The development of e-commerce platform | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №13 (251) март 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 01.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 45 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Рузиев, У. М. The development of e-commerce platform / У. М. Рузиев, Жи Мао Лу. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 13 (251). — С. 130-137. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

With the development of the Internet, the network has become an indispensable in people's life, a taste agent, so that we have a slightly monotonous modern life more and more. People's work and life in the future will be more dependent on the development of IT technology, more and more efficient, advanced and convenient. In this paper, a second-hand goods as the basis for the campus network as a platform for the campus e-commerce system analysis. First, it gives a detailed introduction and analysis the concept and the prospect of the campus e-commerce, then the feasibility of campus e-commerce are analyzed. The system design idea, design principle and overall architecture of planning and co-ordination. Finally, the main page and function of the system are described, and the design of the database are introduced in detail. This system is realized by using JSP technology. Its main functions are: in the station news, commodity display, commodity trading, member registration, contact us, background management, etc.

The Internet is the greatest invention of human beings in the 20th century, which has brought earth-shaking changes to our production and life and played a strong driving role in the innovation and development of many areas of people's life. Now, e-commerce platform, has become a part of people's lives. As people’s life rhythm speeding up, the pressure of daily work is increasing. Thus, the number of people who go shopping is lager and larger. And more and more people participate in online shopping, online shopping has brought great convenience to people. A computer and a cable can bring people browse each big shopping website. Because online shopping is based on browser/server application mode. It is also the process of using computer technology, network technology and the remote communication technology. E-commerce platform realizes the business activities of B2B and B2C, which saves resources and improves efficiency [1].

With the continuous development and rapid popularization of online shopping, a new form of shopping, has been gradually accepted by most people and gradually replaced people's traditional shopping concepts. People in front of the computer can browse any commodity informational and the country all over the world on the Internet, which is conveniently and quickly search for their own needs of goods with safe and convenient online payment and door-to-door service. It help people more deeply understand the advantages of this way of shopping. At the same time, e-commerce platform, a new business operation model, has been used by more and more merchants in the competition. It also has been recognized by most customers. On the whole, the establishment of some e-commerce websites has reduced the cost of enterprises, accelerated the speed of enterprises' response to the market, and improved the service quality and competitiveness of merchants. Electric business platform provides the best possible service to customers and regards low price and fast as the core competitiveness. The process of online shopping is generally, by browsing search activities of all kinds of information and sending shopping request through the electronic shopping cart and order, businesses send goods to the hands of consumers in this way of the mail. Through understanding the business logic and process configuration of electric business platform, we need to learn to use the resources and knowledge and make our own contribution to the research of electric business platform for the JAVA language [2].

Related work

Thus, in order to realize what the paper discusses, now It needs to build a campus e-commerce and second-hand trading system which provides great convenience for college students. And it aims to show the process of Due to the stage of education as well as the large population and mobility of colleges and universities, the use of second-hand goods and goods trading is getting more worthy of our attention. Most of the books and articles which we daily use in college can be reused. The arrival of the senior year graduation season makes the second-hand trading market on campus extremely busy. Most students as the consumers without any income will exchange their reusable items for cash in the spirit of the virtue of thrift. And then they can buy their own needs of other supplies. Our campus e-commerce platform is to meet this demand, so that students can not only sell their unwanted goods to other people who need them, but also find good and inexpensive goods on the platform, which can bring great convenience to college students in their study and life.

And we have designed the features of the second — hand commodity trading network. First, an optimal shopping process is crucial. The display, search, classification of commodity and other ways can facilitate customers to browse commodity information. Selecting the transaction, they will contact the seller, and then agree to the offline transaction, which also avoids the insecurity of network. Second, it is scientific management mode. The target of the website is our students, so the platform promotion can be carried out in the form of offline booth promotion. And our school can take advantage of this opportunity to conduct e-commerce and traditional virtue education. Because of the support for a variety of browsing, users can quickly find the commodity information through the search function. Through the message board, the website can grasp the new needs of customers at any time and interact with customers on the Internet. Through the platform bulletin board, users can also grasp the latest second-hand trading information and timely know about the announcements and dynamics on the website; Background management covers the administrator account management, user management, product category management, announcement management, message management and so on. Thus, it provides a set of unique management mode for the operation and maintenance of the campus second-hand e-commerce platform. The third one is humanized operation interface. The interface beauty of a website is very important whether a certain number of people. The campus e-commerce system design is simple and generous, which fully reflects the software fashion and atmosphere. Lastly, perfect safety mechanism is necessary. Independent password verification function ensure that the data of users and the site both has great security.

