Spreading and ecologically assessment of molybdenum in the environment | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Spreading and ecologically assessment of molybdenum in the environment / Назим Телман Шамилов, С. Р. Гаджиева, Т. И. Алиева [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 14 (252). — С. 3-5. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/252/57740/ (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).

Molybdenum is one of the unique elements on the crust of the Earth. It is resistant to heat and corrosion; is used in the production of nickel-based melting. It is significant catalyst in the operations of oil processing.

Molybdenum stimulates biosynthesis of nucleic acids and albumens, increases the amount of chlorophyll and vitamins in plant organisms. It was determined that if there is no molybdenum in the food allowance of large horned livestock, it affects their development negatively. Distortion of molybdenum balance in human organism leads to the metabolic disorder and some hormonal disorders.

If there is deficiency of molybdenum in the plants, a large amount of nitrates are accumulated. The spots emerge in the old and middle-aged leaves, their edges, small veins lose their green color, and bright yellow spots emerge between the veins. Molybdenum is especially important for leguminous plants. Thus, they are accumulated in the stem bacteria on the roots of the legumes, so they caused to the development of the root.

Large doses of the molybdenum are rather poisonous for the plants. The excess amount of molybdenum creates spots in tomato leaves, makes the leaves of cauliflower threadlike. The amount of molybdenum is 0,000001- 0,00001 % (per weight) in the organisms of animals, and 0,8–1,0 mg in human organism (70 kg weight).

Molybdenum is mainly accumulated in liver, kidneys, internal secretion glands and skin. It is equally distributed between blood and plasma. It includes into the composition of xanthine oxidase participating in the regulation of exchange of urine acid, in the exchange of purines. It participates in the synthesis of B12 and E vitamins, oxidation-deoxidant processes. It prevents the development of caries in the teeth. Ammonium thiomolibdate (solved salt of molybdenum) is antogonist of copper and disrupts its utilization in the organism. Little dose of molybdenum in food products helps to neutralize the toxins (poisons), its large amount in the kidneys and food products causes to the emergence of anemia, podagra, endemic goiter (as well as in case of iodine deficiency), joint diseases, deterioration of the intestine.

Molybdenum enters to the surface water at the result of its liberation form exogenous materials holding molybdenum. Decrease of waste water of non-ferrous metallurgy, collapse of the hard-solved combinations as sediment, absorption process of mineral hangers can happen as a result of the demand of water plants. Molybdenum is mostly in the form of MoO42- in the surface water. It is more supposed that they are in the form of organic mineral complex. Probably, leakage of colloid forms is arisen from the fact of thin-dispersed combinations of oxidation products of molybdenite.

Molybdenum can be 2,1–10,6 mkg/dm3 in river water, 10 mkg/dm3 in seawater. Little amount of molybdenum is necessary for the development of the organisms of plants and animals. Molybdenum includes into the composition of xanthine oxidase ferment. During the deficiency of molybdenum the shortage of ferment emerges so that is reflected in plant organisms. Molybdenum in the high concentration is poisonous, that’s affects metabolism negatively. YVQ limit of molybdenum is 0,25 mkg/dm3.

As one of the biological active chemical elements molybdenum is of very significant biological and physiological importance, it plays great role in nitrogen exchange and synthesis of albumen substances, helps in assimilation of dissolved nitrogen, participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids. The amount of hydrocarbons, ascorbic acid, albumen substances, chlorophyll in plants and the intensity of photosynthesis increase by the effect of molybdenum. Molybdenum is an important element for plants. The amount of molybdenum in the plant varies in the interval from 0,0001 to 0,001 % (per weight). It is mostly accumulated in young, growing bodies (especially the tissues of the plants are rich in it). The reduction of nitrogen happens in the cells by the effect of ferments. Mo is included in the composition of these ferments.

Large doses of the molybdenum are rather poisonous for the plants. The excess amount of molybdenum creates spots in tomato leaves, makes the leaves of cauliflower threadlike. The amount of molybdenum is 0,000001- 0,00001 % (per weight) in the organisms of animals, and 0,8–1,0 mg in human organism (70 kg weight). Molybdenum is mainly accumulated in liver, kidneys, internal secretion glands and skin. It is equally distributed between blood and plasma. It includes into the composition of xanthine oxidase participating in the regulation of exchange of urine acid, in the exchange of purines. It participates in the synthesis of B12 and E vitamins, oxidation-deoxidant processes. It prevents the development of caries in the teeth. Ammonium thiomolibdate (solved salt of molybdenum) is antogonist of copper and disrupts its utilization in the organism. Little dose of molybdenum in food products helps to neutralize the toxins (poisons), its large amount in the kidneys and food products causes to the emergence of anemia, podagra, endemic goiter (as well as in case of iodine deficiency), joint diseases, deterioration of the intestine.

Currently the molybdenum is determined by various physical-chemical methods (spectrophotometry, AAS, K-S) in the environmental and industrial objects. The methods to determine the little amount of molybdenum in various natural and biological objects are very expensive and time-wasting. There is almost no ways (test-methods) that is simple, not requiring special equipment for the experiences of ecologists, agro-chemists and agro-technicians to determine the molybdenum in the desert condition.

It is required economically efficient, universal ways having high sensitivity, accuracy and selectivity to determine each chemical element and combinations so that one of the analysis methods meeting these requirements is spectrophotometry method. As colorful combination is the basis of any spectrophotometric method, search of new analytic reagents or enlargement of analytical opportunities of existing methods is always topical to determine the metal ions.

Sorption methods of liberation and condensation are widely used in the processing of mineral raw materials and technogenic waste, as well as in analytical practice to determine the necessary sensitivity and selectivity of most determination methods. Sorption analytic systems are considered extremely prospective with the application of chelating polymer sorbents. It is necessary to conduct systematic research to achieve optimal conclusion in each concrete case regardless of most common laws in the literature data on the sorption analytic systems created by using synthetic polymer sorbents.

To study the pollution rate of environment, to evaluate the quality of foods, determination of little amount of metal ions, especially molybdenum in the biological objects are currently topical issues. Having complicated composition of analyzed objects, being very little of the amount of determined micro-component sometimes complicate the analysis, sometimes make impossible to get reliable analysis results.

One of the prospective solutions of this problem is elaboration of combined analysis methods in which the initial sorption condensation stage includes. During then application of such methods it is possible to decrease the volume of the sample, to decrease the determination limit, to remove completely or to reduce significantly the effect of the background macro-components and consequently, to increase the repetition and sensitivity of the analysis, to reduce the preparation time of sample for the analysis.

Study and analytical application of sorption specifications of synthetic polymer sorbents holding chelating analytical groups in its composition in the liberation and selective concentration to increase the sensitivity during the determination of micro-amounts of elements.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AAS, K-S, YVQ.

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