The role of taekwondo in the formation of tactical skills in the section of taekwondo in adolescents | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Физическая культура и спорт

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (251) март 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 29.03.2019

Статья просмотрена: 36 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Холжигитова, Д. Б. The role of taekwondo in the formation of tactical skills in the section of taekwondo in adolescents / Д. Б. Холжигитова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 13 (251). — С. 302-305. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The use of tactical knowledge in practice occurs in the form of skills. Tactical thinking develops together with knowledge of skills and abilities in tactics. Increasing the reaction and evaluation of the athlete's perception, the transformation of information for quick decision making, to see and anticipate the opponent’s actions, all this characterizes successful tactical thinking.

There are two types of tactical training: general and special. The direction of general tactical training is to gain knowledge and tactical skills in a certain kind of martial arts. While special tactical training is aimed at the highest possible result in specific starts and against a specific opponent. The tactics of combat in taekwondo are the art of using technical means, taking into account individual technical-tactical, moral-volitional and physical abilities in battle with opponents of different style and style.

In the tactic of taekwondo, not only the level of his technique, physical and psychological readiness, but also the main character traits are manifested. Tactical skill is manifested in the ability to neutralize the strengths of the enemy, to use his weaknesses and at the same time in the ability to apply the individual style of combat.

Managing the battle, the art of its conduct is to translate the battle plan into action, refine it, and, if necessary, change it as the battle proceeds. The ability to control the battle depends on the speed and flexibility of combat thinking, volitional qualities.

The formation of skills goes through a series of stages:

The first stage is the initial skill.

The second stage is not a skillful enough.

The third stage — separate general skills.

The fourth stage is a highly developed skill.

Fifth stage — mastery

Awareness of the purpose of the action and the search for ways to carry it out, based on previously acquired (usually domestic) knowledge and skills; activity is performed by trial and error. Knowledge of how to perform actions and use of previously acquired, not specific to this activity skills.

A number of separate, highly developed, but narrow skills required in various activities (for example, the ability to plan their activities, organizational skills, etc.).

Special tactical exercises perform the role of specific methods of tactical training. The difference between such exercises is to achieve the ultimate goal of a tactical task, when they are executed, the situation is simulated close to real in wrestling. At different stages of preparation, tactical exercises can be offered at different levels of complexity, from the simplest to the situation close to the competition.

Often, in the formation of new tactical skills, it is necessary to alleviate the requirements for the implementation of tactical exercises previously studied. By dividing the exercises into short and simplified actions, including various tactical maneuvers, such as attack, counterattack defense and work to hold the ball.

The purpose of the use of sophisticated tactical exercises is the consolidation of the studied tactical schemes and the motivation of tactical thinking. The method of practicing exercises that form tactical skills is manifested in the following exercises:

a) exercises associated with the introduction of additional tactical opposition from the enemy. The athlete (team) at the same time is faced with the necessity, solving tactical tasks, to overcome more significant opposition than in the conditions of competition. For example: to realize the planned tactical plan in a training fight with several opponents (alternately changing in the course of a fight), in game exercises and training games “One against two”, “Three against five”, etc.; to overcome the predetermined technical and tactical methods of resistance of an opponent who is allowed to use a wider arsenal of methods;

b) exercises to work out actions in a limited spatial and temporal condition;

c) exercises on the use of different tactical schemes for the time workouts;

d) The limit on the number of attempts to perform an exercise for the successful execution of a tactical mission.

Improving tactical thinking requires the development of the following skills: to quickly assimilate, competently evaluate, analyze, weigh the situation in the current competitive situation and make decisions comparable to the current situation and the quality of their readiness and their maneuverability; to see the opponent’s actions a few steps ahead; to set tasks comparable to the goals set for these competitions.

The main method of practicing tactical exercises is the method of training with a real opponent, and with a fictional opponent.

Together with the study of sports tactics should:

The use of tactical schemes without violating the current rules of the competition: identifying the positive and negative characteristics of the training, as well as the environmental conditions — all this is called sports tactics.

Each sport forms its own tactical schemes, therefore the name of the actions may differ and have their own names. As an example, we can consider game sports, where tactics are described as the actions of all players in the aggregate.

The meaning of tactics is to use the methods of competitive activity in order to effectively achieve maximum results, with the least expenditure of effort. Without taking into account the choice of options for technical actions, tactics contain the correct distribution of forces at competitions, actions of a psychological nature and concealment of the planned actions.

Tactics can be of different directions, for competitions, tactics of starts and tactics of a certain situation. Tactics are determined by the sport and competition features.

From the number of participants and its changes, determine the options tactics:

– individual tasks, depending on the capabilities of the athlete, regardless of other team members (martial arts). This tactic refers to the individual;

– athletes who have common tasks and perform identical actions, then this tactic is called group;

– team tactics are called athletes whose tasks coincide, but their functions are different.

By sport, the level of training of the athlete, the situation arising in the process of competitive activity can be identified: the algorithmic, probabilistic and heuristic tactics.

Algorithmic tactics involve the execution of actions in a certain sequence according to a predetermined plan. Such tactics are typical in the types where the minimum change of tactics in the process of competition (throwing, weightlifting, rowing, speed skating, etc.)

Tactics of conducting a duel at competitions, depends on the actions of the opponent which it is possible to foresee only the beginning, further development of events depends on the actions of the opponent.

Heuristic tactics are based on the impromptu action of athletes, depending on the situation created during a competitive match.

The success of the competition depends on many factors, which include the level of training of the partner and the opponent and their physical data.

In many forms, especially in sports, taekwondo at a professional level, “intelligence” is carried out, which consists in regular study and video filming of fights of rivals, evaluation of preparedness and development of recommendations for the construction of tactics of competitive activity.

Opponent's physical data, namely height and weight, play an important role in choosing a tactical model of combat. This is clearly expressed in martial arts and wrestling. For example, in taekwondo — left-sided or right-sided stand, leg length, height, in volleyball and basketball — the presence of high-growth players, etc.

Sports and tactical training is a pedagogical process aimed at mastering rational forms of wrestling in the process of specific competitive activity. It includes:

– the study of the general provisions of the tactics of the chosen sport, the techniques of refereeing and the provisions on competitions;

– tactical experience of the strongest athletes;

– mastering the skills to build their tactics in upcoming competitions;

– simulation of the necessary conditions in training and control competitions for the practical mastery of tactical constructions.

The result is a level of tactical skills of an athlete. Tactical training is strongly associated with the use of complex technical strikes, the manner of their execution, as well as the choice of attacking, counterattacking, or defending tactical actions.

In the tactical knowledge of an athlete include more effective forms of tactics developed in the chosen sport. Tactical knowledge finds practical application in the form of tactical skills. The development of tactical thinking is accompanied by the development of knowledge of tactics and skills. The result is the ability of a fighter to work out information and change the tactics of the fight. An important role in the competition is the ability of the athlete to see the tactics of the enemy, and thus restructure, to destroy the tactical design of the opponent.


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