The system above is mainly based on second-hand goods, based on the campus network platform. It aims to provide them with a release and sale of second-hand goods campus e-commerce platform for the majority of university teachers and students. We can see that in universities, there are a lot of recyclables, especially in the senior year. However, due to the lack of information in this aspect and the limitations of traditional second-hand information trading, a large part of second-hand goods with certain value are wasted or even treated as waste. Now as long as through the campus network into the platform, you can quickly and easily publish and buy and sell second-hand goods, but also through the message way to ask the seller to exchange. Since the campus network of every university is basically spread over every part of the campus, as long as the publicity is proper, in theory, everyone can let the information he publishes be known by the whole university. And it is not a problem to strive for the maximum utilization of information resources.

Thus, in order to realize the functions above, the technology of JSP, My SQL server, and Eclipse are applied.

JSP (JAVA Server Pages) is a dynamic web page technology, which is through the Servlet on the Server to execute the JAVA codes. And then it can generate the HTML text of page information, and return it to the client. Finally it will appear in the client on the browser. [3]

JSP combines the static design of Web page with network logic display and component design, which is the basis of rapid and simple reuse to support Web application development. Its main purpose is to demonstrate the logical separation of a Servlet into a client browser response. A JSP page consists of HTML codes and Java codes [4].

The powerful My Eclipse not only supports a wide range of open source products, but also provides us with an innovative environment and ideas. It also provides interfaces for many JAVA technologies,which helps us find solutions for key technologies. And it contributes to better development and improvement of products.

MySQL USES visual database management. Due to its high efficiency and convenience, multi-threading, multi-user and open source features, it is highly valued by small and medium-sized enterprises. The database support technology developed by the website usually adopts MySQL database. Database application (DB A) access to the database through the database management system (DBMS). Besides,through a variety of ODBC driver managers, the standard SQL language can be translated into the corresponding database commands to access various databases.

The construction of distributed multi-tier Web application system is composed by the client browser, Web server, Web applications, Web application service program (Web application server). The general distributed Web application system does not include the service program of Web application, and the programmers only need to develop a Web application. So, the client browser puts forward all kinds of request and reply and all of those can be completed by the Web application, which results in the great burden of Web server. But the efficient e-commerce system has many of the visitors at the same time, and the Web application should quickly respond to the client's request. However, when the Web application receives the client's request, the required service should be given to the Web application server to do. When the Web application server completes all of his duties, it will return results and the corresponding service through a Web application to a Web server. Then the results and the corresponding service will be handed in by the Web server to the client browser. At the same time,this Web server can serve more client users and will not happen in the Web server as well as a Web application bottlenecks. The Web server and a Web application with clients mainly acts as a passing information, and information processing and integration performed by Web application service program. The client terminal management program is the end of engineer and it is mainly used for the maintenance and testing of the system. It also includes how to input some new product data [10].

The structure of e-commerce web pages

The main page of e-commerce website structured through the partition customization can be cumbersome web design into a kind of behavior to the operation of the database. Would use Frontpage or Dreanveaver web design to include six areas of interface, it is so-called net. The design just defines six web pages with an area to display, and sets a custom logo in each page. But the specific content in the area of displaying of Web pages are in Web application or dynamically generated during the execution of Web application program. Frontpage or Dreanweaver in the design of the e-commerce site just plays the role of a art ornament and framework to build, it also provides the content of showing database with a landing site. In the construction of small Web sites, and sometimes the entire Web page are composed of manual operation. If you want to browse the database, it is just the infiltration of some ASP, JavaScript technology. However, to build the website in this way is only for outline of website design, The efficiency of design and execution efficiency and safety are bad. In accordance with the design, the e-commerce sites can't become commercial. And the connection between the custom logo of the samples of HTML files with the database, has greatly improved the scalability of the site's content and ability to carry huge amounts of information and information. The deletion or omission of some contents is only associated with the operation of commercial database, which has nothing to do with the web interface design.

