslike”), eat a little porridge, lick fingers, make an elephant out of a fly («attach insignificant importance»), dance to someone else's tune («act “kindergarten” (“about the manifestation of naivety, immaturity in behavior, assessment of something”), will stop only tanks (“about firm, uncompromising intention to do something”) [2, p. 45]. As already mentioned, many linguists followed V. V. Vinogradov to phraseological unity only revolutions, grammatically and logically equivalent to a phrase. Some scholars also include proverbs and winged words (i.e. aphorisms and quotations from verbal use from fiction and publicist works, statements by historical figures), which, having a figurative sense, can be a whole sentence, and logical content — judgment. Consequently, from the point of view of these researchers, phraseological proverbs are also afraid of phrases — not to go to the forest; don't sit in your sleigh; all is not gold that glitters; winged words like: A casket just opened (Wings); There is life in the old dog yet; What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say?) [2, p.89].

Phraseological unity, which in its sense is close to the word or equivalent to the word (the hare's soul is a coward), is joined by paraphrasses, i.e. descriptive descriptive designations of an object (object, person) through an indication of its signs, in which one of the words has a direct meaning and the other is a portable one and which have a meaning equivalent to one word: the king of beasts is a lion, black gold is oil, the air ocean is an atmosphere sky the daylight is the sun [3, p.234]. Some relate to phraseological units and phraseological combinations — semantically decomposable turns, in which limited use is, one of the components is phraseologically related (it is combined with one, two, less often — with a larger number of words). For example: a bosom friend, open his mouth, cry bitterly, rush headlong (rush and under), make an impact (support, help, assistance, resistance, service, trust), take to the right (left) [2, p.201]. A peculiar group consists of phraseological combinations in which the related component is not a word, but a steady turnover. Phraseological expressions are also semantically decomposable; as opposed to phraseological combinations, they consist of components, the meaning of which, in principle, is realized without restrictions, freely. The basis for the inclusion of such units in phraseology is that they are associations of words reproduced by the memory in this particular composition. Phraseological expressions include all sorts of clichés and those sayings and winged words, sayings, which have a direct (and not allegorical) meaning. For example: seriously and for a long time; at this stage; completely; truth is good, but happiness is better (proverb); Love for all ages; healthy mind in a healthy body [3, p.57].

It is clear that phraseological units, logically equivalent to a sentence (expressing judgment) or equivalent to a phrase or word, can play a different syntactic role. They act as predicates (“the cat cried for money,” “he will not offend the flies”) of the subjects (“there were evil tongues talking about it”.So, the colloquial phraseologisms include: the grandmother said in two, with pitchforks on the water it is written, it burns in its hands, it heals before the wedding, he speaks his teeth, out of hand, bite his elbows, tear his hair, do not believe his ears, shot sparrow, rubbed roll, pull the bother, tongue without bones, etc. The vernacular are phraseological units that came under the tail, straighten brains, hang noodles on the ears, clap eyes, give oak, shut the throat, like a ram on a new gate, bowel, crawl into a bottle, spread a bodie, mouth open, snout turn up pour the teeth, wind up fishing rods, remove shavings, poke your nose, snipe into the snout, a lump on level ground [1, p.59]. A certain part of the phraseology is made up of books of a character: attic salt, incense incense, stumbling block, crying stones, a book after seven seals, a cornerstone, a promised land, a panurg herd, rest on its laurels, a Procrustean bed, dress up in a toga and others. Finally, the fabric of the language includes stylistically neutral phraseological units: railroad, open voting, open an account, stand your own, in a matter of days, by all means, word for word, in any case, in no case, pull yourself together word ass numbered, confused, New Year, pansies, isosceles triangle, order table, help desk, etc.

Many phraseological units express their attitude to the situations they designate, qualities, properties, actions, persons: irony, mockery, playful admiration, neglect, contempt, etc., and, therefore, an assessment of what is called with the help of a phraseological unit. The stylistic and emotional coloring of idioms is largely due to the source of their occurrence, the sphere of their initial use, which in turn largely determines the nature of the word-components that make up the idiom. So, turnovers that came from scientific terminology (lead to a common denominator, specific gravity, center of gravity, chain reaction), from biblical texts (eat from the tree of knowledge and goodness, stumbling block, cry out), from ancient literature usually have a book character. Idiom, the appearance of which is associated with the speech of those who are engaged (engaged) in some craft, manual labor, some type of technical activity, with the speech of those whose occupation is «non-prestigious» character or socially condemned, have a conversational or colloquial character.


  1. Введенская Л. А., Черкасова М. Н. Русский язык и культура речи. — Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2004. — 384 с.
  2. Рахманова Л. И., Суздальцева В. Н. Современный русский язык. Лексика. Фразеология. Морфология: Учебное пособие. — М.: Из-тво МГУ, Издательство «ЧеРо», 1997. — 480 с.
  3. Русский язык и культура речи: Учебник / Под. ред. проф. В. И. Максимова. — М.: Гардарики, 2001. — 413 с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): культура речи, русский язык.

Ключевые слова

polysemy, sayings, phraseology, combination, fixed, phrase, aphorisms, imagery, emotional coloring, synonymy

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