And the architecture design is as the following.

The system adopts B/S mode architecture. B/S is the abbreviation of Brower/Server. The client only needs to install a Browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Exploren Server, and then install databases such as Oracle, Sybase 2Informix, SQL Server or MySQL. The browser interacts with the same database for data, which can be done through Web Server.

Our system uses three phases of the B / S structure of the application development model. At present, Internet application architecture, transaction processing is divided into three levels, that is, Web browser, Internet server, database server. In this architecture, business performance through a Web browser is easy to perform. And when a user submits the form through a Web browser, it can provide the information for the consumer. Then the Internet server will analyze the query, and the database server performs it. Finally, database server can query results back to use standard HTML Web browser.

As for the technical architecture, used in architecture is the key to system construction. The system which is based on web can allow people to shop online. And the traditional c/s architecture, access and manipulate cannot meet the demand of a large number of users. Thus the mainstream of the network system application is b/s, which is based on the browser's architecture, can be handed over to the server to handle large amounts of data processing work only by ordinary Internet explorer browser client. It can also access the system and to update and maintain system, which is, convenient to operate. Who has the advantage is just the Java language.

In the design of database structure, how to establish the database conceptual model is a matter.

The most widely-used database today is the relational database. Because it is an object-oriented system design, of course, the design of the database, must be object-oriented. Now what to think about is the persistence operations on classes, that is, how object classes are mapped to two-dimensional tables in a relational database. Nowadays, it can be done with the database modeling tools such as PowerDesigner and Rose are available [9].

In the design of partial database table fields, we should take two steps in the stage of physical structure design: First, in the relational database, it mainly refers to the access method and storage structure if wanting to determine the physical structure of the database. The efficiency of time and space is the evaluation of physical structure. The second is how to select the access method. And the correct relational mode, access index method, clustering access, HASH access method are commonly-used methods [6].

Now that everything is covered above, it should draw the system interaction diagram. The workflow of the system architecture class is as follows:

After the user enters the request, the user interface object receives and sends a request to the service proxy object.

After the business agent object receives the request, it sends the authentication permission request to the permission management object.

The authority management object sends the result of the obtained verification authority to the business agent object.

According to the verification results of the business agent object, the following processing should be carried out: if the requirements for permissions are not met, the message will be returned. If a license request is satisfied, the request is forwarded to the business object.

Business objects are used for business processing. For a persistent data service operation, the object is accessed by accessing the database. Any exception is handled by the exception handler. Finally, the result information is returned to the business proxy object.

The business agent object returns processing information to the user interface.

Mall module design

Mall introduction is uploaded by the administrator of the Internet and the relevant knowledge of mall information around us. If the administrator in the background uploads, buyers can browse the relevant information on the front platform. And the message board is also one of the essential design functions of many websites. It can effectively communicate the contact between buyers and sellers. On the other hand, comments made by those who have bought can also be used for reference by later buyers. But uncivilized and immoral comments will be deleted by the system administrator [7].

Function of contacting with sellers

In order to let buyers and sellers better contact and communication with each other, buyers can click through the commodity information interface to contact with the seller and then it will be transferred to QQ chat.

  1. The design of Seller center function module

This module is the core module of this website. As the seller, students have the basic right to put on and take off the goods, and can also modify the information released by the goods.

  1. The design of Background management module
  2. The system background menu after the administrator login interface is divided into four parts: website information, basic information, system management and personal management.
  3. The design of Website information function module

Website information management is the basic operation on management of mall introduction, mall information, contact us information, mall announcements, message boards and friendship links to add, modify and delete, the administrator's timely update and operation can bring better system experience for users [8].

  1. The design of basic information function module

Basic information management is the basic operation related to the addition, modification and deletion of seller members, commodity information, commodity evaluation and commodity attributes. Deletion management of uncivilized evaluation can purify the contents of comments on the platform.

System management

  1. The system management is to realize the platform informationize and standardize better. But the designed function of administrator system, the super administrator may add other administrators to assist it to complete the management work.

Page shows

Introduction and convenience are more important for background users. In order to design a simple and powerful user interface, we often use Displaytag to control the format of background pages. The main function of Displaytag library is to process tables in JSP pages, which can be easily sorted, grouped and exported. However, the Display tag also has some disadvantages, such as its pagination control, which is secondary to fetching all the data, and is not suitable for applications with frequent changes in the background database. Therefore, the Displaytag library is not used in the systems with function of front page display

Purpose of testing

The purpose of testing is not to find errors. It is to test whether the quality of the product meets the needs of users, so as to facilitate the improvements in the future. At the same time, according to the test report it can also help us with later maintenance and update the products, or even locate the products.

Steps on testing

Just like the process of its development, there are also many steps on the process of testing. The general testing process is as follows:

  1. The stage of requirements’ analysis: the study of the business, analysis and study of the requirements points.
  2. The stage of testing the plan: testing plan of writing, including personnel, software and hardware resources, testing points, integration sequence, schedule and risk identification, etc.
  3. The stage of testing the design: the preparation of testing the plan includes three parts: introduction of demand points, testing ideas and detailed testing methods.
  4. The stage of testing the scheme: it is mainly about the design of test cases and procedures.
  5. The stage of testing the execution: execute test cases, timely submit development when encountering bugs, and regression test verification.
  6. The stage of testing report: publish test result reports and other relevant documents according to test contents.

The main content of the test

Testing mainly includes unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, safety testing, performance testing and so on.

Unit testing:

During the development process, segment test is carried out on the program code.

Integration testing:

Conduct overall code testing of developed products.

Functional testing:

Verify whether the product functions are the same as user requirements and whether it can be normally implemented

Security testing:

To test the security of the product, the system is mainly for the right to test the system, and the wrong data test data illegal interference ability.

Performance testing:

Testing of product load capability and compatibility issues with different browsers.

White box testing

White-box testing can be used to test whether the product runs normally in accordance with the established objectives. It can also be used to test whether the program runs in accordance with the requirements according to the internal mechanism of the program. It is mainly implemented with the help of software.

White-box testing for all paths in the system test, when a specific test, testers need to testing program logic as the breakthrough point, the test results, but even if each path is tested, there still seems to be many errors, mainly because it can't test whether the program violated the design specification. And the error due to missing path cannot be found. In addition,some errors related to data could not be found.

Therefore, when we carry out white box test, we mainly check the following modules in the program:

  1. The program needs to be comprehensively checked, that is, all its independent paths should be tested one by one;
  2. Comprehensive logical judgment is required;
  3. The loop body needs to be executed within the loop boundary and operation boundary;

It is necessary to test whether the internal data structure is effective.

Black box testing

Black box test is functional test, which can also be called data-driven test. It tests whether each function can be used normally, which belongs to the function that should be possessed in the known product. During the test, the program cannot be opened and seen the internal content as a black box. Regardless of program structure and features, in the test program interface, it only check whether the program function is normal to use according to the terms of the requirements specifications and the program can properly receive input for sawing and produce the correct output information, and keep the external information integrity.

This website login member mainly realized the modification personal information, the addition commodity, the inquiry commodity, the contact seller transaction, and the appraisal and the message and so on function, the administrator is manages the commodity, the management website announcement news, the management appraisal and the management member and so on main function module.

Because this system belongs to the system which the small-scale management uses the entire system is quite small, therefore the development cost is not particularly big. Realizing the entire development task only needs a PC and each kind of software above. And there is no high demand for computer hardware, software. Also, there is no other requirements, which provides us with a very large convenience, access and use at the same time with a wide range of, network. There are a lot of open source website development examples for our reference can further improve the website. Therefore, this system reflects the characteristics of economic benefits and powerful functions from the perspective of economic feasibility analysis.

Proposed idea

E-commerce is the product of modern computer information technology, and it has been the traditional resources and computer technology organic integration of business model. The emergence of e-commerce has changed the traditional trading mode, broken the limitations of trading and liberalized the time and place for both parties. The development of electronic commerce depends on the development of computer technology and the application of computer technology in electronic commerce has greatly improved the information technology.

And I think in the age of information today, the development of e-commerce has been unstoppable. The development of e-commerce platform has become the mainstream nowadays, and the continuous innovation in the computer field will always lead human beings into a higher field of science and technology. There is still a lot of room for development in the example used in this paper, because the secondary market of the school is indeed an area that has not been greatly developed. Connecting these areas that are not fully developed or undeveloped with e-commerce can provide a great platform for the development of e-commerce and accelerate its innovation.

Results or simulation experiments

With the advent of big data, computer information technology ensures the establishment of e-commerce database. In recent years, online shopping has gradually penetrated into People's Daily life, and the number of hits and transactions on taobao, jingdong and other e-commerce platforms are a big challenge for every e-commerce manufacturer. Taking taobao's singles' day as an example, the sales volume of taobao hit a new high point on singles' day alone, exceeding 200 billion yuan, and the order volume reached 1 billion yuan. The first 10 billion yuan sales of Tmall on nov 11 2018 were generated in just 2 minutes and 05 seconds, according to real-time trading data from the event.


Figure1. 2011–2016 China`s e-commerce market transaction scale

According to data monitored by the China’s e-commerce research center, in the first half of 2016, the e-commerce of China transactions totaled 10.5 trillion yuan, up 37.6 percent year-on-year and up 7.2 percentage points., Among them, the B2B market transaction scale reaches 7.9 trillion yuan, and the online retail market transaction scale reaches 230 million yuan [5].

China's e-commerce economy has entered a new normal, with a steady growth rate. B2B continues to drive incremental new engine growth. Besides, national policy support and industrial chain reconstruction all promote B2B to enter the channel of rapid development. Obviously these numbers are something to be proud of and happy about for e-commerce platforms. But let's imagine, without the support of efficient computer technology, how can e-commerce platforms store such huge data? Thus, computer technology can ensure the establishment of e-commerce platform database and promote the normal conduct of e-commerce transactions.

From the data mentioned above, the relationship between computer technology and electronic commerce is very close, the development of computing, computer network makes electronic commerce in continuous progress, and the development of electronic commerce and continue to promote the development of computer technology. E-commerce is a new business model that integrates traditional resources and methods with computer information technology. The development of computer technology drives the development of e-commerce, and e-commerce is an intuitive embodiment of computer technology in business and a successful application example. Thus, the relationship between the electronic commerce and computer information technology is closely linked, electronic commerce and the further integration of computer technology not only can expand the application scope of computer technology, can provide powerful safeguard for the development of electronic commerce and service support, promote the safety and convenience of e-commerce activities. Based on this, it can be said that understanding computer technology for promoting the development of e-commerce is of great significance, but also understanding the computer technology in e-commerce can also promote the further evolution of computer technology from another aspect.

Table 1

Top 10 economies in the UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 2018

2018 rank


share of individual using the internet (2017 or latest)

share of individuals with an account (15+, 2017 or latest)

secure internet servers (normalized) (2017)

UPU postal reliability score (2017 or latest)

index value (2017 data)

index value change (2016–2017 data)

2017 index rank





























United Kingdom













































New Zealand

















From Table1, it can be seen that in the share of individuals using the Internet,both Norway and Ireland took the largest part, and each was 98 percent. And to a miracle, in all of Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, each individual have had an own account at that time. And Netherlands had achieved that each of its Internet server was secure. Besides, in Netherlands, the UPU postal reliability score was also high, even if Singapore and Ireland both made their UPU postal reliability score get full marks. As for the index value, Netherlands also ranked first place even though it declined 0.1 based on last year. And in 2017, the index of Netherlands ranked fourth place. From the data above, E-commerce has become the important constituent of current market economy, both in developed countries and in some developing countries, when e-commerce gets in response to the economic market, through its characteristics of low cost, high efficiency and openness, it not only greatly reduces the transaction costs and also creates more trade opportunities for national enterprises. As one of the leading countries in the e-commerce economy, Netherlands has an important guiding role in its development trend for other countries. No other market in the world can boast such high growth rates. Therefore, its prospect market is very considerable. Obviously these numbers are something to be proud of and happy about for e-commerce platforms. But let's imagine, without the support of efficient computer technology, how can e-commerce platforms store such huge data? Thus, computer technology can ensure the establishment of e-commerce platform database and promote the normal conduct of e-commerce transactions. From the data mentioned above, the relationship between computer technology and electronic commerce is very close, the development of computing, computer network makes electronic commerce in continuous progress, and the development of electronic commerce and continue to promote the development of computer technology.

E-commerce is a new business model that integrates traditional resources and methods with computer information technology. The development of computer technology drives the development of e-commerce, and e-commerce is an intuitive embodiment of computer technology in business and a successful application example. Thus, the relationship between the electronic commerce and computer information technology is closely linked, electronic commerce and the further integration of computer technology not only can expand the application scope of computer technology, can provide powerful safeguard for the development of electronic commerce and service support, promote the safety and convenience of e-commerce activities. Based on this, it can be said that understanding computer technology for promoting the development of e-commerce is of great significance, but also understanding the computer technology in e-commerce can also promote the further evolution of computer technology from another aspect.


To be honest, the Internet has become the representative of the development of science and technology in the 21st century which is of high efficiency, advanced, simple and easy to use. And it is a new pet of the field of information resources. It is speculated that there are thousands of Internet websites, covering various fields such as education, literature, entertainment, economy, business, scientific research and sports. The influence of these websites on our life is incomparable. Among them, e-commerce is the most promising field for the development of the Internet. It realizes the fast and convenient transaction and breaks the limitation of geographical regions, which greatly promotes the transformation of traditional business behaviors in the Internet field. As a kind of e-commerce, second-hand commodity trading fully embodies the characteristics of green and environmental protection of online trading. It aims to their own materials which will not be reused can be used again by others. And we can earn a fixed depreciation price by trading to the goods to more people in need, which has practical significance for the environmental protection cause. If there is a second-hand trading platform on campus, not only it can cultivate the virtue of thrift, but also can greatly reduce the costs of students. At the same time, the secondary use of textbooks and other teaching resources also represents the sharing of learning resources, which is very necessary. Therefore, it is very necessary for me to build a campus second-hand trading website to meet People's Daily needs, and the website we designed should provide users with more diverse, richer and more personalized services.


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  7. Zhou Qi Le.Application of computer technology in e-commerce [J]. Mall modernization, 2009(4): 157.
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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): JSP, HTML, JAVA, SQL, UPU, ASP, DBMS, HASH, ODBC, UNCTAD.

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A brief analysis of the application of micro class in surgical teaching

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Функциональная модель процесса «Хирургическое лечение»

Object of research. Public health is a field, where issues and outcomes of many other fields overlap, focus and are concentrated. High satisfaction level of patients depends on all those fields, also on high level of organization and management of th...

Comparison and analysis of website

This article reviewed the latest methods of assessment criteria that have been used in a variety of e-business services. In addition, it offers the general criteria for assessing the quality of any website, regardless of the type of services it offer...

Open data in civil engineering

Open data is information that anyone is free to use and distribute. Only one requirement is valid: to indicate the source of data and distribute it under the same conditions as the original. Open data, in particular the open government data is still ...

Wastewater management in Kabul (overview)

The present study pertains to the administration of the sewer and drainage infrastructure in the city of Kabul, which is anticipated to experience sustained population expansion. As per the recently proposed Master Plan, the urban populace is anticip...

Online-learning is a requirement of the time

The article is devoted to a theme of online teaching, which is one of the forms of distance classes conducting. Currently, the development of information and communication technologies in accordance with modern requirements requires timely changes in...

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